

Ian Denomic has lived his life doing exactly how his wanted too. With enough money, looks, and privilege. Nothing has ever stopped him. One night changed everything though. Saving the life of what he assume was a in need of rescuing maiden turned it all upside down. Being harassed and dying in the middle of a festival Ethan, Viscount of De Clare prays to know what the hell has he done to deserve the amount shitty luck in life. From that to being rescued by a stranger. Only to be woken up with a sore bottom and a man too gorgeous words. Ethan is beginning to question why in the world did he survive this long in life.

Kay_Capellan · Fantasía
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2 Chs


I should've listen, I should've listened, I should've listened…

I kept repeating the motto. This is what I got from not listening to Liam as I wrapped my arms around my torso as an intense pain flared through my insides like they were being shredded.

My vision was blurring and my persistent headache was getting even worst.

What should've been a brisk walk home across the market place now has become a horrible dream.

No far worst.

A nightmare.

One with me being dead at the end of it.

I shuddered.

Death wasn't something I wanted to do with the short time I had live so far.

Neither was feeling the amount of pain I was currently in as beads of sweat form on my forehead from my body heating up. Even my beast inside was crying out in pain.

Just then I felt someone shove me in my shoulder and I gasped as the pain radiated throughout me.

I gritted my teeth braced myself.

"Oh sorry mate."

A overly loud boastful male voice said. I was pretty sure he wasn't as he continue to intentionally jostle me.

My ears picking up the loud laughing and slurring words. It was hard to know if it was between the man that was harassing me or the other voices of the near by festival goers.

I had forgotten about the carnival that was taking place all throughout the weekend. I should've remembered, I was part of the committee helping plan it. Right at the moment I wished I would've postpone it too later on in the month.

I mean, it wasn't like I had the day of my death marked some where.

"Its okay."

I managed to croak out, my mouth getting dry with each passing moment. My hair curtaining the look I gave him. One thing I liked about my hair being long was that it was like a screen between me and the people around me. Thankfully we weren't drawing attention. I didn't want any problems.

"You sure blonde? "

He slurred a bit as his large hand dug into my shoulder. He suddenly pulled me backward making me come in contact with his large frame. Bile started rising at the back of my throat as his intention started to come clear.

I tried as best to pull away but the jerk held on as the pain was flaring again and possibly panic as he used me as a crutch swinging his arm on my shoulder.

His alcohol breathe filled my nostrils as the hot breathe hit the side of my head.

Making me nauseas too. I swallowed the bile from rising and tried as best to stay alert as everything was starting become blurry.

"Looks here what I found guys, a little fairy."

He said as he pulled my face harshly upward and showed his friends. All of them looking at me with leechery eyes. My jaw clutched, I wasn't a violent person, I didn't like yelling or conflict. But my own blood starting boiling as all I wanted to do right now is slam my fist into their faces.


I tighten my torso again as tears form with my frustration building. No it the uselessness that was building inside of me. Always useless Ethan.

"He. blo..d. d…" The drunk man was trying to say something but this time I couldn't even pick up on his words. Even the lamp lights were fading, the pain was so intense, that my knees were about to buckle.

Great I was going to ruin the festival with dying square dab in the middle of it. Even in death I was going to be a buzzkill. Light was right about that. I didn't even care about the groping the man was trying to do. Probably the only action I was going to get either way.

"Sorry guys, my fairy seemed to have escape I need her back." A voice drawled. I felt a cool hand touch my face as I tried as best to looked at who ever hand that belong to. Finally adjusting to the lights overhead I got to see the most captivating dark set of eyes look at me. I groan at the absent of his hands and the cooling effect it had on me.

"What yer mean your fairy mate."

The drunk man tighten his grip on me. Ugh. Even more pain.

"Men surely your rather continue your night in peace." I heard the stranger say "All I need is my fairy and you can go along with your night"

Pleaseeee by all goddess let them leave me alone.

One thing I managed to make out was that he was a lot taller than the small mob of men but regardless he was still outnumbered. My vision was starting to get even more blurry by the second. Before I closed my eyes I took in his long robbed hoodie. He was also trying to hide himself in the crowd. Shit. What if he was one of my fathers men…My eyelids were getting heavier.