
Whispers In The Walls

Aingeal is just an ordinary princess, living an ordinary life in her castle in Osemare. Except for one thing, she is an albino in a world where such a thing is obscure to them. Her mother, the Queen, tries to hide her from the rest of the world, sheltering her from the harm it can bring. But, when Aingeal's world suddenly goes up in flames, she learns a secret that completely breaks her. Everything seems to be falling apart, her image of life turned to ashes. Will she be able to do what is right for herself and her people, or will she allow the hidden secrets inside the castle to haunt her as the enemy draws ever closer, both inside and out of the castle.

Galactic_Nebulae · Fantasía
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2 Chs


It is a warm summer night. The breeze offers a cool and fresh feeling to those who are blessed enough to feel it. The trees dance in the gusts of wind as the grass on the hills flows like the waters of a slow-moving river. On a night like this, many of the people may feel at peace, enjoying what nature has to offer. But, in the land of Hecuria, resides a young king and queen, newlyweds. Their love is that of a fairy tale, one that is dreamed of by all of the young ladies of the kingdom.

The Queen is known throughout the land for her astounding beauty and is rumored to be more dazzling than the Goddess herself. Her beauty is said to flow off of her as moonlight flows off the moon. Her husband, the King, is one with a soft heart, and hard exterior. Known as a king that will do anything for his kingdom, and one that would quickly give his life to save it, he is easily an accomplished ruler. Together, the King and Queen rule over their beloved kingdom.

However, in the capital of Osemare, their lives are about to change. Only a year has passed since their arranged marriage, and his queen has already provided him with an offspring. It's quiet and serene inside the castle, except for the footsteps of the servants as they rush from room to room. The unrest in the castle is found everywhere, even in the king himself.

Inside the throne room, the King paces back and forth, with his hands behind his back, high with anxiety. He can hear his wife down the hall when a servant enters and leaves the room. The king stops pacing and sighs, heading to his throne, he sits. Placing his hands to his head, he gently applies pressure to his temple to relieve his ongoing stress.

Through the doors of the throne room, you can hear the faint, but loud, cry of a newborn baby, and the castle hushes. The King lifts his head and stands up as a maid walks through the large doors, her head low. Her face is pale as she walks up and curtsies. Keeping her head low, she speaks, her voice but a whisper.

"It's a girl, your Majesty."

Joy fills the King's heart as he sits down, relieved. Looking back at the maid, he takes in her stature and grave expression. Suddenly uneasy, he stands up and heads to the entrance to the throne room. The guards open the doors as he walks up, and he continues down the hallway to the room that contains his wife and daughter.

"Is my wife okay?" his voice stern and demanding as the maid follows closely behind.

"She is alive. Resting, your Majesty," she pauses as he begins to open the door. "It's the child. She's-"

The King opens the door before she could finish and enters the room. Allowing the door to close behind him, he leaves the maid in the hall. Inside is the Queen, asleep on the bed, and the sweet smell of blood and life. In the corner is a group of maids, huddled around the newborn. As he walks up, the maids move to reveal to him his daughter.

He sucks in a breath as he takes in the sight of her pearly white skin, and long, white lashes. She stretches and yawns, slowly opening her eyes and looking straight at him. The maids gasp at her bright, blood-red eyes. The King smiles warmly as he lifts her up and holds her close.

"She's beautiful," he says as she holds his finger. He laughs and holds her up to his face, kissing her on the forehead. "My beautiful angel."