
whisper of love

this is a story of a gay guy named kabir, and his partner sushant who dies. they both were teenagers living in america . after sushant's death kabir becomes depressed. after some time two people come in his life, nick and vyom, will he love again? whom will he choose? what will happen?will kabir forget sushant ? to know what happened read the story and pls comment and vote.

Daoist0nxtg2 · Real
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7 Chs

Ch 7 - two meets

"Nice name nick",kabir said.

"You used to sit alone?"nick asked.

"No, I used to sit with my boyfriend," Kabir said with sadness.

"So, where is he now?"

The teacher arrived and they stopped talking and the whole class wished the teacher well . After the class Kabir went to have lunch . Nick came there and sat beside him.

"I'm a fresher, today is my first day. Can you show me the school?"Nick asked politely.

"Ok! We can",kabir said even if he didn't want to hang out with anyone. Then David and Emily came there. With Emily there was a boy , a bit dark, curly hair, nice face and charm in eyes , he was Emily's boyfriend named Charlie.

"Hi kabir",he said, "you got a new friend".

"Hi, i'm nick ",nick introduced himself , "i'm a fresher and i sat with…." Nick did not know Kabir's name.

"Kabir"Emily helped him.

"Yeah, Kabir , so I asked him if he could just show me the entire school",Nick said. Others introduced themselves to him and Kabir told them that they are his best friends.

"Sorry to say but i thought david iskabir's boyfriend", nick said.

"No no, we are best friends",David siad. They all had a nice chit chat together. Nick felt welcomed by Kabir's friend but Kabir did not speak too much, only agreeing to things. No one talked about sushant yet. after the lunch they were going to their classes when shree came with the boy. he was Indian , sweet physique handsome looks.

"Hey kabir , meet vyom",she said.

"Hi, vyom sharma",vyom said.

"Kabir shukla",Kabir said.

"I'm a fresher",vyom said.

"Ok nice", Kabir said and went from there.

"Is everything ok?'vyom asked.

"Yeah , yes it's just he lost his boyfriend who was my brother",shree said sadly. After the school, Kabir and Nick walked across the school. Kabir showed everything about the school.

"So this is it",kabir said sitting on the bench .

"Ummm….. Can I ask you something ?"Nick asked.

"Yeah go for it".

"Who is your boyfriend? Who is he?"

Kabir showed some pics of sushant, "he was sushant my boyfriend".

"Danm, you both look great together. One sec, he was?"

"Yes he was, he died three months ago in an accident",kabir said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm really sorry I asked you this".

"No, no , it's ok".

"It's hard to find love after the person you loved the most died".

"Yeah, i'm not finding love, i don't think i can find love anymore",saying this kabir stood up, "ok, i must leave".

"Yeah sure , bye",Nick said. Kabir had started walking when Nick asked, "hey kabir, can we, can we hang out more?like again".

Kabir turned back and said yes. When he reached home he saw Vyom sitting there.

"Hi Kabir,"he said.

"Hi! You are here?"Kabir asked.

"My house is closed so shree brought me here".

"Where is shree?"

"She has gone to the washroom".

"So, who are you staying with? Imean at your home?"

"No one lives as a paying guest".

"Oh you came here to study, i got it".

"No, I came here running away from my family".


"Yup, I'm gay, " I told my parents and they didn't accept me. They don't want a son like me. My elder brother helped me to run away from my house".

Kabir was shocked and sad that Vyom's parents did not accept them.

"You should have not run," Kabir advised him.

"Why?They did not want me to stay with them. They think I will hamper the siblings of mine",vyom siad.

"My mom took three months to completely understand me, your parents will also understand you".

"I fought with them for one year and at last my elder brother who is the only one who supports me, he advised me to shift abroad and for some months he will financially support me and till then i will get stable here".

"You may join my dance studio",Kabir proposed.

"No, no I'm not a dance person",Vyom hesitated oa accept the proposal.

"I earn 250 dollars for teaching students and so you can"

"No i can't , i will join some cafe or something"

"Ok",Kabir went from there. He went to his room and got a message from Nick on his phone.

Nick: hey! Wanna go out tomorrow?

Kabir: I will tell you later good night.

Then kabir took out a tape recorder, inserted a pendrive and saw some videos of sushant and him spending time together.

"I miss you sushant",Kabir siad with teary eyes.