
Who Am I?!: One O'clock Game

[ Game locked, Everyone can get in but no one can get out. Stay!, it's not a choice nor a decision, it's an order. The one who die shall buy a life, the one who die without money shall mine to buy a life. Unlike The usual game, a player who failed their mission, quest, answer, choice, and to kill shall either die by the punishments or pay, if the player doesn't have enough money to pay, then dept, but everyday will be hell for them since everyday, a loanshark will come to your room, if you want to hide from them, stay inside the quest or mission where it doesn't have a countdown. All players, ENJOY A PAINFUL DEATH!] What'll happen if a lazy guy who lived and died a billion times in different world and environment creates his own game where no one can die if they have money?. A game for friend to enjoy(?). Oh!, he also got locked inside his own game with his real friend?!. (currently on hold) (BTW the cover does not belong to me so to whoever the owner of this art is I sincerely apologize and thankful for your art)

WhiteRaven3 · Juegos
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33 Chs

New Gamemaster's anger

As soon as Mako sensed the door opening, she immediately bow down and said:

" M-Mikagura-san, I heard you're Rhaffael-kun's best friend and both of you are vegan!, P-please tell me what will happen if you . . . A-accidentally eat meat, and please tell me what is Rhaffael-kun's favorite dish!. . .(sniff, sniff). . . Mikagura-san, I think you stink a little" Said Mako, begging as she bow deeply. Last month, she accidentally fed Daniel a piece of meat which is why "Hunger" has awakened.

'. . . . Do I really stink that bad? I took a bath seconds ago. . .' Daniel whined.

" First Josh is n- Ack!" Daniel got hit on his chin by Mako's head when she suddenly rise from the shock to hear her boyfriend's voice instead of Josh's. Daniel bit his tongue because of that.

" Ouch" both groaned.

" . . .As I was saying, Josh is not here, second, I'm sorry for being stinky, third, Josh and I have different reason why we don't eat meat so what he will answer to you is far from the answer to mine, fourth, Any kind of veggie dish are my favorite as long as it's not too hot nor too cold" Daniel answered, looking away, covering his mouth and nose with his right hand as he answer.

Mako leaned her face closer to Daniel as she tiptoes in order to be in the same height as him, she then touched Daniel's ear and look at his beaming red iris that's straightly looking at her.

" Your eyes. . . They're beautiful" she muttered.

Daniel lightly pushed her aside and said " Please do not come any closer, I'm barely holding it in".

" Oh, I see, you're still mad at me, huh?" she said dejectedly, frowning her lips as she furrowed her eyebrows and look down, currently on the verge of crying.

" Tsk,tsk,tsk, You sure do know how to make a girl cry, don't you?" A girl behind the open door tsk-tsked him to express her amazement.

" Karin-chan" Mako looked at her, shaking her head to say that it's fine.

Karin Mikagura draw closer to Daniel and grabbed him by the collar and said " Having my cousin as your bestfriend and now having my bestfriend as your girlfriend, you're quite greedy, aren't 'cha"

" Coincidences are natural in human nature" Daniel said.

" Haaah?! Don't "coincidence " me you dumbass, you made my friend cry, made my aunty get even worse, then make Josh leave Mikagura household, what kind of shitty excuse is that?!" She said angrily, gripping Daniel's collar even tighter than before, gritting her teeth from anger when suddenly. . .

" Karin. . .?" Said Josh from behind them, about two doors away.

Daniel opened his mouth, showing two sharp fangs, intending to bite Karin's neck.

[The 'hunger' has been relapsed] The All Seeing Eyes showed those words in a white screen when Josh looked at Daniel.

He immediately pull Karin and stuffed the carrot in Daniel's mouth.

" Ace. . ." Josh called but he was ignored, Daniel continue on munching the carrot.

He was about to wave his hands on Daniel's face when a door next to them opened in a bang!.

It was Shishiro, he looked at those two beautiful girls with lustful eyes but halted and turned into terrors when he looked at the two other guys next to them.

He was about to butt in on them when a red screen blocked their line of sight.

