
Chapter Twelve: Love Letters To You

It was early February of two-thousand and nineteen that moving day had arrived, eviction from my address in Hackham West South Australia. My carer who helped me pack my stuff and move to my new address in Salisbury North, at this time I was actually excited before settling in and getting used to the place was when I began to not like it. The housemate whose name I will not mention had schizophrenia and other mental illnesses on top of his schizophrenia. I had lived close by to my current partner at this time which was good, although she didn't seem at all interested like the chemistry was not there but I did love her therefore I proposed to her but that went to shit after she said yes. My now fiancé at the time had ran home acting all weird and not herself so my housemate and I went over to her place to see if she was alright, that was when she was in her bathroom on the phone to the police, reporting us for trespassing even though we were just checking on her as she didn't seem alright after the proposal. The cops came as we were leaving as we were not getting anywhere. The female cop goes inside while the male cop talks to us and then the next minute we know the female cop walks out with the engagement ring in her hand and says "it's over mate, I'm sorry." Handing over the engagement ring. I'm not going to lie I was quite broken up about this like she couldn't do the breakup herself. Anyway, while living in Salisbury North I had made a few friends that I ended up getting drunk with and doing stupid drunk things.

The carers at My Life, My Way' were kind of stupid... Fuck all carers are stupid. I didn't like any of them. Constant calls to the police and ambulances because they were worried for my safety when I was fine, practically wasting their time.

Fast forward to when my housemate started revenging on me for the dumb things I did to him like hiding his True Blood series so he hid my laptop then I accidentally burnt him with my cigarette so he burnt me with his cigarette then he put live bugs on my head which made no sense whatsoever as I never did that to him. He ended up walking out of the house with scissors and the carers did nothing until a few minutes later but if it were me they would act on it quicker which fucked me off. I chose to let this first falling out slide to see when things would go and then two days later it all began again when he said to me that he wanted to torture me then kill me slowly, I drew the line here and got in contact with my support coordinator basically saying get me the fuck out of here now. And by 18:00 (6:00 PM) that night I was out but I ended up crashing on the sofa bed due to the lack of sleep I forgot things such as my wallet and other shit but I couldn't care anymore about the shit I left behind, I cared more about getting the fuck out of that. I had now moved to Clapham which is near Mitcham and Unley under another company whose name I have forgotten. Still nothing changed with how I was being treated by carers.

These care homes that I jumped from time to time were actually SIL (Supported Independent Living) Accommodation which gets funded through the NDIS (National Disability Scheme). SIL's are not what they say that they are... You have a curfew, very rarely get let out on your own etc. I strongly advise against anyone who is thinking about it. There is so much to consider before doing so.

While living in the new care place in Clapham I had fallen deeply in love with my stepsister... now before you attack me, we are not blood related therefore it is not illegal and I'm not an incest. We received a wide variety of hate to the point that I had to ring a local cop station to clarify thsy we were not doing anything illegal and they reassured us saying as long as it is not blood related then there is nothing illegal about us together. Keep in mind also that I had been single for some time before jumping into a new relationship and before we went all in we discussed some very private matters inside a secret chat exchanging nudes to sexting before finally meeting up at Aldinga shopping centre and having sex in the unisex public toilets with of course the door shut. This was my first time actually having sex and loosing my virginity properly. After this we had fallen for one another even more to the point we could not stand being apart and then came the pregnancy... yes she fell pregnant to me and we were super excited for our first baby to arrive. Majority of my time was spent majority around tymika and helping her and our bubs out. Almost everyday of the week my girlfriend and I spent our days together before actually staying at her nanna's house while they were away. We loved every minute that we spent together and we cherished every moment and memory together. I eventually made the ultimate decision to cut the contract with the SIL accommodation due to harassment phone calls with the same old repetitive questions that I already answered once or twice but they kept on insisting on calling when I'm attending to my pregnant fiancé and regular appointments and regular hospital admissions, my life was so busy. So I cancelled the contract as I was sick of their crap not to mention how I was poorly treated and how they would act around me. I was finally free and independent, due to her nanna and poppa coming home from holiday we moved to across the road then from there we moved to my friends place where we then fell apart as my girlfriend now ex-girlfriend fell under her friend now ex-friend's control. It was end of August that we fell apart and went our own ways even though that my now ex-girlfriend was still heavily pregnant and I hated the idea of leaving her there but there was not much I could do except let her learn her lesson the hard way as there was no hope getting her back on my side and to come with me. I ended up in a homeless shelter for about a month or two before finally making the decision to start anew and a fresh beginning... I chose to move to Queensland and allow for things in Adelaide to blow over. The relationship was over but our baby was not. But I needed to go away somewhere and live a little, find out what my life purpose was and who I was destined to become. I needed to live a non-toxic drama free life with a small circle of friends and a small group of family from my father's side including my father and stepmother. This was a chance to start over, this was my new beginning and it is not too late to start your new beginning.