
Why can't I delete books


Whycanti · Ciencia y ficción
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Hello everyone! It's me, the lazy author who didn't update in more than a month! Yes I'm still alive XD.

I've come to you with an important announcement!

No, I'm not dropping the story. Well, you could say I'm dropping it, but not exactly. If you've read the afterwards of the 4th volume you'll now that I've been looking for a job. Sadly I've been unsuccessful in that endeavor and I'm now penniless. Covid was harsh on where I live, which wasn't the best of places to begin with. Added to that the unbearable heat and you'll have a shitty life.

Things aren't going good enough for me to continue doing this -writing- for fun. Because of that I've been trying to turn it into a fulltime job, which will probably be way harder than getting a normal job. Originally I wanted to make manga/comics however I had to give up on that for an obvious reason. But I won't give up on this. I really do love creating stories and it'll be a dream coming true for me to live from what I create.

I considered accepting the contract webnovel offered me even though I didn't see it very favorably. It comes with a lot of limitations and the payout isn't that good. Other similar sites are the same. This novel is my baby and I don't want to sell it for cheap. If I'm to earn something from it then I want to retain to rights to it.

I will be taking the ebook self publishing rout.

The first project will be this series (others are in the work). I will edit and rewrite some parts of it so it becomes the best version I could produce on my own with what little tools available to me at the moment. I will release it on Amazon to gather some funds and when I have enough I will begin working on illustrations (I say enough but all I need is about 200$ so let's hope I reach that goal very soon).

By the time this announcement is out the 1st volume, "last man on earth when there is no earth? Vol. 01: Stranded", should be live so I would appreciate if you check it out.

It will be an improved version of the first volume I released here with plot holes fixed and more details. Plus some side stories. Starting the second volume however the story will change a lot. I'm doing my best to increase the writing quality and improve the plot so it'll be worth reading.

The pricing for each book will be between 3 and 5$. The first is only 3$. By buying it you'll get way more content for your money than you'll get paying for locked chapters and with better quality as well. You'll also support me better than you'd have if the novel went premium on webnovel.

IF you're broke just like me then don't be alarmed. I will be releasing a few chapters every now and then, but it will be slow. I hope you'd understand.

I will also be deleting all existing chapters since they contain outdated lore, and I will be rereleasing the series as a new book so sorry to everyone who placed it in their in their library with the intention of reading it later.

To everyone who have read the story so far, thank you. It will take a while before I reach the latest point in the story once more, but I hope you'll pick it up again once I do (I would understand if you're unwilling to go back to the beginning but I would appreciate it if you do. I will work hard to make it worth the investment.)

The second volume will be out soon so look forward to that one as well. I hope you'll enjoy the story. I'll look forward to your continuous support. Thanks for reading.

Dmanga lover.