
Whispers In The Walls

Aingeal is just an ordinary princess, living an ordinary life in her castle in Osemare. Except for one thing, she is an albino in a world where such a thing is obscure to them. Her mother, the Queen, tries to hide her from the rest of the world, sheltering her from the harm it can bring. But, when Aingeal's world suddenly goes up in flames, she learns a secret that completely breaks her. Everything seems to be falling apart, her image of life turned to ashes. Will she be able to do what is right for herself and her people, or will she allow the hidden secrets inside the castle to haunt her as the enemy draws ever closer, both inside and out of the castle.

Galactic_Nebulae · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter One

The sky is dark with clouds. White flecks flutter to the hard and frozen ground. Inside the castle, it is nice and warm, with fires lit in nearly every room. The sound of the wind's howling can be heard from within the stone walls. A window looks out onto the snow-covered trees that lay beneath it, sending light onto the fresh layer. On a night like this, young children frolic in the powder while their parents bundle up with a cold cup of wine. One would get lost in the sight as the hours tick away; such a sight can take one's breath away.

Down the hall, rushed footsteps can be heard. Around the corner comes a maid, holding up her dress so that she can walk quicker. She rushes past the window, quickly glancing out at the sight outside. Turning down onto another hallway, she walks up to a door and releases her dress to open it. Behind the wooden door, are stairs that lead up and down. She carefully climbs the stairs, not allowing her long dress to stumble in her ascent.

At the top of the flight of stairs is another door leading to another hallway. If one is not careful in this castle full of mazes, they could easily get lost. The maid opens it up and flies down the hall into yet another maze. As she rushes down the many halls, she approaches a door and stops. She then stands there, catching her breath. After the pause, knocks softly on the door.

"Milady?" She leans forward and puts her ear to the door, listening for a reply. When there isn't one, she starts knocking again, louder. "Milady!"

"Go away," a voice, muffled by the door, says.

"But, Milady," she sighs as she rubs her temples, tired of her already. "It is suppertime, and you are already late. Now, open this door!"

"I'll take my supper in my room," the voice insists.

"Milady," the maid says as she steps away from the door and places her hands on her hips. "There are guests, and they are all awaiting your arrival so that they can eat their supper."

"I was not made aware of any 'guests' that you claim there are."

"It was last minute, Milady," she informs her. "Nobles from out of town; friends of the family. Now, please, hurry up and open this door so we can keep them from waiting any longer."

There is silence in the room as the maid shifts her weight to her right foot. Reaching towards the door, she tries to open it but is met with it being locked. A sigh is heard on the other side, and then shuffling and a click.

"Okay, fine."

The door opens to reveal a lady of great beauty and elegance. She stands a little taller than the maid before her. Her posture is that of a noblewoman, and her face is refined and pristine. She has luxuriant hair that falls past the middle of her back, and is as white as the snow outside. Her skin is frosted and as pure as an angel's. As she looks at the maid, she tilts her head, revealing her eyes. They are a vibrant red that is complemented by her satin and silk gown. Stepping forward, her soft lips form a line as the door closes, slowly, behind her. She walks past her and heads for the stairs, the maid following closely behind, allowing the lady to take the lead.

"Milady?" the maid says, breaking the silence.


"What about your veil?" she asks.

"I do not care for it," she states, allowing her eyes to roll. "I would actually like my food to be eaten."

"But-" the maid starts but is cut off by a glare.

"Nina," she sighs, placing her hand against her forehead. "Don't worry about me."

"I'm sorry miss," Nina apologizes as she opens the door for her, closing it gently behind them. She smiles playfully at her. "But isn't that my job?"

The lady smiles away from Nina as they walk up to the Dining Hall. Upon their arrival, two guards open up the doors while another announces their arrival.

"Princess Aingeal and her lady in waiting, Lady Nina, have arrived."


The first thing I notice when I enter the Dining Hall is that no, there are not any guests. The doors close behind us as Nina courtesies. My parents sit next to each other, on, what appears to be, the third meal. I turn back to the door to leave when a voice interrupts me.

"Aingeal," my father warns, making me stop and turn to look at him. "Come eat with us."

"Fine," I say, walking over to the table. Sitting down, I flatten out my skirt and look at my father.

"Well, go on," he says, smiling at me. "Eat."

"May I get my meal in my room?" I ask him politely. "I'm afraid I got here mid-meal, and the first part of it is cold."

"Then the cooks can heat it over the fire," my mother informs me from the other side of the table. She looks down at her food, gathering enough soup in her spoon for a bite. "It is not the first time that they have had to do it for you."

"The only reason I'm down here," I say, straightening my back, I look at her. "Is because I was told that we had guests and that they were, indeed, waiting for me to eat supper. And, if my eyes are not deceiving me, there appears to be none."

"How else would we have gotten you down here?" my father asks me, and I have to admit, I have skipped family dinners recently. "You rarely eat with us, and when you do, it is always when someone else is here."

