



Dave turn to shoot the gang leader and Ryan scream, no' oooo and rush to Dave and grab Dave hand; and beg him to let it go of the gun; while Dave tears is rolling down uncontrollable; and Ryan beg Dave and Dave left the gun for Ryan; and Dave turn towards the kidnapers; and walk towards them to sit on some block and the kidnapers move backwards and give Dave way and Dave sit on the block and Juliet walk to him; and Juliet hold Dave shoulder and say it ok; while Dave crying; and Juliet weep away Dave tears; and Ryan turn towards the kidnapers and the kidnapers knelt down and beg Ryan not to kill them; and the gang leader said! Mr Ryan am sorry; please save me; my daughter is sick and the money doctors wants before they will save her life is huge, and I wanted to borrow money from gray and Mr gray offer me this work so he will pay my daughter's hospital bail; and Dave said; that doesn't mean you should kill someone to save your daughter. you have to remember that; the person you want to kill! there is another person who loves that person you want to kill the same way you love your daughter;

Some minutes later;

Ryan Juliet and Dave arrive on the main road; Juliet and Ryan was happy and thank God for saving them; but Dave is quite and sad; and, a car arrive and they get inside the car; and the car move;

after some hours in Ryan mansion; the car entered and pack and Dave get down from the car; before Juliet and Ryan could come out from the car and Dave run towards inside the mansion to upstairs;

Mrs Bryan rush to Ryan and Juliet and hug them tight; and Mr Bryan too hug them; and Akira ask; why Dave didn't greet and went upstairs straight? And he seems unhappy? and Mr Bryan said where is Lily; and Ryan said; we need to sit and talk about it;

After some minutes in the living room

Mr Bryan) what? you have to get that boy arrested; I will make sure I avenge Lily death; just when they still talking and Dave rush out from upstairs in his room; and come pass in the living room! Mr Bryan call Dave but he didn't respond and run out towards his car; and enter the car; and drive out with full speed! Before the family could come out; Dave has already gone.

In gray mansion Dave entered with anger while screaming gray name; like crazy; in the living room while looking at upstairs expecting gray to come out; Dave have made his mind to kill gray once he sees him; and gray mum and the family; come to downstairs; and gray mum said; who are you? And why are you screaming like fool; Dave turn towards gray mum; while Dave eyes are all red; and push gray mum down in the couch; Dave struggling gray mum after few seconds and Dave let it go of gray mum; and Dave said! Luck I didn't see that fool and Dave walk out and enter his car and drove away!

8 o'clock pm

In some drinking bar; Dave holding glass of alcohol; drinking while he is already drunk and Dave remember the moment gray shoot Lily and Lily fall from the mountain; and Dave scream and rape his hand tight on the glass and the glass broke and hurt Dave hand and Dave stand up; and walk towards his car!

After some minutes in Ryan mansion! Dave walk in while his hand bleeding! Akira is in the living room watching TV; Dave is drunk; and walk zig Zak inside the living room and Akira stand up and grab Dave! In fear and say; what did you do to yourself?

Few minutes in Dave room; Akira treat Dave hand and bandage it; and Akira help Dave lay down on the bed and Akira say good night; and she walk out! After Akira walk out and Dave stand up from the bed and went to grab bottle of alcohol in his fridge! Just when Dave grab the bottle and turn to go and saw Lily stand in front of him; Dave move backwards zig zag and say; Lily is that you; and Lily said; yes! please put the bottle back in the fridge; and Dave put the bottle in the fridge back; and Lily tell Dave to come and sleep; and Dave lay down on the bed; while in Dave mind, he see Lily sit next to him on the bed; and Dave sit on the bed; and say; Lily promise you will stay here with me; and Lily said; lay down! I have no where to go; am here with you and Lily lay down on Dave chest; after which and Dave fall asleep;

The next day morning; Dave stretch himself on the bed and remember; Lily was with him in the night; and Dave stand up while calling Lily name; and went to downstairs

Dave walk up to Ryan on the couch and ask him; where is Lily! And Ryan stand up and say; Dave you have to take this easy; Lily is gone and Dave said; Lily was with me yesterday night; she promise not to leave me! And Ryan hug Dave tight and say; calm down; while Dave shed tears; and Dave turn around and went to upstairs again in his room!

