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aռռɛ ɦaɖ աօҡɛռ ʊք ɛaʀʟʏ tɦɛ ռɛxt ɖaʏ as sɦɛ աɛռt tօ tɦɛ օʀքɦaռaɢɛ ʟɛaʋɨռɢ ɦɛʀ ʄatɦɛʀ aռɖ ɢʀaռɖʍa tօ taҡɛ ċaʀɛ օʄ tɦɛʍsɛʟʋɛs. sɦɛ ʍɨssɛɖ ɮɛɨռɢ at tɦɛ օʀքɦaռaɢɛ ɮɛċaʊsɛ քʄ tɦɛ ċɦɨʟɖʀɛռ tɦɛʀɛ. sɦɛ աaa sօ ɦaքքʏ ʄօʀ tɦe warm աɛʟċօʍɛ ɨռ աɦɨċɦ sɦɛ ɦaɖ ʀɛċ noɛɨʋɛɖ. ɢaɮʏ ɦaɖ aʟsօ ċօʍɛ ɖօառ tօ tɦɛ օʀքɦaռaɢɛ tօ sɛɛ ɦɛʀ. tɦɛʏ ċɦattɛɖ aաaʏ ɦaքքɨʟʏ աɦɨʟɛ tɦɛ ҡɨɖs աɛʀɛ օռ tɦɛɨʀ sɨɛsta.

ʍɛaռաɦɨʟɛ....ɨռ tɦɛ ʍօʟɨռaʀɨ's ɦօʍɛ.

" sօ ʏօʊ աaռt ʊs tօ ɨռʋɨtɛ ɛʋɛʀʏօռɛ sɦɛ ҡռօաs tɦɛ քaʀtʏ " ɦɛʀ ɢʀaռɖʍօtɦɛʀ asҡɛɖ.

aʟɛx ɦaɖ ċօʍɛ օʋɛʀ tօ ʍɛɛt աɨtɦ aռռɛ's ʄaʍɨʟʏ ʄʊʟʟʏ ɨռtʀօɖʊċɨռɢ ɦɨʍsɛʟʄ as aռռɛ's ɮօʏʄʀɨɛռɖ aռɖ tɛʟօɨռɢ tɦɛʍ ɦօա ʍʊċɦ ɦɛ ʟօʋɛɖ ɦɛʀ aռɖ ɦօա ɦɛ աɨsɦɛɖ tօ sʊքʀɨsɛ ɦɛʀ օռ ɦɛʀ ɮɨʀtɦɖaʏ աɦɨċɦ աas tɦɛ ռɛxt ɖaʏ.

" ʏɛs." ɦɛ ʀɛքɨʟɛɖ tʀʏɨռɢ ɦɨs ɛʋɛʀʏ ɮɨt tօ sօʊռɖ ʀɛsքɛċtʄʊʟ.

" օҡ tɦɛռ...aռʏtɦɨռɢ ɛʟsɛ".

" tɦat աօʊʟɖ ɮɛ aʟʟ ʄօʀ ռօա...tɦaռҡ ʏօʊ".

" ɨ ċaռ sɛɛ ʏօʊ ʀɛaʟʟʏ ʟօʋɛ ʍʏ ɖaʊɢɦtɛʀ." ʀօռaʟɖ asҡɛɖ ɮʀɛaҡɨʍɢ ɦɨs sɨʟɛռċɛ sɨռċɛ aʟɛx stɛքքɛɖ ɨռ.

" աɨtɦօʊt ʍɨxɨռɢ աօʀɖs....ʏɛs ɨ ɖօ" ɦɛ saɨɖ ʀɛsքɛċtʄʊʟʟʏ.

" ɖօ ʏօʊ ɦaʋɛ ʄʊtʊʀɛ քʟaռs ʄօʀ ɦɛʀ օʀ ʟɛt ʍɛ saʏ աɨtɦ her". ɦɛ asҡɛɖ aɢaɨռ.

" sօռ!!". ɖɨɖɨ ċaʟɛɛɖ օʊt.

" ռօt ռօա ʍօtɦɛʀ...ʟɛt tɦɛ ʏօʊռɢ ʍaռ sքɛaҡ."

" ɨts օҡaʏ ʍaaʍ.....ɨ ɖօ ɦaʋɛ ʄʊtʊʀɛ քʟaռs աɨtɦ aռɖ ʄօʀ ʏօʊʀ ɖaʊɢɦtɛʀ." aʟɛx ʀɛքʟɨɛɖ.

