
White Saint

His only wish is to become a doctor to help the people in need. However, God has a different plan. He needs him to go to the other world. Lucky for him, he can become what he wants, a doctor to help the people in need.

LuxVonDeux · Fantasía
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13 Chs

First Step (1.1)

My name is Michael Davers. A college student at Gadjah Mada University. I'm a medical student that tries my best to become the best doctor I can be. I want to be the doctor that can help people in need—the people who don't have enough money to cure their son and daughter's illness.

I want to become a doctor because of how my parents died in a car accident. I cannot save them because the hospital decided to ask me for the operation money before they save them.

When I said that we have insurance, the hospital decided to prolong the process, and because of it, my parents died from blood loss.

The last thing I hear the hospital has closed down is how they prioritize money over their patients. I think it was because of how it went viral over the internet. However, that day, I don't really care about that as that day I'm grieving over my parents' death.

That happened when I was still in High school. Lucky for me, my aunt and uncle gladly took me to their house. After my parents' death, I studied hard, got myself a scholarship from the government, and got myself into one of Indonesia's most well-known universities.

After I get myself into Gadjah Mada university, I begin to search for a side job to earn some money. I want to save some money that I got to buy myself a house for my own and not be a burden to my aunt and uncle anymore. Even though they say that I'm not a burden, I feel like it.

I'm working at a fast-food restaurant called IFC (Indonesian Fried Chicken) near the place I stay. Because of where I study, I must search for a place to stay. Luckily I get a good place to stay at a reasonable price.

Right now, I'm currently walking toward my home before it started raining. There is a sign there will be rain coming, and I don't want my clothes to get wet. I also have my laptop inside my bag, so I don't want to get it wet.

As I walk on the street, I see a flash of light coming from the sky before, followed by the sound of lightning. However, I did care about that as the victim of the lightning targets is me. I'm the one that gets hit. I don't know what to think about it as I only look to the starry sky before the darkness consumes me.


"You know I never thought the afterlife would be like this"

As far as I can see, there is only white. There is nothing else. I wait for who knows long before I hear footsteps coming from my back. As I look behind, I see an old man wearing a white robe and has a long beard that reaches his waist.

Is he Gandalf?

"Sadly, I'm not Gandalf."

Huh? Did he answer my question?

"That I am."


The old man chuckled at my expression before saying.

"I can read your soul like you read a book. I can see what you are thinking."

"Huh, neat."

"Hohohoho. You are different from the other, huh?"

"What do you mean?"

"The other will either demand how they got here or where this place is but you, instead of panicking, you only sit down there with a calm expression."

"Well, what can I do? I mean, if my memory is correct, I should be dead. Getting struck by lightning is not something that has a high chance of survivability."

"That is true. You are dead."

"Fair enough."

I know that I will die someday, and I don't really have any regret. The only thing I regret is that I cannot make my parents, aunt, and uncle proud.

"They are proud of you, you know?"


"Your uncle and aunt are proud of you. They think of you as one of their sons. Because of you, their son and daughter have a high score in their school and get themselves a scholarship."


"Yup. With your teaching that is really easy to understand, both your cousins become what they are today."

"Huh. I'm happy that my teaching has become something useful for them."

"Yup. Now come on. I will show you around."

I follow the old man, and after walking in one direction for a few seconds, our surroundings begin to change. The white room begins to change into space where I can see billions upon billions of stars. There are also billions of planets.

"Where are we?"

"Well, this is my working room."

"Working room. Wait a minute. Are you a God?"

"Hohohoho. Yup. I'm a god."

Huh. I never thought in my life meeting a God.

"So, what are we doing here?"

"You don't want to know if I'm the one that's killing you?"

"If it is true you are the one that killed me, then what can I do? Whining? Screaming?"

God chuckled a little before saying.

"You are really a mature soul. Many souls come here by accident, and every single one of them demanded me to either send them back or compensate them with something."

"Huh. Must be frustrating for you."

"Yes. At first, it was amusing seeing a mortal demanding from me, but after so many times, it became annoying."

"So, what will happen to me? I'm one of the souls that come here by accident, right?"

"Actually, no. You are here not by accident."


"Please follow me."

I follow him to what looks like a crystal ball. God touches the ball, and suddenly we are in front of a massive planet.

"This is Lenora. It has two times the size of Earth."

"Why are you showing me this?"

"I want to send you here."

"Really? Isekai?"

"Heh. You could say that."

"So, what happens in this world?"

"The problem is the so-called God of this world."

"So-called God?"

"Yes. They are not God. They are elemental. Like a Divine Spirit on the earth."

"Divine Spirit?"

"Divine Spirit is the 'God' in your world. Like Zeus, Odin, Amaterasu, and Lugh"

"Ah! Got it"

God nodded his head and flicked his finger. A second later, I see four human-like beings appear in front of me.

"These are the four elemental that govern the planet. There are six elements in the beginning, but there is something bad happening. I will explain it later."

The three of the elementals disappear, leaving only the red elemental.

"This is the Fire Elemental. Like its name, it has the authority over fire. Not only does he have authority over fire, but he also has Sub-Authority. His other authority is Smithing, War and Destruction."

I nod my head and see the elemental changed into a Green Elemental.

"This is the Wind Elemental. She has the authority over Wind, Freedom, and Law."

The next one is the Blue Elemental.

"This one is Water Elemental. She has the authority over Water, Healing, Life, and Motherhood."

The fourth elemental is the Yellow one.

"This one is Earth Elemental. He has authority over Earth, Creation, and Nature."

"So, what do you want me to do in this world?"

"Here. Let me show you."

God then touches my forehead, and suddenly I gain a short memory about how there are two other Elemental. Light and Darkness who have an Authority of Order and Chaos. They are the ones that govern the world balance, and because of this, they are the ones that have the most powerful power among the Elemental.

Because of this, the other Elemental decide to work together and kill both of them. While the other four Elemental celebrated their victory over the Order and Chaos, they did not know that before they died, the Light and Darkness elemental combined their last energy and created new energy.

Chaotic energy.

This energy has both the Death and Birth aspects of Light and Darkness. Not only that, but this energy also contains all the anger, resentment, and madness both elementals have to the Four Elemental. Making this energy have one goal.

Kill all the Four Elemental.

However, it cannot do that because it was only a newly created energy that doesn't have enough power. So, it decides to harvest the energy coming from the living being by slaughtering them all. It is doing that by creating what the people called a monster.

By the time the Four Elemental notice the Chaotic Energy, they cannot do anything about it as it already anchors itself into the main magical core of the planet. Because of the rule God created, they cannot directly intervene in the mortal world.

Meaning that they can only guide the mortal to fight the monster that continues to spawn. However, even with their guidance, the mortal cannot beat the monster. At least they cannot destroy the core of Chaotic Energy.

Their only option is to summon a hero from the other world where they will give the heroes their blessing and let them take care of it.

However, they do not know that by doing this, they feed their Divine Energy or at least the energy waste that used to summon the heroes gets absorbed by the Chaotic Energy, making it more powerful.

"What a mess."

"I know. Those four elements are too childish for their own good."

"Why didn't you take care of them?"

"Well, I can do that, but if I do that, I will re-create the planet instead of… You know, fix this mess. It was easier than fixing this mess."

"That… Fair enough."

"Yup. I also did not want to erase the other mortal as well. The headache Death will receive because of the death of billions and billions of souls. I don't want her to be mad at me."

"Heh. So, what can I do for you?"

God looked at me and smiled before saying.

"I want to transfer you to Lenora."