
Who can fall in love after being reborn?

I struggled until I was thirty-eight and couldn't afford a house. I had to pay a gift of three hundred thousand in advance to get married. I lived frugally and frugally for most of my life. It was so hard that my liver was broken. But what about the money? Who made the money? Jiang Qin, who harbored countless grievances, was reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought he had when he opened his eyes was to start a business and make money. The first step is to snatch back the love letter you sent, turn it over, and write three lines in the school belle’s astonished eyes: It’s impossible to work part-time now! I just want wealth and freedom, never be a slave! As for love? Don’t even talk about that stuff!

Son_Goku_Kakarot · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Pretty girls are the best at lying

Two hundred becomes four hundred and sixty?

  Can you make two and a half days of money in one day?

  The old man selling box lunches was immediately greedy. He lifted up his trousers with a silly smile and squatted down next to Jiang Qin. The smell of oil and smoke mixed with body fragrance hit his face, making Jiang Qin feel a little heady.

  However, Jiang Qin didn't say anything, he just moved to the side and put the cigarette that the uncle handed over to his ear.

  The way he looks now, he doesn't look like a high school graduate at all, but like an old man who dropped out of school to make a living.

  "Sir, can you tell me the address where the box lunches are sold?"

  Jiang Qin seemed to have expected it. He raised two fingers very skillfully: "Uncle, give me two hundred yuan and I will tell you the address."

  The uncle's eyes were as wide as bells, and he was as shrewd as lightning: "Two hundred yuan? I can barely make two hundred yuan by working here for one day!" "

  Can't you make four hundred yuan by changing your address?"

  " Then tell me first and let me estimate whether it's worth it." The man selling box lunches was a little hesitant. Two hundred yuan is not a small amount.

  "We just went to the Internet cafe street."

  "The east end of Xinghai Road?"


  "I thought it was a good place. The business there is really good, but the urban management inspections are too strict. I went there once. The car was confiscated and I still can't get it back."

  "I haven't finished speaking yet. Just give me two hundred yuan and I'll continue. If you feel it's not appropriate, I'll give it back to you. I still As a student, I won't trick you, right?" Jiang Qin's voice was full of temptation.

  The lunch seller hesitated for a long time, then took out two hundred yuan from his pocket: "Tell me, if it's not worth it, I want to refund the money."

  Jiang Qin rolled up the two hundred yuan and stuffed it into his pocket: "There's a money store on that street. It's called Shuiyunjian Foot Washing City. There is a big courtyard inside when you enter from the door. The fire exits of seven Internet cafes all lead directly to that courtyard. Also, the old man who watches the gate likes to smoke Hongtashan. The most important thing is that there is no urban management there."

  " What does the old janitor do? How dare he let me in and sell lunch boxes?"

  Jiang Qin smiled calmly: "He is the real father of Shuiyunjian's boss. He is the janitor because he is too busy at home."

  The lunch seller thought about it. After a while, a sudden joy appeared on his face: "Come on, man, you won't be charged for lunch next time."

  "It's easy to talk about."

  "You have figured out the foot washing city at a young age. You will have a lot to do in the future!"

  Jiang Qin said with both hands. He cupped his fists and arched his head: "You're welcome, you're welcome!"

  Guo Zihang next to him was stunned for a long time, and he grabbed Jiang Qin tremblingly, his eyes filled with envy: "Lao Jiang, have you already been to a magical place like the Foot Washing City?"

  "It's just the only way for a man."


  "Okay, goodbye. I made money today. I'll treat you to something good."

  Jiang Qin stood up and patted his butt, holding more than 700 yuan in his arms. A huge amount of money and walked forward along the main road.

  Looking at his retreating figure, Guo Zihang was slightly startled, feeling that his friend seemed to have a sense of maturity that had gone through many vicissitudes of life.

  He was like the kind of person in the TV series who has seen through life. Although his face was still laughing and cursing, his eyes were very deep and sharp, as if he could see through the essence of things.

  They had worked so hard just now and had been running all morning. They had only sold more than three hundred dollars, and the profit was not enough to buy cigarettes. But when Jiang Qin opened his mouth, he dared to say that he had made four hundred and sixty.

  The most important thing is that the man who sells box lunches has a shrewd look on his face. In the end, he was really fooled and he just bought an address for 200 yuan.

  Being able to talk to adults without showing timidity is something Guo Zihang cannot do. When he helps his mother buy groceries, he doesn't even dare to bargain.