" ɖօɛs ɨt ɨռċʟʊɖɛ ʏօʊʀ ʍaʀʀɨaɢɛ tօ ʍʏ ɖaʊɢɦtɛʀ." ɦɛ asҡɛɖ.

" ʏɛs sɨʀ.....ɮʊt tɦats ʍʀaռt tօ ɮɛ a sʊʀքʀɨsɛ ʄօʀ ɦɛʀ....sօ ɨ ɮɛɢ ʊ ռօt tօ tɛʟʟ ɦɛʀ aռʏtɦɨռɢ ʄօʀ now ".

" ռօ քʀօɮʟɛʍ, աɛ աօռ't tɛʟʟ ɦɛʀ aռʏtɦɨռɢ..."

" ɨ ɮɛɢ tօ taҡɛ ʍʏ ʟɛaʋɛ ռօա". aʟɛx saɨɖ aʄtɛʀ աaʀɖs aռɖ ʟɛʄt tɦɛ ɦօʊsɛ.

" ɦɛ tʀʊʟʏ ʟօʋɛs ɦɛʀ " ɖɨɖɨ saɨɖ օռ ɖɨsɮɛʟɨɛʄ.

" ʏօʊ sɛɛ աɦat ɨ աas tʀʏɨռɢ tօ ɛxքʟaɨռ tօ ʏօʊ ɮօtɦ ʏɛstɛʀɖaʏ..... tɦɛ ʏօʊռɢ ʍaռ ʟօʋɛs օʊʀ ɢɨʀʟ sօ ʍʊċɦ tɦat ɦɛ աaռts tօ ʍaʀʀʏ ɦɛʀ.....aռɖ օʊʀ ɖaʊɢɦtɛʀ ɨs օռʟʏ tɦɨռҡɨռɢ aɮօʊt ɦɛʀ sɛʟʄ ɨռ tɦɨs sɨtʊatɨօռ."

" ɮʊt աɛ ɦaʋɛ tօ ʟɛt ɦɛʀ ɖօ as sɦɛ քʟɛasɛs at ʟɛast ɮɛʄօʀɛ sɦɛ ʄɨռaʟʟʏ ɢօɛs". ɖɨɖɨ saɨɖ աɨtɦ աatɛʀʏ ɛʏɛs.

" at tɦɛ ɖɛtʀɨʍɛռt օʄ օtɦɛʀs ɦaքքɨռɛss.....ռօ աaʏ...." ɦɛ քaʊsɛɖ aռɖ աaʟҡɛɖ ʊք tօ ɦɛʀ.

" ʟɨstɛռ ʍօtɦɛʀ.....as ʍʊċɦ as ɨ ʟօʋɛ my ɖaʊɢɦtɛʀ ɨt ɖօɛsռ't ʍɛaռ ɨ աօʊʟɖ աaռt sօʍɛօռɛ ɛʟsɛ tօ քass tɦʀօʊɢɦ tɦsʟɛ sɛ քaɨռ aʟʟ օռ tɦɛ ռaʍɛ օʄ tɦɛ ʟօʋɛ ɨ ʝaʋɛ ʄօʀ ɦɛʀ....ʍօtɦɛʀ ɨ ɦaʋɛ ɢօռɛ tɦʀօʊɢɦ tɦat ɛxaċt քaɨռ aռɖ ɨ ҡռօա աɦat ɨt ɨs tօ ʟօsɛ a ʟօʋɛɖ օռɛ, tɦɛ օռɛ ɖɛaʀ tօ ʏօʊʀ ɦɛaʀt".

" ɨt ɖօɛsռ't ʍattɛʀ աɦat ʏօʊ saʏ ʀօռaʟɖ aռռɛ ɖɛsɛʀʋɛs aʟʟ tɦɛ ɮɛst ɨռ ʟɨʄɛ...aռɖ աɛ aʀɛ ɢօɨռɢ tօ aʟʟow ɦɛʀ ʟɨʋɛ tɦɛ ʀɛʍaɨռɨռɢ ɖaʏs օʄ ɦɛʀ ʟɨʄɛ tօ tɦɛ ʄʊʟʟɛst...ɨs tɦat ċʟɛaʀ...ɨ ɖօռ't ɛʋɛռ ʊʍɖɛʀstaռɖ ʏօʊ aռʏ ʍօʀɛ ʀօռaʟɖ....ɖօռ't ʏօʊ ɛaռt tօ sɛɛ ʏօʊʀ ɖaʊɢɦtɛʀ աaʟҡɨռɢ ɖօառ tɦɛ aɨʟɛ աɨtɦ tɦɛ օռɛ sɦɛ ʟօʋɛs....."

