
Whispers of Desire: My Boss, The Seductive Voice

Warning: R18+, heavy pornography (This story is adapted from a true story) More than just romance, it's an adventure into the realm of seduction. Follow Qiu Mingyue as she vacillates between professional obligations and uncontrollable passion, helplessly drawn to her enigmatic boss, Zhou Su. His voice awakens her deepest cravings, leading her into a world brimming with secretive glances and forbidden whispers. This story is a thrilling and sometimes dangerous exploration of attraction in the workplace, where every moment is charged with an irresistible, sensual tension.

Yuan_Ye_8740 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
44 Chs

Beastly Desires (Mildly Erotic)

Qiu Mingyue, freshly composed, stepped out of the restroom stall. Stretching her hands under the automatic faucet, she lifted her eyes to the mirror. The warm water just started when she caught sight of Zhou Su beside her, making her jump in surprise.

"Director Zhou," she stuttered, wishing she could bite off her own tongue.

Zhou Su raised an eyebrow, evidently finding her reaction odd, but he merely acknowledged her with a nod.

Rarely did Qiu Mingyue find herself so uncontrollably aroused in this restroom. This was the first time her misdeeds were caught by the very subject of her fantasies. She desperately hoped she hadn't made any sound.

Both washed their hands, Qiu Mingyue trailing half a step behind Zhou Su. Her eyes lowered, fixating on the lean waist and firm buttocks of the man before her.

The company's gym, frequented by many colleagues but not Zhou Su, hinted at his private fitness regime. Always immaculately dressed, he maintained his leader's image, yet the more formal he appeared, the more it fueled Qiu Mingyue's wild fantasies. She harbored doubts about the sophisticated façade he presented.

Suddenly, Zhou Su, as if recalling something, asked, "Are you free this Friday evening?"

Qiu Mingyue looked up, slightly startled.

"If it's okay with you, we'll schedule the department's team-building for this Friday."

Oh—Qiu Mingyue's initially startled heartbeat began to normalize.

"Yes, I'm free," she replied.

Departmental gatherings were held every three months, involving dinners, karaoke, and the like. Qiu Mingyue missed the last one due to unforeseen circumstances.

Director Zhou is truly attentive, she thought, remembering even such minor details.

Subordinates often felt flattered by such care; he was adept at leadership.

After Zhou Su entered his office, Qiu Mingyue finally dropped her smile, checking her phone only to find it hadn't recorded anything.

"A mature phone should learn to record on its own," she lamented.

About two months after joining the company, she began secretly recording sounds.

She was initially excited on her first day, but Zhou Su had a cold and was working from home during the flu season. Disappointed, Qiu Mingyue was about to finish her paperwork when she received a message from him, asking her to inform him once she was done with the documents for a voice meeting.

"Alright," Qiu Mingyue replied.

That afternoon, in a small conference room, she initiated the call with Zhou Su. After a brief silence and a light cough from the other end, he greeted, "Mingyue."

Wearing headphones, Qiu Mingyue felt a thrill run through her body, tingling from head to toe.

She always liked her name, but undoubtedly, Zhou Su's way of calling it was the most enchanting.

As Zhou Su spoke, she listened intently.

His voice, slightly nasal due to his cold, was huskier and deeper than she remembered, like velvet sandpaper against her sensitivities. In the quiet of their separate spaces, unseen by each other, the atmosphere became even more imaginative. During the interview, she had used a speaker, but wisely chose headphones this time, catching the slight panting in his breath due to his cold.

Midway through, she heard him drinking water, naturally visualizing the motion of his Adam's apple.

Qiu Mingyue found herself in a sea of fire.

On one hand, she felt guilty for finding excitement in her leader's illness. On the other, this man was playing with fire, and she was undeniably ignited.

Their meeting lasted nearly twenty minutes. Listening to Zhou Su's increasingly frequent coughing, she inquired out of humanitarian concern. He brushed it off, and she recommended some medicines she found effective.

"Okay, I'll look into them," Zhou Su responded.

"Get well soon," Qiu Mingyue wished.

"Thanks, and take care of yourself too," he replied.

"Sure, I will."

After hanging up, Qiu Mingyue sat in the conference room, half-focused on the documents, half-lost in her thoughts.

She thought she might be too infatuated with Zhou Su, but then again, she wasn't the only one smitten. Learning that Zhou Su wouldn't be in the office for a few days, both female and male colleagues seemed visibly disheartened.

In the workplace, such crushes were merely a diversion. A leader was a leader, after all. Certain things could be said, others couldn't. But online, facing such a stunning figure, even passersby would yearn for a fierce encounter. If there were a dorm room chat atmosphere, she could have shared her thoughts, but now… Qiu Mingyue foresaw a future of repressed self, suffering yet enjoying the pain.

Her mind wandered with fantasies, acknowledging that this obsession was no small matter. She had never fantasized about a man in the three-dimensional world like this before. Past hormonal flurries were fleeting, like watching college boys play basketball and admiring those who lifted their shirts to reveal sculpted abs.

Did Zhou Su have abs?

Probably, she thought.

