
White Saint

His only wish is to become a doctor to help the people in need. However, God has a different plan. He needs him to go to the other world. Lucky for him, he can become what he wants, a doctor to help the people in need.

LuxVonDeux · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Second Step (2.2)

"Here you go. You are good. Please be careful, okay?"

I smile at the little one who gets injured from running around and pat her head.

"Thank you, Lord White Healer!"

"Ah… Please call Michael."

"Lord Michael!"

"Haaaa…. Just Michael, please."

"Nu'u! You are Lord Michael!"

"Haaaa…. Fine. Just be careful next time, okay?"

"Yes. Bye-Bye!"

I smile and wave my hand at the little girl. After getting up, I continue to walk toward the dungeon. It decides to go to the dungeon when one of my stats reaches the S-rank.

|Name: Michael {Hidden: Michael Davers}|

|Age: 22|

|Title: World Walker, White Healer|

|Level: 1|

|STR: B (72/100)|

|VIT: C (15/100)|

|AGI: C (14/100)|

|INT: S (57/100)|

|WIS: A (21/100)|

|SP: 53|

My INT is not yet maxed, but I know it will only take another day to be maxed. With me volunteering in the church, I continuously use my magic to heal and cure the people that come there, and in return, my INT stats grow tremendously.

Not only as a healer, but I also become a storyteller to the child and adult that come to church. While telling them a story, I use an illusion and sound spell to make my story even more engaging. This also some training making my stats grow.

Anyway, when I am about to explore the dungeon, I need a party to explore it. Luckily, many people want me at their party. However, I decided to stay in an E-rank party instead of a D-rank party as I need my own experience instead of getting carried by the D-rank adventurer.

"Michael! Over here!"

I snap from my thoughts when I see a group of five people waiting for me in front of the dungeon. They are the party I'm currently in. It consisted of five humans. Roy is the leader of the party. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He is currently wearing leather armor and leather pants. Behind his back are a sturdy-looking tower shield and a sword on his hip.

Next to him is a young woman around her seventeen wearing the same type of leather armor as Roy but instead holding a shield, this woman holding a bow and carrying an arrow on her back. She has light green hair and green eyes that make her look like an elf in the books instead of a human. Her name is Natalie.

The next one is Gordon. He has short black hair and light blue eyes. Instead of wearing leather armor like the other two, Gordon wears an iron chest plate, iron arms guard, and iron leggings. His weapon of choice is a Great Ax.

The last two are twins. They are Ariel and Uriel. They are brothers and sisters. Ariel is the big brother and Uriel the little sister. Both of them have silver hair like me, but unlike me, who have purple eyes, they have bright green eyes. They are wearing a matching red robe and holding a staff in their hand.

"Sorry, I'm late. There is a girl that falls and is injured, so I decide to heal her real quick."

"It was nothing! You are just on time, in fact!"

"Thank you."

"No problem. Anyway, let us explain our usual tactic when we go to the dungeon."

"Of course."

"First thing first, I will be the vanguard who receives all the enemy—the same with Gordon over there. However, unlike me, who focuses on defending, he will also be the one that kills the enemy that is too close to the backline. Right behind me is Natalie, who will shoot her arrow at the enemy. She is the one that decreases the incoming enemy before they can reach Gordon and me. Ariel and Uriel are the crowd control. They are the ones that decrease the enemy that arrives near Gordon and me."

"That leaves me as the support. I can create a barrier for the monster that tries to hurt you without you knowing. I will also be the one that heals you guys."

"Yes. You can also help Uriel and Ariel when they do not have enough mana to cast any more spells."

"Got it."

"Good. Then let's go!"

After showing our ID to the guard and walking inside the dungeon, I can feel the world is changing when I step my foot inside the dungeon. I can see a dark, barren place. It was like a cave. It was dark and depressing.

"Come on. There is no monster in here. We need to go deeper."

"Roy, how big is the dungeon?"

"They're big. Really big. To reach the stairs to the next floor, we need to walk a ten kilometers long journey."


Ten Kilometers? What the hell. The dungeon entrance looks like a cave entrance, but the inside is Ten Kilometers long?

"Hahahahaha. Yeah. The first time we come here, we also have that kind of expression. When they say that a dungeon is like another world, they are not joking. That is why I tell you to bring a week worth of rations. We, an E-rank adventurer, can only go as deep as the third floor, and each floor will get bigger and bigger, so we need more than a few days here if you want some profit."

"I see."

"Yup. Now….!"

Before Roy could say something, he looked to the right with his shield rising up. While I'm not too good at sensing, I can feel there is something to our right, but I don't know if it was an enemy or an ally.

However, when I see the other also taking out their weapon, I decided to do it as well. A few seconds later, a group of goblins appears from behind the boulder not too far from us.

"Gordon, to the right! Natalie, to our left! Ariel, Uriel, prepare your spell! Michael covers us!"


After hearing Roy giving his order, I begin to cast my support spell. Roy and Gordon get a boost to their VIT stats. Natalie gets a piercing and auto-gathering buff. Piercing buffs make her arrow more powerful, and Auto Gathering is a buff that makes her arrow automatically fly toward her quiver after hitting the enemy. Lastly, I give INT and WIS booster to Ariel and Uriel.

"Nice job, Michael. Natalie, begin firing."

"Firing now!"

I can see Natalie begin firing her arrow at the enemy. Each of the arrows hit the goblins right in their head, killing them instantly. However, while Natalie can kill the goblins at high speed, she cannot kill all of them as more than a hundred goblins are coming at us.

"Here they come! Ariel Uriel, are your spells ready?!?"


"Then, here they come!"

When the goblins arrive in front of us, Roy stabs his shield on the ground before shouting.

"Chain of the Damned!"

After he says that, all the goblins in the proximity get chained into Roy, and I can see the goblins cannot attack us. I guess it was the taunting skill of Roy. It is a known thing in my previous world that a tank has a skill that rallies all the enemy into themselves.

"Fire Ball"

"Thunder Bolt!"

When they see the goblins have been taunted, both Ariel and Uriel cast their spell. Ariel summons a fireball above the goblins before letting it descend and making it explode. On the other hand, Uriel summons a ball of lightning that hits the goblins once by one.

While Roy, Gordon, and Natalie take care of the goblins attacking Roy, I raise my staff and stab it on the ground before suddenly an earth spike appears from the ground and kills the goblins in front of me.

"Great Job! However, there is another goblins wave! Don't let your guard down!"

~One hour later~

After one hour of fighting, all the goblin has been annihilated, leaving me healing my party members. There are at least two hundred goblins coming at us. While they are weak goblins, their seer number is something that needs to be watched out for.

"Is this always like this?"

Roy shakes his head and says.

"No. Monster spikes are not too common but not too uncommon either. We are just unfortunate encountering the monster spike. Usually, we will run away after killing some of them, but we successfully kill a monster spike because of your continuous healing. You are really amazing, Michael."

"It was nothing, really."

"Heh. You are really humble, Michael. Anyway, we should collect all the monster core."

Monster Core. A monster core is the mana core of the monster. The monster core can be used as fuel for many things, from a stove to a flying ship. Goblin core will get us ten bronze coins. With two hundred goblin cores, we will get two gold coins from a single run.

Now I can see why many people decide to risk their lives exploring the dungeon.

"Do you guys want to continue or not? With these many cores, we should get enough money."

"I think we should continue."

"Yup. I want to buy a house and try to level up."

"We agree with Natalie and Gordon. We want to continue."

They then look at me and wait for my answer. After thinking for a few seconds, I nod my head and say.

"Sure. Let us continue."