

She is… A women. And not only. She is more than can be. And less that going to be.

God has a calling for her.

For you.

Dear women of God, God has a calling. You are called by God. You may not know it. You may be blinded by your wishes [not realised] and frustrating because of absence of visible results. But it's a question of time.

God has a purpose. He has called you higher.

You may not see the feedback you want to. You may not see followers. People may not hear you. But it's not so important, because God who in you will accomplish it by Himself. You don't know to make something special. He will make everything by Himself. In the right time.

You may be too obsessed and overwhelmed with thoughts: when it will be? You may think: 'I am tired of waiting. Nothing changes. My life is so not valuable, not precious at all. I haven't done nothing for Him. I try every day so hard'. But He sees. He sees your soul, He knows your purpose. He knows your pure desire to serve and be visible. Let Him be visible through so much as it even possible. And He will give you reward. He will accomplish you dream [that have been given by Him]. He will make you countable.

You don't need to do something special. Just, like… Enjoy your life. And be who you want to be. Whom He has programmed you to be.

Because you are already in eternity. You can just enjoy like life. Your life and way are so special! You may see it now. You may not believe in pictures [of future] Hod has given you. But it will be. No matter: believe you in it or not.

And nothing can stop it. Your calling can't be taken from you. Nothing can stop it. Nothing and nobody can stop Gods calling for your life. By their tries to make it, they only push you closed. You are anointed to be successful. You are called to hear Gods words into your life through the best people and high companies. God has anointed you to be big. He has given you exactly what you need to accomplish it.

And you may have tried to archive it so hard. So hard that you forgot how powerful you are. And how strong God is. And that everything is possible through Him. And people may not believe. It doesn't matter. You are anointed for big. For success.

You are here to build future.

God will move through you. By Himself. You may not notice it. Not feel. Not He does.

You may not know the feedback you put into people. You make not see your influence. You may not know the decisions people make under your works.

You are powerful. More than you [think you] are. God has created you to be a woman. His woman.

And He has given your enough gentleness and strong energy vibe in the same time to accomplish it.