
Halloween Special

*This is completely random, and has nothing to do with the plot*

Kageyama- What should our Halloween costumes be?

Y/n- Let's all get costumes that go with each other

Ninshinoya- AMONG US!

Tanaka- YESSS! *takes off his shirt and starts to whip it in the air*

Y/n- I was thinking maybe The Wizard of OZ

Kageyama- But who would be who?

Y/n- *Points to Daichi and Sugawara* They can be the Aunt and Uncle

Daichi- I think Asahi would be a better fit for the uncle

Ninshinoya- No! He should be the Lion!

Asahi- What, why me?

Ninshinoya- Because you are big and scary, but you are a crowd!

Tsukishima- If that is how it is then you should be the Munchkin Mayor!

Ninshinoya-Hey! Take that back Tin Man

Tsukishima- Make me, Mayor

Yamaguchi- *Bumps into Tsukishi* Gomen Tsuki


Hinata- Y/n, Y/n, who would I be?

Y/n- You would be a good fit for the scarecrow

Hinata- Guys! Guys! I'm a scarecrow, caw!

Kageyama- I think things are getting out of hand

Daichi- Tsukishima, put Hinata down! Sugawara help me!

Tanaka- *Awkwardly Stares at you*

Y/n- Let me guess you want to know who would be?

Tanaka- *Nods*

Y/n- The Good Witch of the North

Kageyama- Who would be the Wicked Witch of the West?

Y/n- My Mom


Y/n- I wonder if we poured water on her if she would melt


Hinata- Y/n, who would you be?

Y/n- Dorothy of course!

Kageyama- What about me?

Y/n- You would be Toto!


In the end, we all went as Among Us Characters.

The End


Heyo! I know this is the day before Halloween, but still Happy Halloween!

Be safe, if you go trick or treating or not!

I hope you have an amazing night!




It might take me a bit longer to publish the 29th chapter because it is so long, I am already up to 1,000 words and I am only at the beginning!!!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!


Oh yea btw, I was thinking maybe possibly having an Among Us group thing.

If you are interested click the link below


Also, I need some Nintendo Switch friends so if you want to play my friend code is


_Anime_Qalaxy_creators' thoughts