After some minutes; and Juliet knock on Dave door and Dave open the door; and Juliet enter the room;

Juliet) Dave can we talk and Dave said yes; am all ears; while he is sad and Juliet said; I know it hurt, but you can't live in memory of Lily forever! you have to pick yourself up and fight! I know Lily will always want you to be happy; and Dave flash back; in Lily house Lily held Dave hand and say; if I died before you; I will be on the sky and take care of you; because I love you the most and I will always want you to smile, whenever you look at the sky; because I want you to be happy forever and Dave held Lily hand and say, nothing is going to happen to you; we will live happily till we grow old and Lily smile and hug Dave and say I love you; and the flash back end; Dave smile happily and Juliet said; yeah you have to do it for; Lily happiness! if you truly loves her; and Dave said; Lily; I promise to avenge you no matter the situation;

In gray mansion gray is about to go out and his wife stop him in the living room and ask; where are you going? and gray said I have meeting with some Chinese people! Am going to meet them; and gray wife wish him good luck and give gray peg and gray walk out

After some minutes in the uncompleted building in the bush where gray boys tied Ryan and his family up; and gray walk inside the uncompleted building while screaming his boys name; but none of them respond; and gray grab his waist and look around quietly but no one is in the building and gray turn and walk out while thinking where could his boys took Ryan Juliet and Dave too; and gray entered his car and call the leader of the kidnapers. but no one answered the call; after which and gray enter his mansion!

in the living room just when gray is about to go upstairs and his wife come out from kitchen and say; sweetie you are back early; what happen? and gray said; they have postpone the meeting to next week! And gray wife said, oh I see! and gray went upstairs to his room---------



In gray mansion in kitchen; gray wife has prepare a delicious meal and went out to pick something; and gray mum enter the kitchen and poor more salt in the food; and went out to the living room; and sit on the couch after some minutes; and gray walk from upstairs to downstairs and call his wife name and gray wife respond from kitchen and gray said; please be fast on the good; my friends will be here soon; and gray wife said; I have already finish cooking; and gray tell his wife to bring the food on the dining table before his friends come;

In Ryan mansion; Dave walk in and Ryan walk up to Dave and ask; did you find her? and dave said; we have been searching everywhere; we didn't even see something to prove she is around that area; and Dave sit on the couch and say; could it be that lily is still alive? because we didn't see her body anywhere!

In gray mansion; gray friends walk in and gray shake they're hands one by one and give them hug and gray get to his best friend prince; and prince hug gray tight and say; hey man it has been a long time; and gray ask his friends to sit and they sit on the dinning table to eat; and gray wife come out from kitchen; with stew and prince stand up and gray wife put the stew on the table and give prince hug; and prince said; hey you look extra beauty everyday; and they sit to have their meal;

Their are sit and gray wife start serving the food; while they're chatting and laughing; and prince grab his spoon and start eating just when the food enter prince mouth; prince almost vomit the food out again; but prince manage and swallow it and look at gray wife eyes and gray wife smile; and prince said in his mind; this most be a plan work! I have to do something before someone else taste this food. Just when one of gray friends is about to taste the food and prince start coughing hard while going down and hold the table hard and pull the table; and everyone drop they're spoon and rush towards prince; just when gray wife grab bottle of water on the table to give to prince and prince cough hard and push the table down and all the food poor on the ground; and gray wife give prince the water after prince drink the water and prince stand up while still coughing and and gray wife pull one of the seat for prince and prince sit;

Gray mum) what kind of bad luck is this; now all the food is on the ground! And gray wife said; mum food; you are thinking about! Think about prince life; and prince stand up and look at the food on the floor and turn to gray and the other friends and say; guys am sorry for this; and the guys said; hey life is important; we can go to a restaurant near by and have something to eat; just when everyone is walking out and prince walk towards gray mum and whispered into gray mum ears that; plan one failed; but be careful before you enter problem and prince walk out while stared at gray mum and wave her and smile; gray mum get shock how prince knew it was her plan to disgrace gray wife;

