
Why does it have to be Lucifer?

johnkenth_biscocho · Fantasía
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21 Chs

The hospital

At the hospital.

Lucifer sitting on the chair waiting for Pierce to get to the hospital after done with the crime scene.

Lucifer started to feel numb because he thinks that it's his fault why Detective was in the hospital. If only he followed her to the basement then maybe she is still safe.

while Lucifer was thinking all of this.

He heard a voice that sounded familiar causing Lucifer to lose his thought. then he turn around he see Pierce, Ella and Dan walking towards him. Ella rush to lucifer and hug him like a giant bear.

Are you okay buddy? Ella said with a sad face and caring voice.

"I'm fine but the detective is the one that you should ask" he said with a bit of fear and anger.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

'Hold up" ella said, then walkes away from lucifer (pick up the phone).

Hello... Yes... Ella said.

Pierce come close to Lucifer and said are you alright? with worry in his eyes. I'm fine ok but the detective is- Pierce stop lucifer

"I know but I can see that your not, don't you dare lie to me lucifer" He said with strong tone.

"Fine you want the truth" Lucifer answer, a bit piss.

Well if I was with her then she wouldn't be in the hospital, would she? trying to be angry.

"It's not your fault ok lucifer" Pierce said with strong but loving tone.

The the doctor came out.

Dan ask the doctor what's the news doctor? will she be okay?

The doctor explain that the bullet didn't really hit her heart so that a good sign. "But I can't give you any promises" The Doctor said.

Everyone was relief. Ella ask when will she be awake? with worry on his face.

I can't really say probably tomorrow or the dayafter that. The Doctor said.

Pierce said Can we see her?

"It's best if you let her rest for now" doctor said.

Pierce nodded. Then Ella interrupted the conversation and said "Me and Dan are needed back at the Police Department because of a new case" annoyed that she can't stay.

Pierce "ok, Ella and Dan go to the Police Department for the new case I will go with Lucifer because he a bit lost" pointing to lucifer not even caring about the conversation.

"ok lieutenant" Dan said.

Pierce nodded.

Both Ella and Dan wave and leave.

Pierce looking at Lucifer with a strange feeling in hist chest. but he brush it of because Lucifer needs him.