
Who is Mei Ling and Chu Sheng?

Who is Mei ling or Chu Sheng? Is a novel/manga written by the author TIm. The story focuses on a female young adult, Mei Ling also known as Chu sheng does have a large mysterious history, one is her name. She was born and was given her name “Chu sheng” due to her father's mental state and the fall down of her family business career, she had no choice to change her name to her mother maiden name “Mei Ling”. Her mother, who passed away after giving birth to Chu sheng. Chu sheng known as Mei ling survived her school years without anyone knowing her past life. As time grows, Mei ling(Chu sheng) gradually grows into an independent person, cold hearted, emotionless, heartless and someone who doesn’t care in the world.

TIm · Adolescente
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1 Chs

Chapter one: Roosted I

The bell rang, students gushed out of the door like hungry wolves, but I, Mei Ling, sat in the classroom, tapping my middle finger on my cheeks, waiting for someone to escort me to the principal's office. "Rubbish, what could I believe?", Damn it, those two are arguing again, Mr. Ballot and Mrs. Wisconsin. Since Papa got mental illness and had to stay in the hospital, Mr. Ballot has been incharge of me. Most of the time, I hate Mr.Ballot and his reckless son, Mickey and always had to deal with their presence. Tsk. The teacher opened the door and allowed me in, Mr.Ballot was pleased to see me, but to ever think this was all an act, acting like a sweet caring uncle but actually was a devil inside feeling disgust. I chuckled. Mrs. Wisconsin brought out my test results, at first I imagined myself brewing hot coffee and buying mint strawberry cake with chocolate fudge on it, it was the best, but the imagination didn't last long. Mrs. Wisconsin gave the test papers to Mr. Ballot, "Do you believe now seeing the test results", Ballot flipped every paper handed to him with a look of disgust. He smacked my face with the papers, "well that hurts" I said with an emotionless face, Ballot apologized for his mistakes and promised to hire a new tutor for me. According to the words, the current tutor is not doing his job correctly, hardly someone could believe that. Mrs Wisconsin sighed and let us out, following behind Mr.Ballot, I looked up and noticed what I would get.. With a deep sigh, I smiled coldly.

We got to the parking lot, Mr. Ballot entered his car locking every door so I couldn't enter. He drove off. I smiled happily and stride on the opposite to my original home.. Yes, I am not living with Mr.Ballot and his son but I work as a maid every wednesday and sunday to earn money, additionally I go to work on saturdays to earn more money than getting paid from my father's enemy.

I opened my apartment door, meeting Mickey lying on the couch, watching his favorite sports and messing my living room. "Your tv is small" Mickey groaned, Mickey is presently 7 years old, yep, Just a kid that acts like a buffoon. "我靠" I mumble. He stared at me, "What did you say" He questioned, I ignored his presence and continued in my room. 诅咒你, Mickey,"당신과 당신의 가족을 저주" I mumbled leaning my back at my door. "Meeiii, I am starving. Come serve me dinner foolish girl. Don't keep me waiting unless I will tell dad you are mistreating me" Mickey yelled angrily.

I wanted to murder him but sometimes I think it not the right time after all Papa is still in the hospital for mental state people. Just this once. Mickey complained about my food and yelled for trying to poison, he wasn't wrong, I did add a little poison to his food, he had luck. I raised my middle finger up in the air, he was in pause for a moment, I patted his back and smiled carefully, "Why did you request for me for dinner, you are rich. Could have ordered food, 屌絲 " I whispered into his ears. He was still in pause, I smiled gently. "A 7-year old boy like you, you are a total 屌絲(Loser), such a pity your father and mother didn't let you face reality. Still dreaming about you becoming the next future successor when you can't go potty by yourself" I said unpleasantly, smiling in dark. I do blame the parents for everything, the little kid doesn't even know what life truly is, such a sorrow. I walked into my dark basement, turning on the lights, I felt uncomfortable. My parents' luggage is still here. I walked down the stairs, reaching for my mama's portraits, I don't know who she was honestly, all I heard was that she was a great woman. I lost her during childbirth, after my birth, she was gone. She probably would have been a great mother if she was still alive. I returned the portraits back to their original place. Papa still had the jacket I made for him when I was just 5. Then I had emotions, but now that everything is lost, I am the only one left alone to survive this life.

Crash, sound upstairs. I woke up and ran up. Mickey was standing beside my Tv, glass shattered, I got furious. I pulled out a knife and was ready to stab him, he was terrified, shaking, I cooled down. I called his mother, Mrs.Ballot that Mickey was ready to go home, Mrs. Ballot replied. I grabbed his hand, and pulled him into the bathroom.... My Tv broke and so did my glass plant. I was just furious, I cleaned the entire living room and my broken Tv, I threw it in the trash, my $24,500 Tv. There was a sound at the door, without hesitation, I dragged Mickey to the front door and gave him to his bodyguards, They looked confused. I grabbed the tiny knife in my pocket and placed it on one of the body guards neck.


They finally left. Every time that asshole comes to my home, there is always trouble and mess, again his parents would blame me for kicking him out. although , I don't feel bad about having to be scolded by Mr and Mrs. Ballot, it actually makes me laugh, their angry expression burst me into laughter. So, I have no tv and no phone. Tomorrow is school, I have detention for failing classes. I planned on going to school differently, maybe I should get my nails done and buy more clothes, I do have enough money…. I wore my flip flop, grabbed my jacket and head outside. There is a nail salon near my house, and it's cheap. Don't think because their cheap means that they don't know how to do nails. One of my favorites about the nail salon is that they speak korean and chinese and their shop is neat, very rare… Ding.

"어서 오십시오 Ha Rin's nails" a woman said warmly, I gave her a frown, she reacted in a surprised way. A woman walked out of a room, "Ha, Mei. 新指甲"

"是" I replied back. "难得见到你.你最近好吗" the woman replied. "지난번에 들었지만 당신은 주변에 없었습니다. 사실 저는이 근처의 슈퍼마켓으로 향하고있었습니다." I answered back straightforwardly, the girl that greeted me was looking at us with a confused look, she seems older than me or probably the same age. "Sia, this is Mei Ling, she is a very rare guest. I know the first time you met her, she was kind of rude", the girl actually nodded. "Sorry, Mei is very complicated at times". Oh, probably wondering who was talking, yeah. Her name is Ha Rin, her english name is Summer, she is 36 years old, married of course and a warm, gentle, at times stubborn but she is actually calm. "Mei, 让我们开始吧".

I will later put the translation of Chinese and Korean words in part 2 of the chapter.