Juliet parents house

Ryan and Juliet visit Juliet parents house;

In Juliet parents house; Juliet hug her mum tight

After which and Juliet mum hug Ryan too and tell them to sit and Juliet and Ryan sit; and Juliet father walk in and Juliet trow herself into her father arms and hug him tight;

After few minutes and Juliet and Ryan; tell Juliet parents what happen to Lily and Juliet mum break into tears; and say; Lily was like a daughter to me; she stand up for me in every situation; Lily why now? I promise to protect you; but I fail my promise;

Juliet) mum I have a question to ask you and dad! I grow up with Lily in the same house but I haven't meet her parents; where is Lily parents?

Juliet mum breath out and start shed tears more; and Juliet draw close to her mom and confront her;

and Juliet father start telling Juliet and Ryan; how they become Lily parents all this years

Flash back

Lily mother was Juliet parents maid; and she got pregnant; but her boyfriend run away after he find out Lily mum is pregnant; and we take care of Lily mum; till the day Lily mum was put on bed; but unfortunately Lily mum died after giving birth to Lily; and Juliet parents took Lily as they're own daughter;

Juliet) if Lily was born here; then why I meet her after I turn 7; and Juliet mum said; she was with my cousin in Italy;

After some minutes in Lily house; Dave walk in and walk towards lily picture on the wall and take the picture and ask Lily on the picture; why did you left so soon; and Dave walk to Lily bed room and open Lily closet and a picture of Dave himself in a big flame fall down and Dave go on his knees and grab the picture and turn it and Dave break into tears again; while holding Lily picture in his left hand and his own picture on his right hand! And Dave flash back the first day Lily kissed him and run enter the house and how they share one bed in the village and Dave tears start rolling uncomfortable and Dave sit on Lily bed;

After Dave shed tears finish and turn to walk out and saw a dairy under Lily pillow and Dave turn and took the dairy and open page one headline; and Dave read it out; my love life! And Dave walk out with the dairy;

In Dave room

Dave sitting on his bed while reading, Lily dairy; the dairy start talking about how Lily fall in love with Dave at first sight and Lily said in the dairy how she want to live with Dave and have 4 kids with Dave two boys two girls; and Dave start shed tears; and Akira entered the room and Dave weep away his tears; and Akira; said; what is making you shed tears again? And Dave said; nothing am not shed tears; and akira walk to him; and say you are my brother; I know you more than anything else on this earth; so can you share it with me; and Dave tell her to sit and Akira sit on the bed;

Gray mansion;

gray best friend prince is about to walking out and gray wife rush to him and stop him and say; why did you help me; and prince said; I don't see why gray mum wanted to do that to you just to disgrace you; and again I warn you not to enter this relationship!; they wants to kill you; and gray arrive and say; what are you guys discussing and prince said; I was apologize for spoil the food she made with her energy; and gray held prince hand and they walk out; and gray wife turn and went to upstairs;

In gray room! Gray wife walk up and down and talk to herself and say; after giving you everything. you want to kill me and have all the money; don't worry; we shall see who wins------------



In some place; gray walk in towards soma bad boy house; and sit on the couch and the bad boy walk from upstairs and gray stand up and greet the bad boy! And the bad boy sited on his couch while smoking; and say; to gray; you say; you want to discuss a deal with me! what deal is that?

Gray; move close to the bad boy and say; I want you to eliminate someone for me and the bad boy smile and say; consider it done; but I despise been delayed to get my money after finishing my job ; and gray say; you don't have problem on that; and gray gives his wife picture to the bad boy and say; finish her for me! but I don't want you to left any evidence back for the police to track us; and the bad boy laugh and say; I have been doing this for over fifteen years; my work is clean and fast; and gray shake him and walk out!

