What would you do if your bestfriend gets murdered? Are you going to fight or stay still? But ken choose to fight and he is on mission to find the Terminator and get him under bar. Are you ready for adventure with Ken Tesco?
[S.M.High School, Monday, 10:15 am , Library.]
Miss Jane entered the Library . Everyone was settled by then, Hazel was very nervous . Suzy cme and sat exactly beside Hazel . Seeing Suzy sitting beside instead of getting more nervous she became confident . Now confidence was running through her each and every veins . As soon as she saw Suzy , Rose's words banged her brain , " ONLY YOU CAN SAVE YOURSELF ! " .
Miss Jane gave them answer sheet . Everyone in class was confused because according to their past year experience or participants who asked experienced participants Round 1 should be Multiple Choice Question but here definately there was some kind changes .
Suzy was distressed , " Miss what is this ? According to pattern it should be multiple choice question but here your are giving us a just blank sheet . I will make sure to report this to Principal Sir ! "
" Suzy right ! See that multiple choice question pattern was just a NUT LIKE YOU . So I decided to break nuts and test you all with some real stuff . Principal Sie himself told me to change the pattern as I wish still you can report and one more thing . If you are not eligible to express your self and lack some good skills then your destiny is definately outside the competition. " - Miss Jane .
Everyone started laughing at Suzy . This made her even more angry . " No ! I don't lack any skills and I can prove it !" - Suzy .
" So gather your self and make your seat warm , PROVE YOURSELF OKAY ! ." - Miss Jane . Another roar of laughter as taking a ride over the class . miss Jane raised her hand to silence the class . Everyone became quiet .
" Students ! we all are present here for the ROUND1 . This Round is hella simple . All you have to do is to express yourself , wrong or right just write what you feel . Many of you have illusions that ' 'MISS S.M. ' Title is for beauty or for some one who is beautiful but a real mess in actual life . This is not the case . The title is for someone who is defined to be confident with a good perspective of life and world . She should not be a ' SQUARE ' [ square=narrow minded ] She should be blunt in her thoughts and opinions and then definately promote and represent the school in inter school and lead to victory ! Fine Let's get started ! " - Miss Jane .
Everyone in class was feeling energetic now and was inspired by it . Miss jane miss definately a good speaker in general . " WHAT IS BEAUTY STANDARD ? EXPRESS IT WHETHER NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE . " - Miss Jane . " But you said that its not for beauty . This competition ... " - Suzy . " Yes it for checking What are you ? " - Miss Jane . " But... " - Suzy . " One more question you are out of this competition ." - Miss Jane .
Round 1 was over ! Hazel was happy because she was satisfied with her performance . Also Rose and Kate were in Joy .
[KABRA MANSION , 3:00 pm ]
Ken was not in his room but instead he was in Ivan's room . Today he was missing Ivan too much . He was feeling much better after going there . He felt recovered . He was about to leave his room until he found Ivan's Dairy on the study table . He took it and started reading . At the start Ken was feeling good reliving all their memories until he read something that gave him a headache . He took the dairy with him in his room and kept it in cupboard .
Ken then called Veron and Lucian on conference , " Hello ! Guys time to do some real work . I got some turbulence in the flow . Meet me at the ' THE GOOD BLOOMS CAFE ' at 5: 00 pm sharp , the one who comes late would be completely ignored for two days straight . " The called ended .