


Episode 1


Looking in your eyes give me hope to smile; I wouldn't mind giving everything I have to get you

Story by Benjamin prince ramzey (R)

Chris is a super star; who girls allover the country are crazy for him.

In one big company; on the road side; Chris walk out from the company while he is seriously pressing his phone and three body guards following him; and Beyonce run from behind towards inside the company and bump up to Chris and Chris phone slip from his hand; Chris almost fall down and one of the body guards catch Chris and Beyonce turn and say sorry sir sorry sir; and Beyonce turn and run towards inside and Chris grab his phone from ground while the phone scream has broke and Chris shout, hey and turn towards Beyonce but Beyonce has already entered inside the company; and Chris chase Beyonce and the guards follow him; after which and Chris come out while looking at the broke phone in his hand and Chris said; this girl will pay for it, if I meet her again; and he entered his car and the guards too take another car and they drove away

C. R. Mansion

Chris get down from his car and walk inside the mansion; and Chris grandma said; you are back? how was your day! And Chris said; stressful and Chris grandma said; I told you to get married, but you have always rejected it and Chris stand up and say grandma; I remembered I have to pick something in kitchen and Chris walk fast to kitchen and ignore the marriage discussion with grandma

9 pm

In Chris room; Chris is asleep and dream about his childhood; when he fell into a swimming pool and drowning! While Chris move on the bed and turn turn around, while struggle in the dream and Chris get up! while sweating and breathing heavily and Chris pick bottle of water from the table next to his bed and drink the water and go back to bed again

The next day in; sweet restaurant;

Chris is on phone with someone while his body guards stand aside; and Chris walk up and down next to the swimming pool, while busy talking to someone on phone; and Beyonce and her friends run from outside towards the swimming pool; while Chris walking towards upwards and Beyonce bumps up to Chris and Chris fall into the pool; and Beyonce and her friends stop while Beyonce look at Chris in the pool while Chris drowning and Beyonce jump into the pool and help Chris out; and Beyonce press Chris chest; just when Beyonce wanted to give Chris mouth to mouth resuscitation and Chris open his eyes and Beyonce stared at Chris, while her mouth is close to Chris own and Beyonce start blinking fast fast and Beyonce pinch Chris chest with her left finger and Beyonce realize is actually Chris the super star and Chris push Beyonce backwards and stand up and turn to go; just when Chris is about to enter the restaurant and he remembered Beyonce face and say; she is the one broke my phone and Chris turn and rush to Beyonce while his body guards are following him and Chris grab Beyonce hand and Beyonce turn towards Chris and Chris said: you again; and Beyonce ask you mean? And Chris said, are you not the same girl who bump up to me yesterday in front of constel company and Beyonce remembers yesterday; when she bump up to Chris and say sorry, and Chris phone fall down and Chris stretch his hand towards one of his body guards and the body guard handed the broken phone to Chris and Chris give the phone to Beyonce and say; you broke my phone you have to fix it and Beyonce look at Chris with surprise and ask me? And Beyonce smile nicely and Chris turn around and say; and again today you push me into the pool; you have to pay for that too; while people around are whispered see is Chris and Beyonce turn around and run away with speed and Chris turn and follow Beyonce with full speed after they run quarter of mile and Chris grab Beyonce while both are breathing heavily and Beyonce put her hands together and say; please sir forgive me I'm just a poor college student, I don't have money, please forgive me; and Chris said; if you apologize in the first place I would have forgive you; but you try to escape. there is no way am going to forgive you; and Beyonce knelt down while begin Chris to forgive her; and she open her purse and say; see I don't have money see inside; and Chris saw Beyonce school card and Chris take the card and give his phone to Beyonce and tell Beyonce to enter her phone number after Beyonce add her number on Chris phone and Chris call her; and turn to leave and turn and give Beyonce school card to her and say from now on; I will call you to work as house maid to pay for the phone and Chris wink at Beyonce and walk away and Beyonce said; what did I get myself into?

The next day in Beyonce school; just when the students close and everybody is walking out and Chris car arrive; and Chris guards open the car door for him; Chris come out from the car; and all the students was like wow is Chris; while Beyonce is walking towards Chris, just when Beyonce saw Chris and turn to run and Chris shout, at her stop there, I saw you and Beyonce turn towards Chris and smile nicely and Chris walk to her and hold Beyonce shirt from behind and drag Beyonce inside his car and enter and drive away;

C. R. mansion;

in the living room in; Chris sit on the sofa while Beyonce sit on the couch;

Chris) what is your name?

Beyonce) yes,

Chris) how old are you?

Beyonce) opcause;

Chris) would you be serious here?

Beyonce) oh my God; and Beyonce lay on the couch and Chris get angry and shout at Beyonce and Beyonce rase herself from the couch and sit well in fear and Chris said; this is my house! from now on; you have to come here everyday, when you close from school to arrange my things for me!

Some hours later in Beyonce family house! Beyonce walk in while feeling tired and exhausted and her mum walk up to her and hold her;

Beyonce mum) what happen to you; my daughter and Beyonce said mum am fine and she went inside her room; while her mom look at her

The next day in C. R. mansion; in the back yard; Chris sitting on chair hold tennis ball! while his guards stand opposite him and Chris trow the ball away and Beyonce run and catch the ball I run back to Chris and give the ball to Chris again;

After some minutes; Beyonce is tired and she can't even run again and she fall down and Chris grandma arrive while calling Chris; and grandma saw Beyonce on the ground;

Some minutes later inside the house; Beyonce sitting on the couch while grandma hold Chris ear and drag him and say; why do you do that and Chris shout ah grandma it hurts it hurts and grandma let it go of Chris ear and Chris hold his ear and rub it gentle and Beyonce smile; and Chris look at Beyonce with anger and Beyonce draw closer to grandma and grandma said; if he ever bully you again; please report him to me, and grandma pull Beyonce towards herself and hug her!