On gray car; gray look around and enter the car and drove away;

In some super market; Dave is walking inside the supermarket while gray wife too is walking out and bump up to Dave; and her stuff fall down and Dave go down and say; sorry ma'am and Dave arrange gray wife stuff and stand up and handed the stuff; give gray wife and say; am sorry for that and gray wife said; never mind and she grab the stuff and walk away;

In some car! The bad boy; gray gives him contract to kill his wife; is in the car with a pretty girl who doesn't show her face! And the bad boy even call the girl his boss; and the girl said; don't hurt her; just keep eyes on that fool; and the girl get down from the car and walk away while hiding her face;

Ryan and Juliet is walking out from; a restaurant while talking and smiling feeling happy holding each other hands and gray too is walking inside the same restaurant while talking to someone on phone! And gray pass by Juliet and Ryan; but they didn't see each other;

Few minutes later and Ryan drop Juliet in front J restaurant and Juliet give Ryan peg and turn and walk towards inside the restaurant and wave at Ryan; and Ryan turn his car; and drove towards his office!

Few minutes on Ryan way to his company and another car from no where; try to do over taken on Ryan and Ryan lost control. through Ryan struggling to control the car on the road and another truck hit Ryan car again from behind and Ryan car rolling down on the road; till the car hit another damage truck on the road side! And people gathering and start crying and open the car door while the car has damage; but luckily!

because of the seat belt; Ryan didn't injured too much; and Ryan come out from the car; while some part of his body pain him; and police arrive and arrest the guy who try to over take Ryan;

And one of Ryan managers arrive; and get down from his car; wanted to see; what happen; just when the manager; enter the cloud and saw Ryan sitting beside of the car; while blood dripping from his hand; and the manager rush to Ryan and hold him while asking; sir are you ok?; and the manager held Ryan; while shouting at the cloud to give him way;

In J restaurant; gray walk inside the restaurant and sit on one of the table and one of the waiters bring gray the order Manu and gray ask the waiter to call the manager for him; and the waiter went to Juliet office and call Juliet out; and Juliet follow the waiter to gray;

Just when Juliet get to gray and gray stand up from the seat; and say; bad lucky girl; can you give that innocent family freedom!

Juliet) what are you doing here; and gray said; am here to see the bad luck girl; who is destroying! Mr Bryan family for him; and Juliet smile and say; that family is nothing like you; and gray said; oh yeah baby! because I will not allow bad luck like you in my family to destroy it. Because of you Dave lost his love! And now because of your bad luck; Ryan is losing his life! And Juliet slap gray and say; you are the most stupid and useless man on earth! just when Juliet is still insulting gray; and one of the waiters run to Juliet and say ma'am; your husband has got accident! the video is going viral; and Juliet take the phone from the waiter after Juliet watching the video and Juliet rush out while calling Ryan phone but switch off and Juliet enter her car and drove away; while driving in hurry and call Mrs Bryan and Mrs Bryan; answer the call and Juliet say; hello mum; where are you; and Mrs Bryan said at home and Juliet ask; where is Ryan; and Mrs Bryan said; he is at home; and Juliet said am coming home now and she hung up;

After some minutes in Ryan mansion Juliet get down from her car and rush inside the mansion; in the living room and ask Mrs Bryan where is Ryan and Mrs Bryan said he is; upstairs and Juliet run towards upstairs--------



In Ryan mansion

Juliet rush towards upstairs in Ryan room and sit opposite Ryan on the bed; while her tears almost want to roll down and Ryan try to rase himself and sit on the bed and Juliet held Ryan hand gentle and say; don't force yourself! how are you feeling and Ryan said; Juliet please calm down; this is nothing serious; am fine; and Juliet said; what is, you are fine; you almost lost your life; you are here telling me to calm down; this is all my fault; and Ryan said; it has nothing to do with you; please stop blaming yourself; and Juliet said; if I didn't take you to that restaurant to surprise you! this will not happen.

Some hours later

Juliet enter the room and sit opposite Ryan and held Ryan and help him sit on the bed; and start feeding Ryan!

