
Who is that woman??

martha_what539 · Real
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2 Chs

Chapter two - Different person??

The next day in the town of Angel's Haven every person saw the same woman they didn't know who she was what her name was if she was human or not.

They practicality knew nothing about her all they knew was that she's an famous actress in Angel's Haven this town.

People of Angel's Haven knew that this woman wandering in the town was no human being.. they never really discovered of what she is.

But when Alec and a few of his co-workers came to the town of Angel's Haven to see the woman that kept on entering each and every town and city.

One of them shouted so loud that a mother with her four year old daughter walking side by side the woman gasped and covered her daughter'a ears.

"Mia, let's get a move on. Ignore those people."

The woman said to the single mother who nodded her head as the three of you left and got to your car putting the four year old daughter in her seat buckling her up.

"Mama! Look! They're following us!"

Amy said with a slight nervousness in her tiny but cute voice as Mia looked behind to see those same people in the guy's car after the navy blue car with tinted windows as dark as everything else.

But the mother then looked at you as you sped your pace up with driving and ended up in a secret alleyway staying there when those few gave up.

Not being able to see the navy blue car. Alec with his female co-workers were still looking all around for the color car not finding it anywhere in Angel's Haven and they returned back.

"Mama? They left!"

"Amy, sssh. Please. Mama doesn't want to end up in prison.. can you do that for me baby?"

"Yes, mama."

Amy said in a whispered voice as quiet as she was supposed to be when Mia looked over to you as you sighed a deep breath you held in for a while.

"Jane? What's going on?"

Mia asked you as you sighed again looking at both four year old Amy asleep and single mother Mia who looked a bit worried.

"Mia, relax. They won't be able to find us here in the alleyway. Remember?"

Mia looked at you with a shaky sigh as she went on her phone seeing that her ex-husband was calling her on and on.

She saw the messages he's sent to her.

Private message with Mia

James Clinton: Mia, is our daughter okay? I heard on the news about this Alec in Aqua Vista. Please becareful out there he works for the government..

Mia Anderson: We're both fine. She's asleep in the back seat, remember Jane's with us she'll take good care of us. I miss you.

Mia sent a text back to her ex-husband. Yes, they divorced when Amy was one years old even if things were tight between the parents after the divorce they never thought they'd miss another.

Jane could tell that Mia misses her ex-husband even if he's Amy's father she loves and misses him a lot.. now she's gotta run away with Jane and Amy from the governments workers Alec and his co-workers.

"Mia, I know you miss him. But this is your choice, yes you have to run away from the government from them trying to you back in prison."

"I.. I can't go back or Alec will put me back in prison after what I did in my past. Jane, I don't know what to do or what to think anymore-"

"I know, just listen carefully when we arrive in our next destination you can call him and have sex over your phone call with him. How does that sound?"

Mia looked at you in surprise as she smiled and gave you a big hug knowing you smiled back.

"Thank you!!"

Mia said to you with a big smile on her face as she thanked you so many times when you continued driving to the next town destination to stop at a hotel.

In the town of Autumnvale you parked in a secret parking lot at the hotel of Autumnvale the three of you got out you locked your car and went inside to get the room key.

"Miss Jackson, it's a pleasure to see you again! Here's your room key."

"Thank you dear, we'll be stsying for a few nights before heading back on the road."

When the three of you got to your room swiped it with the key card then pushed the door open Amy immediately went to the bathroom quickly.

While Mia and Jane was sitting on the bed. As Mia texted her ex-husband Cameron Henderson and Mia then saw he called as she answered her phone.

A/N: the hotel room they got has three bedrooms one main bedroom for Jane Jackson the other having one single bed for Mia and the last having a single bed for Amy.

"Hey Cameron, how's everything?"

"Good! How is Amy?"

"She's doing alright, trying to process through everything that Jane's telling her about her mommy that went to prison."

"Yeah, they're looking for you still. So what did you call for?"

"I miss you. I want to have sex over the phone. Please?"

"Sure, are you in the same room?"

"No, just went to the single bedroom."

"Ah, I see. Well if you want to make love with me close and lock the door. Remember our times baby."

"I'm getting too excited Camy, already done."

"Good, now try thinking of me."

During the phone call with your ex-husband you peeled your jeans off and threw them onto the ground and massaged your pussy with one hand as you groaned.

"Love your voice, man.. I miss you bad Mia. I still love you even if we divorced."

"Mmmgg~ ye-yeah! Aghh! I'm cumming-"

"Did you cum in your panties?"

"Ye-yeah! Oh fuck.."

When you peeled them off and pushed the vibrator into your pussy hole and put the speed on low Cameron heard how much you groaned and moaned.

You took your shirt off and your bra shaking your breasts as you put your phone between your legs and moaned loudly.

"Mia? Are you that horny? Do you need to face time me?"

"Pl-please~ oh fuck! I-I'm cummi- aghhhh! Cameronnn!"

When you face timed him and put your camera on to see how he looked at your body and whistled as he caught your attention to make you look at him.

"C-c-cameron~ I-I-I'm cummin- nnngh~"

"Love your moans baby, cum for me. Damn love the view of your fat pussy. Cum."

"Nnnghhh~ agghhhh! Mmmn~ daddy!"

When you cummed all over your hand you fell on your back as Cameron was jerking off to your moans as you giggled.

"Camy, are you jerking off to my voice?"

"Yes my love, I missed hearing you being my whore. Fuck.. I want to put another baby in you."

"Where are you now?"

"Nearby the hotel."

"Of Autumnvale?"

"Yeah, I'm on the way."

When he went in and greeted Jane and his daughter then he went in to see you were splayed out on the bed ass in the air waiting.


"I'm here."

He closed and locked the door again to rub your pussy hole deep and rough to hear your delighted moans as he put your wedding ring back on.

"I missed you, fuck I love you."

That night Cameron Henderson and Mia had loving sex all night long in her room going rough and at a very very fast speed.