
Who's The Loser, Now?

Derek has led a hard life. He was always looked down upon, bullied, made to look weak. To make matters worse, he was kicked out of the family house after being falsely accused of doing something wrong. Just when he all thought this was the end, an unexpected twist turned his life around. Now in a better situation, what will Derek choose to do? Get revenge? Move on with life? What will he do? Questions like these are not easy to answer. How will Derek face them?

Jdochammer · Ciudad
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45 Chs

Chapter 41

The sun, for some reason shone brighter than usual. Its rays beamed through the glass windows.

Amanda could not help but be disturbed by the sun rays beaming on her shut eyes. In the end, she decided to wake up.

For obvious reasons, Amanda felt more refreshed and jovial after waking up; and why wouldn't she? The day has come... the night awaits her. She's going on her first date, with of all people, her boss.

Amanda went to her bathroom and took a nice hot morning shower. She could not help but hum a tune while she was taking her shower.

It's a good thing she's currently living alone in her penthouse, so no one would know about her joyous mood.

Getting out of the bathroom, Amanda heard her phone ring. She picked up her phone and answered it.


"Good morning Amanda! Hope you slept well last night." It was Derek on the other end.

"Morning Derek. I slept really well. Thanks. I hope you did too." replied Amanda.

"I did. So about tonight, where would you like to go for dinner?" asked Derek.

"Well....there is this Italian restaurant called 'Giannos' inside the Quinton Hotel here in Townsville. I've always wanted to try their pastas there." replied Amanda

"Mmmm...I heard their wine is of the top quality too. That's a good choice. I'll make reservations for 7pm tonight. See you then." said Derek.

"See you, Derek." replied Amanda.


'I'm really up bright and early today, and the two love bird couples are not available. What should I do today?' Amanda thought to herself.

She walked up and down her living room for a few minutes before she came up with a plan.

'OK. BDT mall it is.' Amanda decided before leaving her penthouse.

At the Quinton Mansion, Peter and Lea noticed their son was smiling to himself all breakfast. Although they were glad to see their son in a good mood, this wasn't his usual self.

"Son, are you OK? You've been smiling to yourself all morning." said Lea.

"Really, mum? Sorry I didn't realise." replied Derek.

"Don't be sorry, son. We're glad to see you smile. Do you want to share with us what is making you feel such a good mood today?" asked Peter.

"Ermmm....well....since you asked...I won't be coming home for dinner tonight. I errr....I'm going out on a date." Derek stammered, his face starting to blush red.

Both Peter and Lea dropped their cutlery on the spot, initially stunned; but slowly beaming with joy.

"Oh son! That's great!!!" exclaimed Lea, leaving her seat and walking over to Derek and hugging him.

"So, who's the lucky girl?" asked Peter, with a huge smile on his face.

"It's Amanda." replied Derek.

"Yes! I knew she's the one! Oh my prayers are answered!" Lea could not be happier.

"Woah mum. Seriously? You prayed for that?" Derek replied exasperately.

"Haha don't mind your mother, son. We're both happy for you and Amanda. So what are your plans for tonight's date? Need a few tips?" asked Peter cheekily.

"Thanks, dad. Actually I already made reservations at our Quinton Hotel branch here in Townsville. Amanda wanted to go to 'Giannos'. I first met Amanda in a Quinton owned building. What better place for a first date than a Quinton owned building." replied Derek.

"Wonderful choice, son. Hey, choose a car from our garage for your date tonight. It's ok to show off a bit once in a while." said Peter.

"Yeah about that, dad....I have thought of buying my own car. If I am going to build my own identity, as Derek Quinton, heir to the Quinton Consortium, I think I should buy a car of my own. What do you think?" asked Derek.

"I'm so proud to hear you say that, son. You're right. I tell you what, spend the day today finding your own car. Use the card we gave you and we'll pay for it. Consider it your birthday present in advance." said Peter.

"So what car do you have in mind, son?" asked Lea.

"An electric car. As much as I love the car collection that we have, I noticed that our family does not have an electric car."

"If I want to make a statement, I want it to make it multi-purpose. One of the ways is to be more environmentally friendly." said Derek.

"Wise choice, son. We'll contact our family contractors to add an electric charging station in our garage for your new car." said Peter.

"Thanks, dad. I'll ask Hector to drop me at the main car dealership area near the business district." replied Derek.

After finishing his breakfast, Derek bid goodbye to his parents and left to the family garage, where Hector was cleaning the family's Rolls Royce.

Derek greeted Hector before hopping into the Rolls Royce. Hector took the driver's seat and drove off.

Back in the Quinton Mansion, Peter and Lea were happily coming to terms that their son is dating.

"Amazing isn't, honey? Within the space of a month, we found our long lost son, passed part of the reigns of our consortium to him; and now he is dating a wonderful woman, who just so happens to be his secretary." said Lea.

"I agree, dear. We are really blessed. Thank God for his blessings. Say, we haven't had a vacation for ourselves in years. Shall we go somewhere?" suggested Peter.

"Yes, honey. Let's fly to a nearby place for quick getaway. We can be back before the event this coming weekend." replied Lea.

Within one hour, both Peter and Lea were in their private jet, flying off to spend the day out of Townsville.

Derek was on his way to the car dealership centre when his phone chimed. He took out his phone and saw a message from his parents, saying they will be on a short vacation away from Townsville.

'Enjoy your vacation. See you back in Townsville.' Derek texted back.