
Who Is He, Really?

A mighty empire that has only recently joined the world stage as a it rose to power through the power of the current emperor, with his innovative ideas and tactics as well as his strength that made his enemies quake in terror. The youngest prince who was destined to have a cozy position, who wouldn't have to deal with the burden of paving his own path as the youngest, as his older sibilings would have already paved before him. But that isn't the case as during his awakening of becoming a Elementalist, he awakened with a unprecedented level of talent. Along with that he gained the envy of his half sibilings, and now has to endure the expectations and or schemes of his peers, his parents, and the other powers who stike interest in such a rough gem. As he gets closer to achieving what the people around him expect of him, he starts questioning those around him as things get uncovered one by one. Kurao starts to wonder if the people around him are really who they claim to be?

UnambiguousColor · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
44 Chs

Time Passes

A few months have passed since Kurao's assassination attempt which changed his perspective on what type of influence and preception, his talent really has. 

During this time, he has also been preoccupied with filling his mana source so he can break through to try and strengthen himself to increase his strength so he wouldn't be in that position again.

Though he has had more break throughs and even faster then most, he still had a few years before most in his age group even awaken. 

Even then he wanted to get stronger not for the sake of competing with the other random youths, but to show his close family and in particular his father how valuable he would be to work beside him whether that be in planning, development, war, or even politics. That is also the reason he didn't kick up much of a fuss when he was engaged with the Vaefir Princess cause he could guess that his father must've had a reason.

Currently he was seated in his room with his legs crossed over one another, on his desk was a box filled with shiny light blue stones that gave a ethereal glow.

He stared at the box with elation as he picked up one of the stones from the box, picking it up he instantly felt the sense of tranquility come over him. Kurao felt as if he could peacefully go to sleep if he closed his eyes at the moment.

'It was very difficult to get my hands on 20 kilos of Peak-Grade Mana Stones and a pain to convince Aunt Vayla, but with this and with the rest of the High Grade stones that should be arriving soon I should be able to hopefully reach Mana Sensing Stage 3.'

Getting himself in a comfortable position Kurao starts to direct the mana from the stone to his source.

'Peak Grade really is a massive difference from the feeling a High Grade gives, its like day and night.'

'This feeling of mana high density mana going into my mana source feels so addictive.'

He paused for a moment,

'I don't know if I should feel scared as I don't know if I can even try lower grade stones like Mid or Low after having the experience of using this.'

'But I don't think I need to worry I can get my hands on more if I really need them...' 

Absorbing the mana from within the stone and transferring it into his mana source was a process that he savored as it was a cheat like way to advance faster at record speeds. 

After spending a few hours with it in his hands he let out a long breath of cold air that expelled out as he stared back down at the now glass like stone that was practically see through now

and no longer sensing the overwhelming amount of tranquility from the stone as he did before.

Kurao threw the glass stone back letting it stack with the couple other empty glass stones that were in a box. Looking over at the box, he briefly looks at the night stand as he delves into thought.

'I probably would've already been at Stage 3 if it wasn't for the fact I was obsessing over that stupid book. I kind of regret not taking Aunt Vayla's advice...' 

He sighed while looking over at his night stand with a hateful look. Shaking his head he then proceeded to get up to picked up another stone from the box. 

Just as he got himself into a comfortable position to start the mana transferring process a knock at his door made him stop his actions as switched his attention to the door.

Getting up he walks over to the door slightly annoyed to whatever it was that was interrupting his mana training, as he was going to answer the door, the door opened before he could reach it revealing a beautiful woman with enchanting hazel brown eyes and waist length dark purple hair standing at 179 cm.

Giving Kurao a affectionate look as she instantly pulled him into a hug before he could react.

"~Oh how I missed you my Little Kurao!" She said hugging the boy tightly to her chest smothering him.

After a moment Kurao managed to separate himself from her and was slightly surprised by her sudden appearance. 

"Aunt Vayla when did you get back?"

Since the last time he saw her was after his assassination attempt where she comforted him a bit about the whole ordeal while coddling him while he hung out with both her and Elyse to recuperate over the 'traumatic' experience. 

During that time he was feeling a bit awkward staying in her company for the fact that she was the birth mother of Soleil and the one he was sure of being being behind his attempted assassination leaving his conscience cloudy. Of course she thought it was because he was a bit shaken after the assassination attempt, and after seeing he was still in the state decided to give him a bit of space.

 Making that decision she said she wouldn't be back for a while since she had some important business to do in Bryhorn Kingdom giving Kurao also the time organize his thoughts.

"I got back a few days ago trying to recover the travel from Bryhorn, and I came over as soon as I recovered to check how you were doing."

She looked down at him for a moment of brief silence between them, she then crouched down to get to his height as she grabbed his hand.

"Are you okay, have you been doing well?" She worried if he was okay, since this was also the longest she has been away from both Kurao and Elyse.

"I fine, but I am glad you are back I know Elyse has missed you a lot." Kurao said detaching himself well tidying up the room while Vayla was watching his actions.

"You didn't mention yourself does that mean you didn't miss me?" Vayla gave a sad look as making it look as if she was going to cry at any second.

Seeing this act Kurao shook his head knowing that she was probably half joking, but it also hurt him a little to see her act that way. 

Kurao walks over and buries his head into Vayla's chest hugging her waist before looking up at her.

"I missed you Aunt Vayla." He then quickly detached himself as if he didn't act concerning trying to look as if he didn't act non-princely before going back to tidying up the room moving the boxes and such.

Vayla smiled at the boy seeing him move around without the awkward expression she experienced before she left. Leaning against the open door she decided to tell him the other reason she was here.

"I came here to also inform you that your tutor has arrived and is now waiting for you in the training hall."

"You could've just had one of the maids inform me Aunt Vayla." Kurao stopped in his cleaning process and looked at her weirdly. 

"Aww~ But I haven't seen you in months little Kurao so when Husband gave me the news I decided I would go inform you myself. Why, are you to big to be informed by your Aunt Vayla? I am so hurt how could you treat your favorite step-mother so coldly!" Vayla playfully said as she held her chest.

"Aunt Vayla don't look to much into it, I didn't mean it like that." Kurao scoffed as he put away the box of mana stones while moving to the dresser to put on more presentable clothes. 

"It's okay little Kurao, but the reason I came here is cause I heard you forbade servants from having access to this floor." She understood that he was a bit more cautious after the whole event and took more precaution when it came to things relating to people. 

Kurao paused when he heard her reason and mentally slapped his head for asking the stupid question as he gave a nod to Vayla.

She gave a lone smile before she decided to crack a teasing smile, "Well I guess its a shame, you now won't be able to wake up to observe all those cute maids that roam the hallways~" 

Kurao didn't even give a reaction, ignoring Vayla as she teased him. But seeing no response or even a blush from Kurao she started feeling a little worried.

"Am I not funny anymore... Is it cause he is getting older?" She muttered to herself with a semi-serious expression.

As he finished tidying up his clothes and walked past her who was leaning on the door, he walked down the hallway not giving attention to the look concerned look Vayla was giving him.


Vayla stared at his figure getting further as her expression formed into one of slight worry as she let out a deep sigh. 

'Kurao seems to have changed quite a bit since the event a few months ago. It seems he still affected over that incident. Did 'it' really affect him that much?'