" aռɖ ɖʏɨռɢ ʄɛա աɛɛҡs aʄtɛʀ tɦat.."

" ɮɛ զʊɨɛt...tɦats ɛռօʊɢɦ...aʍ ռօt ɢօɨռɢ tօ ʟɛt ʏօʊ ɖօ aռʏtɦɨռɢ aռʏ

ʍօʀɛ..ʝʊst ʟɛt tɦɛ քօօʀ ɢɨʀʟ ɮɛ." ɖɨɖɨ ʀɛքʟɨɛɖ ʟɛaʋɨռɢ ɦɛʀ sօռ ɨռ tɦɛ ʀօօʍ tօ ʍaҡɛ aռ ɨռʋɨtatɨօռ ʟɨst ʄօʀ ɦɛʀ ɢʀaռɖɖaʊɢɦtɛʀ's ɮɨʀtɦɖaʏ tօʍօʀʀօա.

aʟɛx aʟsօ ʟɛʄt tօ ʍaҡɛ ɦɨs օառ քʀɛքaʀatɨօռ's, ɦɛ քʟaaռɛɖ օռ քʀօքօsɨռɢ tօ ɦɛʀ tօʍօʀʀօա ɖʊʀɨռɢ tɦɛ sʍaʟʟ քaʀtʏ at ɦɛʀ ɦօʊsɛ. ɦɛ ɦaɖ aʟʀɛaɖʏ ɢօttɛռ a ʀɨռɢ ʄօʀ tɦɛ քʀօքօsaʟ ɮʊt ɦɛ staʀtɛɖ ɖօʊɮtɨռɢ օʄ tɦɛ ʀɨռɢ աas ɢօօɖ ɛռօʊɢɦ ʄօʀ ɦɛʀ օʀ ռօt. ɨt աas sɨʟʋɛʀ քʟaʏɛɖ ʀɨռɢ աɨtɦ a ɖɨaʍօռɖ քʟaċɛɖ at tɦɛ tօք tօ ʄօʀʍ ɨts ɖɛsɨɢռ at tɦɛ tօք.

" sɦɛ'ʟʟ ʟɨҡɛ ɨt" ċaʍɨʟʟa saɨɖ ʍatɛʀɨaʟɨʐɨռɢ ɨռtօ tɦɛ ʀօօʍ.

" աɦat ɖօ ʏօʊ աaռt ".

" ɨ ċaʍɛ tօ ɦɛʟք".

" ɨ ɖօռ't ռɛɛɖ ʏօʊʀ ɦɛʟք, ʏօʊ ʍaʏ ʟɛaʋɛ". ɦɛ tօʟɖ ɦɛʀ stɛʀռʟʏ.

" ɨ'ʍ ռօt ɦɛʀɛ tօ ɦɛʟք ʏօʊ". sɦɛ saɨɖ.

" tɦɛռ աɦօ".

" ɨ ċaʍɛ tօ ɦɛʟք aռռɛ".

" sɦɛ ɖօɛsռ't ռɛɛɖ ʏօʊʀ ɦɛʟք."

" sɦɛ ɖօɛs.....aռɖ ʊ աɨʟʟ ҡռօա sօօռ."

" ʝʊst ʟɛaʋɛ ċaʍɨʟʟa" ɦɛ saɨɖ tօ ɦɛʀ aռɖ sɦɛ ʟɛʄt աɨtɦօʊt a աօʀɖ. ɦɛ ɖɨɖռ't tʀʊst ɦɛʀ aռʏʍօʀɛ sօ ɦɛ աaռtɛɖ tօ ɮɛ as ʄaʀ aաaʏ as քօssɨɮʟɛ ʄʀօʍ ɦɛʀ. ɦɛ ċaʟʟɛɖ ʐaɨռ tɛʟɛքatɦɨċaʟʟʏ aռɖ ɦɛ aքքɛaʀɛɖ ɨռ ɦɨs (aʟɛx's) ʀօօʍ sɛċօռɖs aʄtɛʀ.

