
Whispers of peace

In a world where all races coexist in harmony, witches emerge as a dominant force, seeking to assert control over the diverse tapestry of humanity. Their insidious influence threatens to unravel the fragile fabric of peace that has bound werewolves, vampires, humans, and witches together for generations. As tensions mount and conflicts simmer beneath the surface, the inevitable eruption of war looms ominously on the horizon. Amidst this tumultuous backdrop, a child is born—a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. Destined to navigate the treacherous waters of uncertainty, this child carries within her the potential to restore the long-lost equilibrium and usher in a new era of unity and coexistence. But the path to reconciliation will not be easy. Faced with formidable adversaries and insurmountable challenges, the young protagonist embarks on a journey fraught with peril and adversity. Guided by ancient prophecies and hidden truths, she seeks to unravel the tangled web of deception that ensnares her world, forging unlikely alliances and confronting her deepest fears along the way. With each step she takes, the whispers of destiny grow louder, urging her towards her ultimate purpose—to reclaim the peace that has been stolen from her people and forge a future where all races can thrive together as one. But as the forces of darkness gather their strength and the flames of war threaten to consume everything she holds dear, she realizes that her journey is far from over. In a world torn asunder by conflict and strife, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance. Will she rise to the challenge and fulfill her destiny as the chosen one, or will the shadows of despair claim victory once more? Only time will tell as she embarks on her quest to restore harmony to a fractured world and ensure that all races can exist together as one again.

Victoria_Olusola · Historia
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2 Chs



Chapter One: Kimberly's Perspective

Waking up from the nightmare that has haunted me since childhood, I find myself once again immersed in its chilling imagery. Allow me to properly introduce myself: I am Kimberly Auston. My early years were spent in an orphanage before I was embraced by my adoptive parents. Though they were neither affluent nor destitute, their love knew no bounds, and they unfailingly provided for my every need. Yet, despite their care, the specter of this recurring nightmare has never ceased to haunt me.

In this haunting dream, a cacophony of figures clashes before my eyes. Some bear a striking resemblance to me, while others possess elongated fangs dripping with blood though i don't know what they are. Then there are those with a serpentine allure, their scaly skin and reptilian eyes marking them as witches or what shiuld i call them? Half reptiles or half hunans? I don't know but i guess i will have to find out by myself. Lastly, there are creatures reminiscent of wolves, shifting between human and their wolf forms well i think i have heard about them before but not really sure if they are the one. Amidst this chaos, two shadowy figures—they are presumably semblance of my parents—appear, their features obscured, and a bit blurred, but their actions clear as they gently stroke my hair in affection before placing a pendant around my neck and after that meeting a grim fate at the hands of an unidentified assailant, shrouded in mystery. And thus, each night, I awaken drenched in sweat, shaken to the core by the remnants of this vivid nightmare.

Gathering my wits, I rise from my bed and slip into my slippers, greeted by the warm embrace of the morning sun shining brightly through my window as I throw open the curtains. Venturing into the kitchen, I behold my good looking adoptive mother—a vision of faded beauty, her radiance dimmed by the tragic loss of her husband. His demise remains an enigma, his lifeless form discovered in the woods, bearing the telltale marks of a savage beast's claws. Despite exhaustive investigations, the circumstances surrounding his death remain shrouded in uncertainty and mystery, leaving us grasping for answers in a sea of speculation amidst many questionsp.

Returning to the present, my mother bestows upon me a tender kiss and inquires aboutmeat I would prefer to haave for breakfast, offering me a sandwich with maternal affection that transcends blood ties. Though not biologically related, she has embraced me as her own, filling the void left by the absence of children in her life.

Satiated, I bid my mother farewell and embark on my daily routine, punctuated by the comforting presence of my dear friend, Lucy. Well lucy is a rich kid as her parents made it big at an early stage of their life while abandoning their only daughter in the care of her nanny whom she sees as her mother well I guess we are the same thing just that our worlds in terms of wealth is different. Well back to the present before we digress, As we traverse the familiar path to school, her luxury car affording us both convenience and camaraderie, I am reminded of the bond forged in the innocence of childhood—a bond that has withstood the test of time and adversity. Well on getting to school it's always the same as usual Lucy is the popular rich kid while I am her nerdy best friend. She is quite fierce and hates bullying a lot so no one dares to bully her or bully me because of the repercussions that awaits them. But me I am the quiet one, the one who gets easily bullied, the one who gets to do others assignnment and that is how I became BFF's with lucy after she saved me from my classmates inconsistent bullying. And ever since then she has always tried to make me learn some defence skill but my nature will never allow me to learn it as I am too lazy to do so.

