
I’m I the victim?

Blood splashed on the wall Middle Aged men with slashes through there necks layed on the ground silver/mc a 40 year old man with the assassination group blood red his Mission was complete it time to go his his next mission silver was now on his way to his next mission the higher ups gave him as the plane was in the say


The plane exploded silver found him self in a dark place

Silver-what is going on have died I'm a realy gonna die like this my redemption is not complete! I can't go yet i must now who did this to me!?

And then a realisation hit him

Silver-that was the private plane blood red gave me for my mission did they realy betray me after all I did for them how could they traitors I guess this is what I derserve my

Hand are stained blood red

this is a starter for plot so it was not long I will try hard next chapter can you guys give me your thoughts and things that need to be changed

Miicaad_Kingcreators' thoughts