
Who's The Loser, Now?

Derek has led a hard life. He was always looked down upon, bullied, made to look weak. To make matters worse, he was kicked out of the family house after being falsely accused of doing something wrong. Just when he all thought this was the end, an unexpected twist turned his life around. Now in a better situation, what will Derek choose to do? Get revenge? Move on with life? What will he do? Questions like these are not easy to answer. How will Derek face them?

Jdochammer · Ciudad
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45 Chs

Chapter 3

Needless to say, Peter Quinton cringed, having to recall that fateful night that Derek was separated from him and his wife. Nonetheless the truth had to be told.

"You were six months old when that night happened." began Peter Quinton. "We were all on the way back home from a dinner party when we were suddenly ambushed by a group of thugs."

"While our security, lead by Owen, were fending off those thugs, we could hear some distinct shouting from them, one of which was 'Kill the Quinton family, including their baby!'"

Peter Quinton had to pause for a moment as his eyes were starting to redden. Lea was seated at the edge of the bed, with tears forming up her eyes as well.

"Back then, our business rivals were envious of our success in business; but we had no idea that they would be so ruthless and merciless..." continued Peter.

"Thanks to Owen and the security team, we all managed to escape unharmed and made it back home safely. But your mother and I started to make plans to escape Townsville."

"Your mother and I were worried about what might happen to you if we were to take you with us and escape from Townsville. We feared that our rivals would chase us and they may harm you in the process."

Lea interjected, "So we decided to give you away to Edward and Emma Smith, who we knew from our younger days. We also found out that Emma was barren and could not conceive. They were a great couple and they promised us to take care of you while we focused on getting rid of our enemies."

"We knew that no matter what happens, they would not locate or harm you; and that Edward and Anna will protect you."

"We made a promise to them, and to you, that we will be back once we knew it was safe to come back to Townsville."

"However, we were informed five years later by Madam Louise Smith that Edward, Anna and you passed away due to a fatal sickness. We wanted to retrieve your body back; but she told us that the three of you were cremated and the ashes were scattered to the seas." Lea face started to flood with tears.

Peter continued, "We were so devastated that we were lost for a long period of time. We went into depression for a couple of years. Thankfully, Dr Andrews nursed us back to health and we were able to move on with life and our business; but we never stopped missing you and deep down we couldn't believe that you were lost forever."

Derek listened with the greatest of intent. Things were starting to click and make sense to him. There was one final piece to complete the puzzle in his mind.

"Then how were you able to find me?" asked Derek.

Peter replied, "Thanks to Owen. Earlier today, when your boss fired you, you must have rolled up your sleeves while packing your belongings; because Owen caught sight of your birthmark as you were exiting your office."

"Owen waited until he left that same office before telling us that you were alive. I must admit, we couldn't believe what we heard; but once Owen described your birthmark to us, there was no doubt anymore."

Lea continued, "Our prayers were answered. We finally found you! My son!". Lea then walked over to Derek and embrace him again. Peter joined in the group hug.

This time, Derek returned the embrace from his parents. Everything made sense to him now.

"Mum! Dad!" Finally, tears were streaming down Derek's face. Tears of relief and joy.

"We're sorry that we were not there for you all these years. Now that you are back with us, we will spend the rest of our lives making it up to you!" said Lea.

"That can wait." replied Derek. "It's been a long day. I'm sure you both are exhausted. I know I am. Let's all get a good night's rest and talk again tomorrow."

"That's fair." said Peter. He then called for Owen.

"Owen, please show my son to his room. Son, I'm sure you are going to like it. We prepared it just for you."

"Thanks. Good night mum and dad. I'll see you tomorrow." Derek replied, before following Owen to his new room.

On the way, Derek looked at Owen and said, "I know I gave you two conditions earlier, one of which was not to call me Young Master. That condition still applies; call me Derek or Young Quinton instead."

"Certainly, Derek. By the way, your suitcase is already in your new room. Still, we have clothes in your closet for you to wear as you see fit." replied Owen, with a nice smile on his face.

Once Derek reached his room, which was at the opposite side of his parents' room, he bided Owen goodnight before entering.

When Derek entered, his mouth instantly gaped open.

There was a king-sized bed, a walk-in closet, a study table, an 80-inch mounted tv screen, a ensuite bathroom complete with a gold-plated bathtub, a shower and a big ivory sink.

'Wow wow wow. This is what it's like to be a Quinton.' Derek thought. 'Well then, let's get settled.'

It was easy for Derek to be overwhelmed by his new room. After all, back at the Smith house, he was forced to sleep in their storeroom and had to use the garden hose and tap to wash himself. Just thinking about those days was enough to make Derek cringe with resentment.

Now that he a full-fledged born Quinton, he had no problem savouring the moment. The first thing Derek did was to take a hot bath. The hot water was so comforting. Derek could feel the tension in his body melt away and his mind subsequently be as ease.

After taking a nice bath, he then changed into a singlet and shorts and laid down on his new king-sized bed. To say that the bed was ultra comforting for Derek was a gross understatement. Compared to the two-inch thick futon mattress he was forced to sleep on in the Smith household, the difference was not just night and day; it was heaven and hell.

It has been a long day and night for Derek as he laid on his bed staring at the ceiling. He had gone through an emotional roller-coaster. The day started off with him getting unjustly fired from his job. Then he was kicked out of the Smith family. Derek still remembered the sick and twisted lie that Madam Louise told his parents. He became a male Cinderella as a result.

But his day ended on the highest of highs. He was reunited with his parents Peter and Lea Quinton, owners of the Quinton Consortium, the most successful conglomerate in all of Townsville. The turning point of Derek's life has arrived.

Only one thought engulfed Derek's mind as he drifted to sleep.

'All of you who have tried to stop me and held me back, all of you who made my life a living hell, all of you who called me names, more specifically a loser.... well...'


That was the final mental scream Derek had in his mind before his eyes were shut and he went to sleep. The best sleep he's had in his life. The first of many to come.