
392. Impunity

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Archmage's words were wise ones, but Baiyi knew that his troubles were far from over. After he left the palace and met with his students, Mia ran up to him and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, and looked into his eyes.

The little girl was in anguish, which was apparent from the tears brimming in her eyes. She seemed pained as she pursed her small lips and said, "After Big Sister Mar-Mar suddenly became so beautiful, she said that her and Mr. Hope had escaped from a place that was very cold, dark and terrifying. She said that the place was like hell. Also, she said that you all just want to live happily ever after and that she is your wife."

It sounded like a non-sequitur, but, at the same time, one could not help but wonder if Mia's last sentence was what she really wanted Biayi to shed some light on.