  No wonder he doesn't even care if his confession fails.

  People in the class thought he was just faking it, thinking that he just wanted to leave some pitiful and pathetic dignity for himself, but at this moment Guo Zihang began to believe Jiang Qin. He might really not take this matter to heart.

  But when Chu Siqi was mentioned, Guo Zihang's gossip soul began to burn brightly again.    

  "Lao Jiang, how is the matter between you and Goddess Chu?"

  Jiang Qin turned to look at him: "What can happen between me and her?"

  "You have liked her for three years, is it over like this? She said I'll consider it when I go to college!" Guo Zihang kept asking. He really didn't understand. He obviously went to college after the summer vacation, so it would be a shame to give up now.

  "She said college is college? I don't want to wait any longer. If a beautiful girl can be relied upon, pigs will climb trees." Jiang Qin

  said expressionlessly, his words full of mockery of love.

  Falling in love will delay making money, and being a dog licker will delay life. The bloody lessons of the past life are enough to prove this point of view. Women will only affect the speed of making money, and are useless other than that.

  He has experienced the pain of secret love in adolescence and the horror of a 300,000-dollar gift. It's not that he has no interest in women, but he just feels that he should distinguish priorities in life again.

  "But...this is all your guess. Maybe Chu Siqi really plans to fall in love with you as soon as she goes to college. Don't you feel bad if you give up now?"

  "Lao Guo, once a man has such an idea, , that is basically equivalent to drawing a wall, whether it is love or work, it is like this, if it is not in your hands, don't believe it even if others say it."

  Jiang Qin's eyes became a little deeper, and he suddenly remembered that he had The promise I got when I first joined the company.

  Dividends from projects, company shares, foreign travel, living allowances for immediate family members, this is the same as Chu Siqi saying if you work harder I will fall in love with you, they are all legends that everyone knows but has never seen. .

  If she had hope in legendary things, she might as well believe in the light.

  When he thought about this, Jiang Qin couldn't help but think of Diga. He was a cosmic hero, but he was just a damn old man.

  Back then, he borrowed his light and was able to sneak away while fighting Gatanjie. As a result, his future became dark, and this guy didn't even mention returning his light.

  Don't be a licker in anything, don't be a social beast in anything, and work hard to make money. This is the right path in life.

  At the same time, Guo Zihang suddenly began to scratch his head rapidly and hissed in his mouth.

  Jiang Qin felt strange and couldn't help but stare at him for a few times.

  "What's wrong with you? Didn't you wash your hair when you went out?"

  "No, I feel like after listening to what you said, I'm going to have a brain in my head."


  At four o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Qin and Guo Zihang came out of the hotel When I walked out, I was already full of food and wine.

  However, Guo Zihang still couldn't forget places like the bar, and wanted to ask Jiang Qin to take him to experience it, but before they could take a few steps, two familiar figures appeared in front of them.

  One is Wang Huiru, the math class representative in the class, and the other is Chu Siqi, the class beauty.

  Two girls were coming out of the pedestrian street arm in arm, one holding a starch sausage and the other holding a candied haws.

  The hot weather in summer made them sweat a little, and even the hair on their foreheads was wet, and their little faces were extremely pink from the heat. Coupled with their rapid breathing, their chests, which had grown to the beginning of their size, were constantly rising and falling. With.

  Wang Huiru is very pretty and looks like Xiaojiabiyu. She has two pear dimples when she smiles. She is wearing overalls and is youthful and lively. If you look at her alone, she can be regarded as a beauty, but walking with Chu Siqi is nothing. Advantage.

  Chu Siqi was wearing a long beige dress today, with the skirt hanging down to her knees. Her eyes were smart and bright, her facial features were exquisite, her red lips were full, and her skin tone was as good as snow. She seemed to be reflecting Wang Huiru next to her.

  As soon as the four people met, the first person to react was Wang Huiru, who kept her eyes forward. She immediately raised her hand and said hello.

  "Jiang Qin, Guo Zihang, why are you here?"

  Hearing someone calling him, Jiang Qin subconsciously looked up, and his eyes accidentally crossed with Chu Siqi's in the bustling crowd.

  Then he stopped smiling and turned his head indifferently.

  Perhaps because of the memory of his past life, Jiang Qin always has a God's perspective when looking at interpersonal relationships, so he really doesn't like Chu Siqi.

  But his nearly forty-year-old soul has given him enough maturity and stability to prevent him from turning around and leaving, but it is limited to this extent.

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  (end of this chapter)