Upon returning home, I find myself alone, with ample time to explore the recesses of my adoptive father's room. Amidst the library i accidentally stumble upon a hidden door which i was able to find the key to the door and upon opening it in themiddle was a yellow coated book in which i guess i just stumbled upon a hidden diary, concealed within the confines of his hidden deeds which I guess he does not want me to know about. Intrigued by its clandestine nature, I resolve to unravel its mysteries, eager to unearth the secrets it holds.

Securing the room and retreating to the solitude of my own chamber, I contemplate on the implications of what i just made. discovery of. Fatigue threatens to overwhelm me, but the allure of the diary proves too tantalizingl to resist. With a sense of trepidation mingled with curiosity, I succumb to the embrace of slumber, dreaming of the revelations that await me within the pages of the hidden tome.

As dawn breaks, I awaken to the persistent ache of a headache—a relentless reminder of the nocturnal torment that plagues my subconsciousness (my nightmares).

Girding myself for the day ahead, I dress for school and bid my mother adieu, the weight of the diary nestled securely within my backpack, a silent testament to the secrets that beckon from its pages.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the school day, the chime of the lunch bell heralds a momentary respite from academic rigors. Seizing the opportunity to confide in my trusted confidante, Lucy, I produce the diary from its clandestine hiding place which is my backpack, its weathered pages whispering secrets of generations past which gets me and lucy more curious and attracted to it

Upon opening its timeworn cover, I am greeted by the haunting words of my late father—a poignant reminder of his untimely demise and the mysteries that shroud his legacy. With trembling hands, I turn the pages, each revelation unraveling the tapestry of my ancestry with newfound clarity, yet shrouding the path forward in a veil of uncertainty. Well we would have to find out what is in the diary.

As I delicately turned the pages of the diary, my heart raced with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. Scrawled within its timeworn confines were the very creatures that had plagued my dreams—a menagerie of grotesque figures, each bearing the mark of otherworldly terror. Lucy, my ever-enthusiastic companion, leaned in eagerly, her eyes alight with anticipation, urging me to delve deeper into the mysteries that lay within.

With trembling fingers, I turned to the next page, revealing a tableau of peculiar drawings—a collection of vials containing enigmatic concoctions, accompanied by a cryptic map adorned with arcane symbols. Yet, it was the inscriptions accompanying these curious illustrations that truly confounded me, their meaning shrouded in a veil of inscrutability.

Despite Lucy's palpable excitement, I couldn't shake the disquieting sensation that gripped me, prompting me to hastily close the diary's cover, unwilling to entertain its eerie contents any longer.

As the final moments of our lunch break dwindled away, I busied myself with the mundane task of repacking my backpack, seeking solace in the familiarity of routine as I nibbled on the remnants of my snacks.

The shrill ring of the bell shattered the tranquility of the moment, signaling the end of our brief respite. With a resigned sigh, I made my way back to the confines of the classroom, only to be jolted from my reverie by the unexpected summons echoing through the school's intercom—an ominous directive that sent shivers down my spine.

"Auston Kimberly, report to the principal's office immediately."

A hush fell over the classroom as all eyes turned to me, their silent scrutiny weighing heavily upon my shoulders. With a sense of foreboding gnawing at my insides, I gathered my belongings and made the somber journey to Principal Ashton's domain—a place synonymous with dread and admonition.

Summoning what little courage I possessed, I tentatively rapped upon the door, steeling myself for the confrontation that awaited within. As the door swung open, I was met with the imposing figure of our principal—a man whose stern countenance belied the undeniable allure of his features.

Principal Ashton's Perspective:

Standing before me was a vision of crimson-haired beauty—a captivating presence that threatened to disrupt the veneer of indifference I had meticulously cultivated. Her fiery locks framed a face of ethereal grace, her gaze betraying a vulnerability that tugged at the recesses of my conscience.

Suppressing the involuntary stirrings of admiration that threatened to betray my facade of stern authority, I leveled a gaze of calculated aloofness upon the girl before me, my tone brusque and uncompromising.

"Have you finished indulging in your idle fantasies, or shall I continue to serve as the object of your distraction?"

Kimberly's Perspective:

Startled from my reverie by the barbed retort that pierced the silence, I struggled to articulate a response, my words faltering in the wake of Principal Ashton's imposing presence.

"I...I apologize," I stammered, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment, the weight of his scrutiny bearing down upon me like a leaden cloak.


Pls you guys should comment on whatever u think is not supposed to be there I appreciate ur honest comment and don't forget to like. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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