Qiu Mingyue pressed her hand to her forehead, deciding to just enjoy the moment.

As time passed, her impulsive desires for Zhou Su didn't wane as expected.

She analyzed her emotional elements:

First, she didn't like Zhou Su in a romantic way. Liking someone required responsibility, and who falls for their boss anyway?

Second, she craved him—his voice, his face, his body. Craving a leader's body might sound terrible, but Zhou Su was no ordinary leader.

Lastly, she was an educated adult with morals and boundaries, adhering to the principle of 'keeping to oneself.' While her colleagues gossiped, Qiu Mingyue listened keenly but kept her lips sealed, only chiming in at appropriate moments.

Looking back, Qiu Mingyue saw those days as pitiful. Like a fox yearning for unreachable grapes, she had imagined devouring it in countless ways, yet in reality, she was just starving, too fixated to consider other 'meat'.

She hadn't starved to death, though. On a night of endlessly switching audio clips in search of a good male moan, she stumbled upon the latest update from Teacher E, who had been missing for nearly three months.

A 'lull to sleep' type, video play, short, about ten minutes.

"Why are you still awake?"

Qiu Mingyue turned off the lights, lay flat on her bed in the dark, and quickly immersed herself in the man's gentle voice, feeling a long-missed sense of bliss.

"You're thinking of me, aren't you?" he cooed indulgently.

"Where are you thinking of me?" The voice's owner shifted tones, becoming light, as if he were whispering right in her ear, pausing before laughing softly at the satisfying response. "Thinking of every part of me? Such a good girl."

Qiu Mingyue felt a surge of warmth at his laughter, acknowledging Teacher E's undiminished skills. Even after a long absence, he still held a place in the world of erotic audio.

A long sigh from the man, a sound of suppressed desire: "I miss you too, baby... I'll be home soon to be with you, okay? Let me see you first, lift up your clothes..."

Qiu Mingyue rubbed her legs together, sliding her hand into her pajamas, grasping her breast.

The man continued to seduce: "That's it, call out, so beautiful. Your nipples are already hard, aren't they? Just from hearing my voice? Don't be shy, open your legs for me. Are you wet already? So sensitive... Did you touch yourself these days, thinking of me, hmm?"

A click sounded, the unbuckling of a belt, as the man's husky voice continued with more provocative words: "I'll show you too, okay? Do you want to see? Take off your panties for me. Good girl, still shy... Open yourself up for me, let me see. So beautiful and wet, I want to lick you all up. Do you want that? Slide your fingers in slowly, imagine it's my fingers inside you..."

Qiu Mingyue, completely under his spell, moved her fingers in rhythm with his commands, fantasizing about a video call with an attractive man, well-built and skilled.

She licked her lips, knowing handsome men were rare these days, and those with some appeal in the world of erotic audio were quick to reveal themselves. But E, except for his voice, had revealed nothing. Still, Qiu Mingyue couldn't help but imagine what he looked like.

With a sensual voice like that.

In the darkness, Zhou Su's face appeared before Qiu Mingyue again. She imagined his voice in moments of passion.

She touched herself, toes curling, listening to the increasingly urgent pants of the man in her earphones. The pleasure built rapidly, approaching like a storm.

"Baby, are you close to climaxing? Tongue out, blushing face, so adorable. I'm about to cum too... What's that, you want me to cum inside? Where? You're so naughty... Spreading yourself open for me, I'll cum for you when I get back, all over your face... You want to clean it up for me? I've starved you too much, my fault. I'll feed you well when I get back, good girl... I'm cumming, let's climax together, okay? Counting down from three, three, two, one..."

The earphones filled with muffled groans, and Qiu Mingyue climaxed in sync with the countdown.

Their breaths intertwined through different dimensions, surreal yet tangible. In the aftermath, she heard the man's affectionate, muffled words: "You're amazing, baby, I feel so good... I miss you too, I'll be back tomorrow, we'll meet then, alright? Go take a bath and sleep early tonight, I will too, love you, baby. Will I dream of you? What about you, will you dream of me? So cute, here's a kiss, good night, baby, you must be tired."

So tender, Qiu Mingyue reflected, her satisfaction mingling with loneliness. She thought drowsily, this must be one of Teacher E's more intimate audios, especially stimulating due to his final sprint, almost too real.


A thought crossed her mind, and she quickly scrolled through the comments. Many were fervent.

["Wuu, Teacher E is so good, I love it, please update more!"]

["Ahh, my love, I'm fainting, so good..."]

["You're finally back, my world is incomplete without you, take me with you, my love"]

Qiu Mingyue skimmed through, finding others who shared her sentiment.

["Damn, that breathing at the end, was it real? Teacher E is the best!"]

["I think it was real too, +1. I compared it with Teacher E's previous real recordings, it's very similar... so wet..."]

["Sis, can I ask for Teacher E's real recording resources?"]

Qiu Mingyue rewound the audio, her body still unsated from the man's voice.

Overindulging, she was visibly distracted at work the next day. She pretended to focus on Director Zhou's speech but her mind wandered, her inner beast peeking out.

Finally, under the table, she secretly pressed the red button.