"Don't bother yourselves," I assure them, picking up my spoon. "I just like being alone in my room with a good book. I'm sure you understand that, father?"

"I do," he agrees, a faint smile twinkling in his eyes. His expression changes, though to be sterner. "Though recreation should not get in the way of family. Understand, Aingeal?"

"Yes, father."

"Besides," my mother adds, a little panicked. "What if we did have guests? You did not have your veil when you entered. Why do you not have your veil on?"

"Well, mother," I reply, "The reason I did not have my veil, was because I wanted to be able to actually eat my supper, not just stare at it."

"Watch your mouth when talking to your mother like that," my father warns. "You know that she has you wear it for your own good."

"I understand, father," I sigh, lifting up my spoon, I take a bite of my soup. "It's just that it is so hard for me to enjoy things with it on."

"We know, dear," my mother says, sympathetic. "It's just, what if they saw you? We couldn't have that, could we?"

"What's wrong with someone seeing me?" I say to her, tired of always hearing this conversation. I can't hide the annoyance from flashing across my face. I immediately try to calm myself, but can't help but feel hurt by her.

She fumbles, and her face flashes between hurt and dismay. Placing down her spoon, she tries to answer me but ends up looking down at her bowl of soup. I, too, place my spoon on a napkin. Standing up, I bow my head.

"I apologize, but I am feeling unwell," I tell my father as I turn around, a smile on my face that is both sweet and salty. "I would like for the rest of my supper to be taken in my room. Now, if you do not mind."

I leave before anyone can say anything, letting the doors shut, loudly, behind me. Inside the Dining Hall, I hear raised voices and the door opening and closing again. Before the person was able to catch up, I already made my way down the hall. Keeping my pace steady, I head downstairs.

The garden has always been a safe haven for me, that and the library. Except out here, it is quiet, with little to no interruption. In the library, you have the chance of some maid cleaning or some scholar studying. But here, no one really comes, especially in the wintertime. Perfect place to go when you want to hide from the world.

As soon as the doors leading to the garden open, I feel the chilly air. Stray snowflakes make their way inside as I step onto the path. Even in the middle of winter, the garden keeps its beauty and sumptuous appearance. After a minute of walking, the path leads to a bench covered in the powder. I smile as I wipe off enough of the snow so that I can sit.

Sitting down, I look up into the sky, admiring the star-shaped flakes as they flutter onto my face. I sit like this for a few moments, allowing the flakes to gather on my lashes. Closing my eyes, I tilt my head down, letting the cold soothe me. The sound of footsteps can be heard down the path, heading towards me. Opening my eyes, I look in the opposite direction of the footsteps. I can hear them next to me as they shuffle in the snow, looking around.

"Hello Nina," I say, startling her.

"Milady," she starts but pauses. I turn to look at her as a caring smile crosses her face. "It is cold. Let's get you back inside."

"I am fine."

"Excuse me for being blunt, but, Milady," her voice warns as she steps closer to me, her arms crossed. "It is freezing cold, snow is falling, and my shoes are soaked. I am cold, and I have been out here much shorter than you. So do not say that you, yourself, are fine; I see your hands shaking."

"Alright," I pause, rubbing my fingers. Standing up, I allow a small smile to cross my face. Although, in the dark, it is barely visible. "I am quite famished."

We start heading back to the entrance into the castle, the snow crunching beneath our feet. Admiring the landscape, I look around at the snow-covered trees and bushes. Some resilient flowers pop up every here and there. Flakes dance down to the ground, covering the layer of snow that was there before. I am snapped away from the beauty when I spot a light that can be seen coming near us from down the path. Two guards walk up, doing their rounds. Nina steps in front of me, blocking me from their sight.

"It's fine, Nina," I sigh as I step to the side, letting the guards continue on their way. I try to look at the guard closest to me, but he avoids eye contact and tries to walk faster. The snow slows them down as they try to rush away. The light fades as they make their leave, their feet crunching in the snow.

We continue on the path, stepping through the powder. As we get closer to the castle, we can see the lights inside the window. Shadows move around, servants and maids going by their business. But one specific shadow catches my eye as we reach the doors. It stands there, watching us as the guards open the door into the castle. When we reach the doors, however, it turns away.

The warmth blankets me from the cold as I step inside. Nina sighs in relief of finally being warm and turns to me. Her face contains a smile as she looks at me in my eyes. Her expression changes as she reaches out and feels my fingers.

"Your hands are freezing!" she exclaims. Looking around, she spots a servant and walks up to them, dragging my hand along with her. "Excuse me, kind sir. The princess is cold. Could you please start a fire in her room, please?"

"I'm fine," I insist as the servant nods and goes on to his task. I look back to her, irritated. "I'm not that cold."

"You are, I can tell," she states, looking at me. "I know you, better than you think. Now hurry up to your room and warm up."

And so I do.