
White Lock

How fun would it be dominating the world of blue lock? The thrill in something like that can only be truly enjoyed by someone who knows the fun and future in it. Mr. Roy was just that someone. He loved the Blue Lock manga. Now he was given chance to reincarnate in one. There was no way he was going to fail because that was his egotism.. Starting at the bottom, he will slowly learn how to play football and crawl his way to top. "So what if others are protagonists. I'm the protagonist myself, I'll just devour their protagonistism. Even the main character is no exception." - Mr. Roy.

Kido_TO · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Uh..Where Am I?

"The dark and gloomy surrounding, A chair placed. And uhh..There is someone sitting there?" I processed these thoughts as I accessed where I'm.

"Nice to see you Mr. Roy"

The guy who was sitting on the chair greeted Roy, who by the way had guessed the situation he was under.

"Sir..No, Mr. God," Roy having guessed who he was talking to, said "It's my honour to see you as well." He expressed his greetings.

"Did I die though?" Roy asked immediately having reached the conclusion.

Mr. God or whatever he was talking to, smiled. "No dear mortal, you didn't die. I just killed you."

Shocked that it wasn't just some usual death but having killed by a God, he gasped. "Ah, it's my pleasure then, so what do I owe you to have you killed me, sir?"

"It's not really much.."The being asserted, "I just needed a mortal for my entertainment" He said, "As you see, I'm quite bored now a days."

Having known the reason behind his death, Roy being a 40 year old man who read many manga, novels, and watched anime just accepted the situation nonchalantly.

"So? Am I going to reincarnate now like in those novels.." Roy asked, already thinking of the typical 3 wishes in his mind and which cultivation/magic world he wanted to reincarnate.

The God having read his thoughts declared, "Nope you're not going anywhere of your choice, and you won't have 3 wishes as well."

'Sigh..I should not have thought about it, as expected the God can see through my thoughts like in those isekai novels.'

Roy hesitated, "So which world do you wana isekai me to? and for what purpose?"

The god was still sitting on the chair without reaction. The being declared, "You're going to Blue Lock to be greatest Striker."

"Oh..that's one of my favourite manga and anime" Roy revealed as he knew being honest would be in his favour since he know that can't hide anything from this God.

"So do I get any wishes or not?" Roy asked, greed was evident in his eyes.

"Sure you have 2 wishes." The God declared.

"My first wish is, I want Isagi's perspective of seeing world as puzzle.

My second wish is Perfect Devouring ability, that makes me devour other people's skills and make them mine."

As I said these 2 wishes I was filled with excitement as I knew, I will be invincible in blue Lock with them since these 2 abilities were made to complement each other. Only those who read the blue lock manga will understand this.

"Alright, I'll send you to the world. You will be reincarnated as a baby but you will have your memory back at age of 5 to make sure your brain can hold your past life memory."

"Also I decided to let you chose any of the 300 players that will be chosen in Blue lock period as your reincarnation." The God said to Roy.

"I would like to reincarnate as Kira" Roy declared.

Meanwhile Roy in his head, 'Ah that guy is basically the most handsome guy in blue lock, I chose him for a reason. He was already having a good physique but he was sort of lazy and lacked character because he used to think of himself as genius which was also a reason as to why he got knocked out.'

'Huh you're lucky as this time I'll change your fate..or to be exact ours fate."

The God smirked knowing his thoughts again but let him do as he threw him inside some portal that suddenly appeared without him moving any of his body while sitting on chair.

'Lets see how you do.' The god thought, unknown to the fact that his thoughts were read by someone who was the creater of the dimension he was under.


Japan, Tokyo.

A five year old boy with white hair was seen playing football with his father. His father was a handsome dude who looked to be around mid twenty.

"Come on Daddy, Give me the ball!" The boy cried. However his dad smirked, "Roy, as a man if you want something you take it.."

As he said this, the boy named Roy got enraged dashed towards his Dad. It was all in vain as Mr. Karasuke dodged his sprint while turning his body left. This made the boy lose his momentum, as a result of which he fell on the ground.

"Karasuke! How Dare you!", Having seen the act of this rude Father of Roy, Roy's mother dashed towards the man who was called Karasuke.