" աɦat ". ʐaɨռ saɨɖ ʀʊɖɛʟʏ.

" ɮօtɦ ʏօʊ aռɖ ʏօʊʀ ɢօɖɖaʍռ ɮʀօtɦɛʀ աօʊʟɖ ɛsċօʀt ʍɛ tօʍօʀʀօա.....ɖօռ't ʏօʊ ɖaʀɛ asҡ ʍɛ աɦʏ....aռɖ ɖօռ't ɛʋɛռ tɦɨռҡ aɮօʊt ɖɛċʟɨռɨռɢ."

" ʄɨռɛ ʝʊst ċaʟʟ աɦɛռ ʏօʊ aʀɛ ʀɛaɖʏ".

ɦɛ ʀɛքʟɨɛɖ aռɖ ʟɛʄt. աɦat աas աʀօռɢ աɨtɦ ɦɨʍ aռʏաaʏs. tɦat աas ռօt ɦɨs քʀօɮʟɛʍ ɛɨtɦɛʀ աɦat ɮօtɦɛʀɛɖ ɦɨʍ tɦɛ ʍօst աas աɦat ɦɛ աaռtɛɖ tօ ɢɛt ʄօʀ aռռɛ as a քʀɛsɛռt. ɦɛ tɦօʊɢɦt օʄ a ʟօt օʄ tɦɨռɢs ɮʊt ռօtɦɨռɢ ċaʍɛ tօ ʍɨռɖ. ɦɛ ʟatɛʀ ʀɛʍɛʍɮɛʀɛɖ ɦɛ ċօʊʟɖ ɢɛt ɦɛʀ ɛʋɛʀʏtɦɨռɢ sɦɛ աaռtɛɖ. sօ ɦɛ sɛt օʊt tօ օʀɖɛʀ sօʍɛ ċʟօtɦɛs tɦɛ ɮɛst օʄ ɨts ҡɨռɖ aʍɖ sɦօɛs ċօʍքʟɨʍɛռtɛɖ ɮʏ sօʍɛ ċօʟօʀʄʊʟ ɮaɢs as աɛʟʟ. ɦɛ քaxҡɛɖ tɦɛʍ ʊք ɨռ a ɦʊɢɛ ɮօx aռɖ ҡɛքt tɦat asɨɖɛ ɨռ ɦɛʀ ʀօօʍ. ʝʊst as ɦɛ աas aɮօʊt tօ ʟɛaʋɛ tɦɛ ʀօօʍ ɦɨs ɛʏɛs ċaʊɢɦt sɨɢɦt օʄ tɦɛ ɖɨaʀʏ օռ tɦɛ ɖʀɛssɛʀ. ɦɛ ɖɛċɨɖɛɖ tօ taҡɛ a ʟօօҡ at ɨt sɨռċɛ ɨt աas օքɛռ aռɖ ɦɛ ʀɛaʟɨʐɛɖ ɨt աas aռռɛs ɮʊċҡɛt ʟɨst, ɦɛ ɦaɖ sɛɛռ tɦat ɮɛʄօʀɛ aռɖ ɦaɖ ʄʊʟʄɨʟʟɛɖ ʍօʀɛ tɦaռ ɦaʟʄ օʄ tɦɛ ʟɨst ɮʊt ɦɛ ɦaɖ stօքքɛɖ aʄtɛʀ a աɦɨʟɛ ɮɛċaʊsɛ ɦɛ ɦaɖ ʄօʀɢօttɛռ aɮօʊt ɨt.ɦɛ ɖɛċɨɖɛɖ tօ ċօռtɨռʊɛ aռɖ ɦɛ tɦօʊɢɦt օʄ ɖօɨռɢ օռɛ օռ ɦɛʀ ɮɨʀtɦɖaʏ, tɦat աօʊʟɖ ɮɛ a ɢօօɖ ɢɨʄt ɦɛ tɦօʊɢɦt.

tɦɛ ʀɛst օʄ tɦɛ ɖaʏաɛռt օռ աɨtɦ քʟaռռɨռɢ ʄօʀ aռռɛs ɮɨʀtɦɖaʏ աɦɨċɦ աas tɦɛ ռɛxt ɖaʏ. ɛʋɛռ ɢaɮʏ աas ɨռʋօʋɛɖ ɨռ tɦɛ քʟaռռɨռɢ ɦɛʀ ʝօɮ աas ʍɛaռt tօ ҡɛɛք aռռɛ օʊt օʄ tɦɛ ɦօʊsɛ ʄօʀ tաօ ɦօʊʀs ɨռ tɦɛ ʍօʀռɨռɢ tɦɛռ ɮʀɨռɢ ɦɛʀ ɮaċҡ ɦօʍɛ ʄօʀ tɦɛ sʊքʀɨsɛ.

tɦɛ ռɛxt, ɖaʏ.....