Grandma tell one of the guards to drop Beyonce at home; and Beyonce stand up and walk out while the guard follow her and the guard open the car door for Beyonce and Beyonce wave grandma and enter the car;



In Beyonce family house; Chris bodyguard drop her in front of the house and Beyonce thanks the guards and walk inside;

The next day in Beyonce school; Beyonce has closed from school and singing and jump jump around while coming home feeling happy and bump up to someone on the road! And Beyonce rase her head slowly and saw Chris in front of her Beyonce turn to go back and Chris grab her shirt from back and pull her back; follow him;

Some minutes in front of Beyonce family house! Chris wanted to enter the house and tell Beyonce mum; Beyonce has broke his phone; and he want Beyonce to fix his phone for him and Beyonce grab Chris tight while begin Chris!

Beyonce) please don't tell mum I will do whatever you will say; don't tell mum and Chris turn to Beyonce and say; are you sure? And Beyonce said yes; and Beyonce mum come out while Beyonce hold Chris hand!

Beyonce mum) what is going on here? Beyonce you have been out here since and she saw Beyonce holding Chris hand and she said, oh I see and Beyonce let it go of Chris hand and say; mum is not what is look like and Beyonce mum said; oh am sorry for disturbing you and she return inside; and Beyonce said; why you didn't tell mum; and Chris said she is your mum and it your problem not mine! Am going! tomorrow I will expect you! And Chris turn and walk away

Inside Beyonce family house; the family is about to eat and Beyonce mum pull the sit for her; and say and where is him; and Beyonce said; mum and her mum said ok;

The next day in Chris room; Chris sitting on the sofa while playing video game and Beyonce moping the room and arrange everything in the room;

Beyonce mind; I wish I can hit his head with the moping stick; and Chris turn and said; never think that again; Beyonce was shock and say in her mind; did he just heard my thought; and Beyonce turn to go and she trip and fall on Chris laps and grab Chris tea shirt and the shirt stretch and cut on the neck; while Beyonce still hold the shirt tight; while she is on Chris laps and Chris look at her with anger and Beyonce stand up and say am sorry sir! sorry and she rush outside

The next day in Beyonce school; Chris and his guards arrive; while Beyonce is walking towards them; and she seems her leg has twisted and Chris rush to her and ask her what happen to your leg; and Beyonce said those boys take my money and push me down! while the boys are laughing and Chris scream hey; stop there; and the boys stop and return to Chris; and Chris said give the girl purse back to her and the boys laugh and Chris said, I hope you know who I am and the boys laugh and one said; yes we are scared of you! And one of the boys walk towards Chris and say; do you think we are going to give you mic to sing for us or?, sweetie here is not stage and Chris grab the guy neck and pull him towards him and said where is the purse? While the guy in Chris hand can't breath well and the others boys handed the purse to Beyonce and beg Chris and Chris let it go of the guy he hold and the guy move backwards on the ground and stand up and they run away and Chris turn and carry Beyonce in his arms; while Beyonce stared in Chris eyes and one of Chris guards open the car door and Chris drop Beyonce on the car seat and turn to the other side and entered and drive away;

Some minutes in C. R. Mansion; Chris rush upstairs and pick the first aid box and come back and knelt down in front of Beyonce and held Beyonce leg and apply ointment on Beyonce twisted leg gentle; while Beyonce stared at him!

Some minutes later and Beyonce stand up to mop in the living room, before go home and Chris come out from kitchen and say what do you think you are doing; and Beyonce said; doing my work before I left and Chris said are you out of your mind; in this condition; you don't have to do it; I will find a way out today; and Chris take the bucket and everything from Beyonce and go put it outside

Some hours later in Beyonce room; Beyonce sitting on her bed and remember how Chris carry her; and the way Chris apply the ointment on her twisted leg gentle and Beyonce said; he is heartless I'm sure he did that on purpose! I know him!

In Beyonce family house on the dining table; the family has meet to have dinner and Beyonce mum said; my daughter how is Chris; and Beyonce grandma ask who is Chris? and Beyonce mum said; he is Beyonce boyfriend; and he is the super star and Beyonce grandma said; when am I meeting him? And Beyonce said! Grandma he is not my boyfriend we only meet once. Beyonce mum wanted to say something and Beyonce said mum and her mum said ok ok!

C. R. Mansion;

In the living room on the couch;

Chris lay down on his grandma laps while grandma is watching TV and rub Chris hair gentle!

Grandma) I want you to get married; you are not small boy again

Chris) grandma I will get married once am ready and grandma said; I wants to carry your child before I died; and Chris said grandma don't say that; you are not going to died, you will live to see my child and grandma said then get married to the girl I will choose for you and Chris said ok; I will grandma! And grandma kiss Chris on his forehead and say that is my grandson!

The next day morning Chris and his guards are from jogging and Chris stop and said; why do people get married? and one of the guards said; when you get marry! you will be happy in life; and Chris said; then why my parents left me for grandma and they all run they're separate directions; if marriage is something sweet then why married couple fight? And one of his guards said; imagine the feeling you get when you are with grandma. when you find the right person you love; you will always smile with no reason

Chris smile and say; grandma is the best I wish she is young girl so I will marry her and his guards laugh him and Chris chase them