

It was the sixteenth day of the eighth month of the year 2000. In the early hours of Wednesday morning my mother had gone into labour and was about to give birth naturally to a baby boy. At exactly 7AM August 16 2000, a baby boy my mum and dad had named Tyson Tindall was born. I came out weighing exactly eight pounds and I was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, I came out blue. By the age of just two years old I was diagnosed with ADHD, ODD and a moderate intellectual disability. ADHD stands for; Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder. ODD stands for; Oppositional Defiant Disorder. At the same age I was medicated, going from being trialled on several different medications. By the age of eighteen I had made the decision going against doctor's orders and stopped my current medication I had been on for some time simply because I had felt as if it weren't doing anything besides stunting my growth and slowing down my puberty. Due to being medicated from some a young age, all the different drugs I was placed on had fucked up the function of my brain development therefore resulting in me not thinking like an adult. I also suffered a wide range of mental health illnesses such as; Depression, Anxiety and Suicidal ideations, I have also attempted suicide more than once in my life but I'm not proud of it and I'm glad I'm still here today. In 2020 I was prescribed the antidepressant drug known as Mirtazapine which I currently am still taking even though it's doing fuck all. Fast forward to 2022 and I'm not the greatest nor am I okay but I'm getting there and making the most of life while I'm still young at twenty-one. With all I have been through in life I've got thick skin and I'm bulletproof, it will take anyone a lot to actually eventually break me. In 2019 I launched my very own first ever business that has now been around for two years. The business includes music production, song-writing, singing, rapping, writing novels and modelling. I have participated in one photoshoot for modelling and I had an absolute ball. Taking hours of setting up the lighting, cameras, doing the makeup and choosing the outfits before actually posing for the shoot. Along with working as a musician, author and model I have also inspired many to pursue their dreams. Without spoiling anything but I've been working secretly behind the scenes working on some top secret projects and in 2022 I hope to launch an all new merch line as well as working on some brand new music. Along with also getting back in the groove to write more books as well as finish off many unfinished novels.

Throughout this memoir we hope to uncover untold stories from my past life told in no other way other than my own. We also hope to inspire many to step up and share their stories and experiences in their own way and own context.