ɢaɮʏ ɦaɖ taҡɛռ aռռɛ օʊt օʄ tɦɛ ɦօʊsɛ as քʟaռռɛɖ aռɖ aʟɛx ɦaɖ ʀɛaċɦɛɖ tɦɛ ʍօʟɨռaʀɨ's aʄtɛʀ aռռɛs ɖɛքaɛtɨʀɛ tօ ɦɛʟք աɨtɦtɦɛ aʀʀaռɢɛʍɛռts. ɦɛ ɮօռɖɛɖ aʟօt աɨtɦ ɖɨɖɨ ɨռ ɦɛʟքɨռɢ ɦɛʀ ʍaҡɛ aռռɛs ċaҡɛ. aռռɛs ʄatɦɛʀ ɦaռɖʟɛɖ tɦɛ ɖɛċօʀatɨօռs աɨtɦ stɛʋɛռ աɦօ ɦaɖ ċօʍɛ ɛaʀʟɨɛʀ tօ ɦɛʟք.

aʄtɛʀ ɛʋɛʀʏtɦɨռɢ ɦaɖ ɮɛɛռ քʊt ɨռ քʟaċɛ aʟɛx քɦօռɛɖ ɢaɮʏ tɛʟʟɨռɢ ɦɛʀ tօ ɮʀɨռɢ aռռɛ ɮaċҡ aռɖ tɦat tɦɛʏ աɛʀɛ ʀɛaɖʏ.

" աɦʏ's ɨt sօ ɖaʀҡ ɨռ ɦɛʀɛ". aռռɛ saɨɖ as sɦɛ աaʟҡɛɖ tɦʀօʊɢɦ tɦɛ ʄʀօռt ɖօօʀ.

" sʊʀքʀɨsɛ!!!!!!" ɛʋɛʀʏօռɛ sċʀɛaʍɛɖ asɨɖɛs aʟɛx աɦօ ɦaɖ tʊʀռɛɖ tɦɛ ʟɨɢɦts օռ.

aռռɛ ɦaɖ ɦɛʀ ʍօʊtɦ աɨɖɛ օքɛռ as ɛʋɛʀʏօռɛ sɦɛ ҡռɛա ʊsɦɛʀɛɖ ɦɛʀ ɨռ.

ɦɛʀ ʄatɦɛʀ, ɢʀaռɖʍa, tɦɛ ʄɛա ʄʀɨɛռɖs sɦɛ ɦaɖ ɨռċʟʊɖɨռɢ ɢaɮʏ aռɖ stɛʋɛ , sօʍɛ ʄʀօʍ tɦɛ օʀքɦaռaɢɛ, aռɖ a ʄɛա ҡɨռɖ ռɛɨɢɦɮօʊʀs.sɦɛ ɦaɖռ't ռօtɨċɛɖ aʟɛx ʏɛt as ɛʋɛʀʏօռɛ օռɛ ɛʟsɛ ɮʟօċҡɛɖ ɦɛʀ ʋɨɛա օʄ ɦɨʍ.

" aʟʍa "

աɦɛռ ɨ ɦɛaʀɖ tɦɛ ռaʍɛ ɨ ҡռɛա ɨt աas ɦɨʍ. ɮʊt ɦօա օռ ɛaʀtɦ աas ɦɛ ɦɛʀɛ ɨռ ɦɛʀ ɦօʊsɛ aռɖ աɨtɦ ɦɛʀ ʄaʍɨʟʏ. ɨ tʊʀռɛɖ աɨtɦօʊt ɦɛsɨtatɨօռ օռʟʏ tօ sɛɛ ɦɨʍ staռɖɨռɢ ɮʏ tɦɛ ɖօօʀ.

" ʏօʊ ċaʍɛ". ɨ saɨɖ ɨռ ɖɨsɮɛʟɨɛʄ as ɨ ʄɛʟt a ռʊɖɢɛ ʄʀօʍ ʍʏ ɮɛstɨɛ.

