
Who's The Loser, Now?

Derek has led a hard life. He was always looked down upon, bullied, made to look weak. To make matters worse, he was kicked out of the family house after being falsely accused of doing something wrong. Just when he all thought this was the end, an unexpected twist turned his life around. Now in a better situation, what will Derek choose to do? Get revenge? Move on with life? What will he do? Questions like these are not easy to answer. How will Derek face them?

Jdochammer · Ciudad
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45 Chs

Chapter 22

Monday came along in a flash. Derek joined his parents Peter and Lea for breakfast in the Quinton Mansion. All seemed well with the Quinton family as all three enjoyed their meal while chatting causally with each other. Morale was high and everyone was in the best of spirits.

Lea looked to her son and asked, "So son, you've have been running things here at the Quinton Tower. At this rate, how long before you completely take over our consortium?"

"Well mum, give or take, I think I'll be ready in say....four to five years." replied Derek.

"That sounds reasonable. You do know we have companies all over the world. So, now that you have taken over the companies here in Townsville, which area is next for you?" Lea asked again.

Without skipping a beat, Derek replied, "England; and mum if I may suggest, if you have a headquarters in England, let's make it the Quinton Hotel in Brighton."

"Is it because of your ex-colleage Desmond?" asked Peter.

"Partly, dad; the real reason is because of familiarity and the ambience of Brighton Beach. My vision for the Quinton Consortium is to have different environments for our various overseas HQs."

"So in the case of England, which by the way has the least number of companies under our consortium outside of Townsville, I want that HQ to be near the beach instead of the concrete jungle of London."

"Hmm....that's interesting. Well when you take over our companies in England, you may proceed with your vision." replied Peter.

"Let's change topics, honey. We've been talking to our son about work ever since we have reunited with him." suggested Lea, before she continued, "Son, how has your social life been? Are there any girls that you fancy?"

Derek almost choked on the orange juice he was drinking when Lea asked him that question.

*Cough, cough, cough.*

"Woah mum, where did that come from? What do you mean by that?" asked a shocked Derek.

"Son, your father and I are not getting any younger. Not only do we want to retire; but we want to enjoy retirement with our future grandchildren. You should go dating. Say, what do you think of Amanda? She's a sweet girl." said Lea

"Mum, Amanda and I are great colleagues. She is a really good secretary, no doubt about it. I do appreciate her work; but that's the extent of our relationship." replied Derek.

"Oh, really son? So, what was with you asking Lea out on a date?" asked Peter cheekily.

Derek could only look at his father exasperatedly.

"We may be getting old son, but our hearing is not impaired. We heard you asking Lea out on a date in the plane." Peter laughed, causing Lea to chuckle too.

"Oh! My! God! That's it! I need to move out soon!" Derek joked; and the Quintons shared a good laugh.

"On a more serious note though, son, Amanda is a really nice girl. If there is even a chance that you two can be in a relationship, don't throw it away." said Lea.

"Honey, let them decide on their relationship status. Bigger issue now is about your cousin Madison, son. Do you think it's enough that she stays with Amanda if things go wrong for her?" asked Peter.

"Do you have something in mind, dad? asked Derek.

"Your father and I have been thinking... the moment you reveal your true identity, you're going to have a lot of enemies, and the people you care about will be affected too. Letting them stay on their own may be dangerous. On the other hand, our mansion has so many unused rooms available. If you want to, we can open a room for her." Lea explained.

"Thanks, mum. If things do go south, then yes I can allow Madison to stay here. For now, she can handle herself. So I'm not worried. That reminds me, I have to get to work now. I got to make sure Amanda follows up from my instructions about Madison's proposals." replied Derek.

"Okay son. Have a good day at work. Your mother and I are going to have virtual meetings all day today. We'll see you back at home for dinner." said Peter.

"Will do, dad. See you tonight."

Derek then finished his breakfast before heading out to the Quinton garage. On normal days, Hector, his driver would drive him in the family's Mercedes G-Class, as requested by Derek.

On this day however, Derek had a change of mind.

"Good morning Young Master. Are we ready to leave?" greeted Hector.

"Good morning Hector. Change of plans today. I'll be driving to work today. What car do we have that will turn heads but still keep my face from being seen?"

"Well sir, how about this custom made Maserati Quattroporte. The colour is a custom shade of hot red; but the key feature is the fully tinted windows. No one will be able to see you, yet passerbys will not be able to ignore the colour." Hector suggested.

"Wheeeewww....I need to spend a bit more time here. This car is perfect. Thanks Hector." said Derek before stepping into the car.

"Have a safe trip to work, Young Master." said Hector, before watching Derek drive out of the Quinton Mansion.