Ryan) darling this is not something serious! you and mum should stop behaving like; as if I can't move my body and Juliet said; shhhh. open your mouth; and Ryan stared at Juliet and smile and Juliet ask Ryan; what? And Ryan said nothing;

In a restaurant gray best friend prince walk in towards gray wife on the table in the Conner; and gray wife welcome prince, and prince sit and gray wife call the waiter and tell prince to order what he wants to have!

Gray wife and prince is discuss; about how to stop gray from killing her and the bad boy gray paid him to kill his wife and the girl who always cover her face arrive in the restaurant; and they sit next to gray wife and prince while listen to gray wife and prince conversation

Some minutes in the bad boy house; he walk in with the girl; with mask on her face!

In the living room and the bad boy turn to the girl with the mask and say! That means gray wife knows her husband want to kill her? and the girl with mask on her face said; we have to team up with gray wife and; the man she was with in the restaurant to bring that gray down and the bad boy said; ma'am I have been working with you for over a month now! but I have never see your face! please can you uncover your face for once for me to know how my boss look like! And the mask girl said; ok no problem and the girl uncover her mask! And said; my real name is; Charles Lily and she turn around to the bad boy and the bad boy said; ma'am you look gorgeous why you always wear mask? and Lily smile and say; I just want to hide from my love for some time; to accomplish my mission! and the bad boy said; ma'am I will support you to accomplish your mission;

Lily punch the bad boy shoulder and say; Chris stop calling me ma'am call me Lily! by the way you are my mum relative; and again remember you're faking that bad boy thing ok; and Chris said ok ma'am! And Lily said; call me Lily or sister am ok with that; and Lily went upstairs!

The next day in prince office;

Lily and Chris walk in and prince stand up and say! Who are you guys? and what are you doing here? and Chris said; we are here to discuss business with you! and prince said; do you realize I can lost my work if my boss saw you here! and Lily said; I know that fool is not around; and Lily sit down and ask prince to sit; and prince try to pull Lily up from the seat and Chris rase his jacket up small and prince saw gun on Chris and Chris wink at prince and prince sit on the chair gentle;

The next day in Ryan mansion;

In the living room; Juliet is from town; just when Juliet is about to enter the house and she hard Ryan parents talking;

Mrs Bryan) since Juliet come to our family; things has been rough for the family! am afraid something will happen to my son's and Mr Bryan said; don't say that; nothing will happen to them; I guess is tough time for all of us! And Juliet entered and pretend as she didn't heard them; and greet them! And Mr Bryan welcome her and Juliet went upstairs! Just when Juliet get to Ryan room door and heard; Ryan said; this was what I have always working heard for; and now they Just wake up termite the contract and they refuse to refund the money back; and Dave said; bro come down; you don't have to stress yourself too much! and Ryan said; Dave you don't understand; the new branch depends on that deal; all my plans for the new branch depends on this! And Juliet flash back; when gray tell her she is a bad luck and flash when Ryan mum; said since she entered the family; everything has been bad for the family! And Juliet return back to kitchen!

In the kitchen

Juliet open the fridge and took bottle of water; while remembered since the first day she became Ryan girlfriend; and all the bad things that has happened because of her; and her tears start rolling down; and Juliet said to herself; in her mind; am I actually the bad luck?

In some company

Dave walk inside the company and ask the girl in the reception room; to take him to the managers office; and the receptionist; take Dave to the managers office; and Dave sit on the stuffing chair while Spain himself around and look around the office and the receptionist return to her office;

And Dave handed some file gives the manager!

after the manage go through the file and; said I our company didn't go any agreement; like this with your brother,; and Dave said but your company signature is on the file; do you want me to involve the police or? And Dave stand up and say; I will like you to pay double of the money, my brother put on this deal or I will sue your company; and dave turn to leave and stop on the door and return to the manager; and say; you can have copy of the file; so it want be something new to your company in court; bye! now the choice is yours; am going home while walking away

In Ryan room; Ryan is asleep while Juliet; sit next to him on the bed and thinking and remembering all the bad things that has happen to Ryan family because of her and juliet said; I don't have to keep Ryan in my world of tears; while looking at Ryan on the bed and say; you have to get your freedom!-----------