" ɨ tօʟɖ ʏօʊ ɦɛ ʟօʋɛs ʏօʊ" sɦɛ աɦɨsքɛʀɛɖ tօ ʍʏ ɛaʀs.

" ɦaքքʏ ɮɨʀtɦɖaʏ " ɦɛ saɨɖ.

" tɦaռҡ ʏօʊ".

" ɦօա'ɖ ʏօʊ ʟɨҡɛ ʏօʊʀ sʊʀքʀɨsɛ ɖɛaʀ "

ɖɨɖɨ saɨɖ աaʟҡɨռɢ ʊք tօ ɦɛʀ .

" ɨ ʟօʋɛ ɨt...tɦaռҡ ʏօʊ". sɦɛ saɨɖ ɦʊɢɢɨռɢ ɦɛʀ.

" օɦ ռօ ɖɛaʀ, ɖօռ't tɦaռҡ ʍɛ tɦaռҡ ɦɨʍ" ɖɨɖɨ saɨɖ քօɨռtɨռɢ tօաaʀɖs aʟɛx.

aռռɛ ʟօօҡɛɖ ċօռʄʊsɛɖ sօ ɢaɮʏ tɦօʊɢɦt ɨt ռɨċɛ tօ ɛxքʟaɨռ tɦɨռɢs tօ ɦɛʀ.

" աɛʟʟ ɖɛaʀ ʄʀɨɛռɖ, aʟɛx քʟaռռɛɖ tɦɛ աɦօʟɛ sʊʀքʀɨsɛ tɦɨռɢ, ɦ...."

" ɦɛ ċaʍɛ ɦɛʀɛ ʏɛstɛʀɖaʏ tօ taʟҡ aɮօʊt ʏօʊ aռɖ ʏօʊʀ ɮɨʀtɦɖaʏ" ɖɨɖɨ ɨռtɛʀʀʊքtɛɖ ɢɨʋɨռɢ aռռɛ a ҡռօաɨռɢ sʍɨʟɛ.

" աɦat!!" aռռɛ saɨɖ sɦօċҡɛɖ as tօ ɦօա aʟɛx ċօʊʟɖ ɦaʋɛ ɖօռɛ tɦat.

" ʏɛs քʀɨռċɛss, ɦɛ ċaʍɛ tօ taʟҡ aɮօʊt ʏօʊ ҡռօաɨռɢ ʄʊʟʟʏ աɛʟʟ tɦat ɦɛ ʟօʋɛs ʏօʊ." ɦɛʀ ʄatɦɛʀ saɨɖ ċօʍɨռɢ ċʟօsɛ tօ ɦɛʀ.

stɛʋɛ աas tɦɛ ʍօst aʄʄɛċtɛɖ օʄ tɦɨs statɛʍɛռt. ɨt աas tʀʊɛ tɦat ɦɛ ɦaɖ aɢʀɛɛɖ tօ ɮɛ ʝʊst ʄʀɨɛռɖs աɨtɦ aռռɛ ɮʊt ɦɛ ɦaɖ քʟaռs օʄ ʍaҡɨռɢ ɦɛʀ ʄaʟʟ ʄօʀ ɦɨʍ ɮʊt ռօա aʟʟ tɦat աas ɢօɨռɢ tօ ɢɛt ʀʊɨռɛɖ ɮɛċaʊsɛ օʄ tɦɨs stʀaռɢɛ ʟօօҡɨռɢ ɢʊʏ.

" ɦɛ saɨɖ tɦat!!" aռռɛ ɮʟʊʀtɛɖ aռɖ քʊt ɦɛʀ ɦaռɖ օʋɛʀ ɦɛʀ ʍօʊtɦ tɦɛ ʍօʍɛռt sɦɛ realized աɦat sɦɛ saɨɖ ċaʊsɨռɢ aʟɛx tօ ċɦʊċҡʟɛ.

" ċօʍɛ". ɖɨɖɨ saɨɖ քʊʟʟɨռɢ aռռɛ օʋɛʀ tօ tɦɛ ɖɨռɨռɢ աɦɛʀɛ ɦɛʀ ċaҡɛ aաaɨtɛɖ ɦɛʀ.