[Due to the (the God who created the world outside the game)new gamemaster's anger from a certain player(Daniel), all players are going to be forced inside a graveyard and catch approximately 300 frogs]

The game system announced, and as soon as the announcement is over, they're sent in a dark and wide graveyard, full of grave stones and scattered frogs.

"Troublesome" Daniel spoked and that made Josh, Karin, and Mako jolt.

" Ace, are you alright?" Josh asked.

Daniel yawned and scratched his nape, showing unwillingness to this 'challenge', he said incomprehensibly "No, my sleep ran away"

" Ran. . .away?" Asked Josh.

" Ace?" The two BestFriends(Karin and Mako) asked because Rhaffael Sanchez is way too far from his nickname Ace.

[Warning, if the players aren't going to start catching a frog in a minute, a corpse will start moving and it'll be the one chasing you, it's either chase or be chased. Please choose being chased, it'd be entertaining to watch a player run for their lives with a messed up face] another absurd instruction has been spoken by the game system.

Daniel sighed, " You guys, go on your own, I want to be alone for a bit".

" But I want to go with you" both Josh and Mako said in a low voice, worried. Karin who heard them stared dagger on Daniel's back.

Daniel who felt the chills from her stingy glare asked at the back of his mind 'What's her problem?.

Since those two are too worried they told Karin, " I'll be checking on him for a while to ensure that he's fine" the two then followed behind Daniel who's reluctantly following the jumping frog about a meter away.

A minute has passed and Daniel still couldn't catch it, well, to be more precise, he can but he's just being a pain in ass.

The two thought that Daniel was cute when he kept on following the jumping frog but couldn't catch it because it's too far, they continued following him without catching a single frog, because of that, another stalker joined them.


A groan was heard from behind the two stalkers who's hiding behind a rock with RIP letters on it, they slowly turn around and was horrified to its sight.

It's a man!,No, it's a corpse, both. Walking with his two rotting feet, shaking from its unbalanced istructure and looking at them with its other eye popped out of its place, opened mouth that's revealing maggots and greenish teeth, visible bones and shedding hair, truly mouth wateri-, I mean, body shivering sight.

(only the BestFriends who doesn't have any catched frogs are going to get chased but if one of them caught one and the other didn't, they're safe]

The two ran as fast as they can but only Josh is being chased.

Of course Daniel was watching, he was planning on watching it until Josh plans to kill it but. . .

". . . .?"

. . Josh who was running became slower and slower until he collapsed.

'oh, shoot! I forgot that he has a weak heart' Daniel remembered that Josh had his heart surgery because of congenital heart condition, although it's long ago, getting scared and tired at the same time is surely bad for anyone's heart.

" Cy" he called and a steel string covered the body of the corpse that's about to have a taste of Josh's meat.

"thanks" he thanked Cy and it vanished into thin air.

" Hey, you awake?" Daniel asked while dragging the corpse far from the collapsed Josh.

" . . . uhh, Yeah, I just can't move" Josh answered.

" Raaaaaugh!!"

Another groan from the struggling tied up corpse.

[I need your help]

With the power of Josh's 'Translator' skill, that is what he heard.

" Ace, he's asking for help" Josh said.

" I decline" a short refusal from Daniel.

"But he n-"

" Decline it" Daniel cut off Josh's reasoning.

" No!, He's asking for help!" Josh said persistently.

' . . . Why do you have to be so kind???. . .' Daniel asked Josh in his mind.

" That is rich line coming from someone who also needed help right now"

Josh looked at him with a poker face, usually, if Josh look at him with that face, it means that there will be no food for him so. . .

" . . . Fine"

[Because of both player's approval to help the living dead: Mr. Chief Of Police, a mystery has been triggered. Find out what really happened in the untainted past and a reward will be given and a two hundred frog to catch will be deducted, fail to find out about what happened in three days and five hundred frogs you must catch] the game system informed in another red screen.

WR3: What do you hate about him?

Josh: When he's playing dead but it looks so real.

Daniel: When his kindness went over the roof, it suffocates me.

WR3: Do you want him to change that?

Josh: No! That's a part of him! Also, asking someone to change is rude and cruel!

Daniel: No. I don't seem to find the reason why.

WhiteRaven3creators' thoughts