

A creature born in void to @#$??? He is above and beyond the concept of everything to nothing. He who is @#?? is gonna do many things which will be know as the legend of @#?? till [~]

Beyond_concept · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Am I me??? Or null??

In the vast endless void, where who know if there is end. A small creature was born. His eyes were close. The creature was like a human baby physically but his physics was way too strong than one. There is no concept of time in void, so after [~] time, that creature finally opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, the nine heavens were destroyed, all realms with countless worlds, stars and such others were also destroyed just by him opening his eyes.

His eyes were blue in color his blue eyes were too beautiful to say it in words. His eyes were too deep like endless pit where one may die with just a glance. He was like no one in the vast void every concept. His face was flawless. His hand were small but there was an indescribable destruction on it. As anywhere that small hands swing the concept itself was destroyed.

Although he looks like human but he was not. His race itself was unknown. He who was born in this void took millions of eternality to reach adulthood. He named himself after he watched the nine heavens for millions of eopns. He named himself as @#$???

After he was born , everything ,the void with every concept was destroyed but after endless time everything was again originated itself with the ???power found beyond the concept of everything. He gradually gained intelligence about everything in the concept and beyond it after he was born.

He was not sure about how he was born.As he knew everything in concept but he doesn't know anything about himself. He sometimes thinks of he was he or null?

(Author notes: 1 eternality = trillions of infinity

1 infinity = trillions of eopns

1 epon = trillions of era

1 era= trillions of years)

(Sorry if you feel bore this is my first time writing so please bear with me🤞🏻)