Soon after, ear piercing wails came from the man who was full of confidence just now.

"Please forgive me Darling! I won't do anything like this ever I swear.." Daddy Karasuke begged Mommy Hina, but it seems that it wouldn't be easily salvaged as his mother Hina was still pulling his one side of ear.

'It looks like I've to intervene' Roy thought as he looked at his father's pleading eyes that glimpsed toward him. Having understood the plead, Roy decided to step forward.

"It's okay Mommy, I'm good. See, there is no wound here.." He showed his arms and shrugged.

"Alright Son, but you can't play football anymore since it's a dangerous sport!" Her mother said while she hugged her son Roy.

A flash of intelligence appeared in the eyes of this small 5 year old boy Roy. He was the same Roy who had reincarnated as Ryosuke Kira. Apparently it was his family whose surname had Kira and not Ryosuke! So his Dad's name was Karasuke Kira and his mother's name was Hina Kira.

His snow white hair looked appealing even though he was 5 year old, he had a pale skin with cute face. Even he was shocked to see such a cute face when he saw himself for first time in mirror after regaining his memories.

Apparently it seemed that God did something which made his parents name him Roy instead of Ryosuke. He also had regained his memory a month ago on his 5th birthday.

In this month, other than urging his father to buy football and play with him against the wish of his mother, he also had made some friends in his neighbourhood.

After eating his lunch and doing some study on the Japanese language on his kindergarten books which he didn't know, he then glanced at the clock hanging on wall of his room. It seems that it was already time to play outside!

"Mom, Daddy Can I go play with my friends Barou and Rishi? " He went to his parents who were enjoying coffee together and asked.

His mother agreed, "Ok, but you have to come back home before 6pm."

"Is it okay dear, since he is still 5 year old. Won't be forget his way back?" Karasuke asked his wife Hina as they both seemed a little worried after Roy went outside to play with Barou with football which Karasuke has bought him!

"Yes don't worry Honey, he has recently had some boost in intellgence department so he should be fine, didn't he return yesterday fine?"

"Hmm you're right Sweety." Karasuke nodded.


His new friends who were Rishi and Barou, were playing jick-jack saw with each other in the park. Though it seemed that they both were each other's enemy. Apparently Barou was dominating them with his size. All of them were of same age but Barou was just born taller and a dominating sort of aura always surrounded him. I saw through the situation at once. I was just waiting to land in time when My cutie pie Rishi would start his crying. That will be the time when I commence my plan.

"What are you doing Donkey, you're not strong enough to defeat this King in this game!" The self proclaimed King was of course Barou.

The other kid called Rishi was triggered as he started crying. Seeing this I came forward to help him as I tried calming him. "It's okay, isn't it just a game? Let's play football Rishi! You and me against Barou!"

'Everything was going according to my plan. I have tricked them to playing football! Just like this I've to make more friends of my age so they can be my training dummies.My evil like self was indeed hidden deep but I knew the future so I chose to be hidden villain.'

Barou looked proud as he said, "Oh you're going to play that game again? I lost to you two last time by mistake! Let's bring it on."

That said, we got readied as I and Rishi started passing ball to each other. I've been teaching Rishi for some time already on how to pass and recieve ball.

When Barou was about to come and get me with his huge physique, I swiftly passed ball to my buddy Rishi on my right side, which garnered Barou's attention on Rishi, this made him nearly slip on ground but he didn't, then Rishi suddenly passed ball to me and we got rid of Barou. Then I sent goal toward the other side of tree which was marked to be goal from our side against Barou.

"Easy-Peasy" I taunted Barou as he looked furious but I know he is good kid at heart so he won't bully me physically.

'Barou never minded 2v1 so I always used this against him because I knew I can't face him with my current physique alone. So I have been practicing pass-pass with Rishi. Although our skills are trash, especially because Rishi can't handle passes easily but I've to admit, he is good at passing ball to me though.'

'Although I can not defeat my Dad due to sheer difference in size and physique that comes due to age, I have set my current goal to atleast defeat Barou before defeating Dad one on one.'

With these thoughts I again goaled toward the tree and won another point. We defeated Barou 3-0.