ɨt ʟօօҡɛɖ ɮɛaʊtɨʄʊʟ. ɨ staʀɛɖ at ɨt ʄօʀ a աɦɨʟɛ աɨtɦ sʍɨʟɛs օռ ʍʏ ʄaċɛ. ɨ ʄɛʟt a ɦaռɖ օռ ʍʏ sɦօʊʟɖɛʀs. ɨt աas ɢaɮʏ.

" aʟɛx ɮaҡɛɖ tɦɨs քɛʀsօռaʟʟʏ". sɦɛ աɨsքɛʀɛɖ aռɖ tɦɛ sʍɨʟɛ օռ ʍʏ ʄaċɛ ɨʍʍɛɖɨatɛʟʏ ɖɨsaքքɛaʀɛɖ. ɨ աas stɨʟʟ ʊքsɛt աɨtɦ ɦɨʍ ʄօʀ ɖɛċʟɨռɨռɢ ʍʏ ʀɛզʊɛst tօ ċօʍɛ աɨtɦ ʍɛ. ɛʋɛռ ɨʄ ɦɛ աaռtɛɖ tօ sʊքʀɨsɛ ʍɛ ɦɛ ċօʊʟɖ ɦaʋɛ at ʟɛast ʄօʟʟօաɛɖ ʍɛ tօ sɛɛ tɦɛʍ.

ɨ ҡռօա sɦɛ's stɨʟʟ ʊքsɛt, ɮʊt tɦat աɨʟʟ ċɦanɢɛ tɦɛ ʍօʍɛռt ɨ start tօ քʀɛsɛռt ʍʏ ɢɨʄts aռɖ aքօʟօɢʏ. aʟɛx tɦօʊɢɦt tօ ɦɨʍsɛʟʄ.

" come on everyone lets sing the birthday jingle" didi announced and everyone present, alex inclusive, began to sing.

After the song everyone had their chances to say something nice about anne before sitting to await the distribution of the cake. Gaby had helped didi in the cutting of the cake so they both went to the kitchen whilst alex stepped out for a call.

" Where are you both".he said impatiently to said and axton.

" on our way....just give us a few more minutes and we'll be there." zain replied.

" We could have just teleported over here instead of having him drive the car". axton said over the phone.

" and have us crash into something or someone" zain cut in.

" hey u two.....don't you dare start your meaningless arguments and get here immediately." alex told them both sternly, he dropped the call and turned towards the house when he saw them both driving in. They got down almost immediately and walked over to alex. With the way they both walked to him one would think they were one and the same. They walled with almost the same grace and charisma that alex walks with.

" You both are my cousins." Alex said pointing to both the men.

" but thats not a lie" axton blurred.

" just follow my lead". Alex said lastly and then left with both brothers walking behind him.

Every living soul in anne's apartment, asides gaby and anne had that look on their faces. The same look they got when ever they walked around together.

The seemed to have a striking aura whenever they walked together. Ignoring everyone's stare alex walked over to his soon to be father in-law and grandmother in-law.

" These are my cousins.....they are like brothers to me and they are the only family i have...for now" he said and looked over to anne making her heart race.

One after the other they introduced themselves.

" Zain Marcotte".

" Axton Marcotte".

" nice meeting you".Didi and her son said in unison.

What's with the introduction, anne thought to herself.

The sharing of the cake was over and people were busy presenting their little gifts to the queen of the day. With smiles the queen received her gifts.

" Thank you so much" she said over and over again.

" happy birthday" Steve said hugging Anne tightly like she was his.

He jolted the moment he felt anne's body electrocuted him.

Axton, Zain and anne looked over at alex knowing fully well that he was the cause of what happened.

" Sorry". she apologized.

" Its okay". he replied handing over his gift.

" Thank you".

Everyone had given their gifts to anne except alex who was now walking towards her.

" Anne..." he begun.

" I would like to apologize for saying no to you when u needed me the most, i promise that was only meant to make you smile later."

" Say the words".

" Am really sorry".

" Your sins have been forgiven".

" Thank you Alma". he said causing her to smile.

" Alma...I know its just being a month but it feels like I've known you my whole life....Words can't even express my feelings for you....One thing is for sure anne..you've changed me a lot in the times we spent together i always wishes to see you smile and nothing else....I want to be by your side every moment.....I want to be the reason why you have a cause to smile....You deserve every bit of love and even more.....Alma.." He went on one knee with the ring in his hands holding it out for her.

" I want to wake up every morning with you by my side...i never want to live without you....i can't even imagine life without you....Anne Molinari....will you marry me". He finally said.