


I sit down still staring at my phone when a call comes through. It's an unknown number. I usually pick unknown numbers for the fun of it and now I do the same.

'Hello. Please who's this?' I ask immediately as I swipe across my phone's screen. There is silence for a minute but I budge not. I wait patiently until the person speaks.

'Hello.' A deep voice speaks to me. It feels young. I raise my eyebrows trying to fix the voice to all voices I've heard, but I couldn't. I don't know this one. It can't possibly be that dude. Mathew's dead! I answer the caller trying to wear my confidence after all that has happened. In a low non-disturbing tone, I ask.

'Yes, who's this?' There is silence before the voice speaks again.

'The Top will like to meet with you, alone. Tell no one of your call with me and come directly to her. Remember, tell no one.' He ends the call before I was about to ask where I would meet with her.

A message pops up from the number on my phone. "10th avenue north side of the Heritage Estate."

"The heritage Estate. " But, that's like an outskirt. "How am I to...?"

I look around me to get hold of the sight it brings. Everyone looks exhausted like they've been working forever, nonstop. "Did I drain them?" I hardly understand what the hell is wrong with me but it's hard to explain to everyone that I didn't mean it. They should know, shouldn't they? I get up stealthily obeying the instructions that I have been given. I take my backpack from the room and quieted my steps heading to the back door. I look again where I am to be headed.

I go back to the kitchen to take the car keys but I saw my father right there staring at me. He probably has caught me. "I wouldn't go anywhere would I?" seeing the way he's looking at me. But to my surprise, he handed the keys over to me. 'Make sure to come back to me in one piece. I mean it. Do what you must but put yourself first.'

I smile in response to what he told me. Giving him the look that I understand very well what he means. I take the car keys from him and drive off. My journey to the estate is a four-hour drive from here. I need to set out early. I take no food only water to stay hydrated. I do not know where my strength came from but I speed up without care determined that I'd take responsibility for whatever was to happen to me. I brought it upon myself so I should face the consequences.

I get to my destination four hours later at about 11:15 am. I sip water from my water bottle before sending a message to the number asking for my next move. The number said to alight from the car that he is right in front of me. I did as I was told, got out of the car, took the car keys, slid them into my pocket then closed the car door. I look ahead of me and behind me trying to look for the person who texted. I have no idea of what he looks like but I still try my best to search. A voice, the one who spoke to me on the phone, broke me away from my thoughts.

'You're here, on time.' He says as he glanced at his watch.

In my mind, I prayed that he shouldn't be the one but here he is, the boy who caused all of this, the Top's driver. I maintained composure. Swallowing all of my saliva that seemed to be wanting to come out of my mouth. I give him a tight-lipped smile. Then asked him a question.

'And you are...the Top's driver?'

He pay no attention to me almost as if he ignored me on purpose. "You've got to be kidding me." I give a tight-lipped smile again. Then he says to follow him. I did as I was told following like a child who refuses to let go of her mother's leg.

He took me to a gigantic building one of great modern design. It wowed me. Its structure was not constructed by someone from this country. They were tall trees around covering the house itself like a mother chicken protecting her chicks. Its great structure could only be seen from far away not up close.

I lowered my head aiming to look forward. Aiming to see where the hell a boy my age is taking me to. I just follow dumbly assuming it was the Top's orders. I get to where the Top lay but to my surprise Feline is there, here! Standing right beside the Top like a mother who almost lost her child. 'What is Fe...' The boy indicated that I keep shut. I do as I was told hissing in my mind. I get to the young white lady lying pitifully on the bed. I almost gave her my pity but I didn't. She speaks to me. I can't hear any word she says until I leaned forward.

'Please lift me to sit.' She says into my ears. I did as I was told obeying to the best of my ability. She shivers a bit when I try to reach for her. I become confused but ignored it before I successfully put her to sit. She seem very terrified of me. Feline just stands there staring nonstop at me. I can feel the daggers she threw at me. I look at her hoping she would stop. But nay, she didn't. I ignore but she stops not.

'Hello, Feline.' I give a tight-lipped smile hoping she will get the message but she is still staring into my soul. She behaves as if she has lost her hearing. The Top's voice stopped the commotion.

'Welcome, Veronica. I...we have decided to forfeit your crimes but on one condition. You become fully ours. And to be factual you've come to my liking so you will be by my side. Like a... right-hand guy.'

I nod my head accepting all she just said. If that was my punishment, then it's okay by me. Feline still stares into my soul. I give no care. The Top's driver stands by her bedside. Feline is beside her bed but right in front of me still staring. I didn't mind. She should do what she likes. I understand what was meant to be understood.

I am now an agent, the Top's right hand because I made her bedridden and because she claims to have seen my skills. But why do I feel that decision didn't come from her heart. If she truly were amazed by me she will at the least pay interest in me. But she didn't. She just lay there as if controlled by another like she was another's mouthpiece. Feline seems to show interest in me. She always has. There's no way she's...

I remove all possibility that she might hold any autonomous power. The Top concludes with what shocks me. Whilst there, I pay no attention to the boy so he won't mess up with my mind but why will she...

'You might find it difficult to work alone so the both of you will work together.'

'Hun? Me and who?'


'Ooh, that's easy. My father and I will not...'

'Your father? Who said anything about your father? I am talking about the person who escorted you here. He knows the business inside and out so he will be your aid. Your father has work on his shoulders plus your aunts. I can't bother them. Go with him. He's the right person for you.'

I stay there, standing confused. Glancing at the boy from time to time.

I am to work with him? This...he made me do this to you!

"Should I just come clean and tell her?" Will that make any sense? I have to accept this. I have no choice. It can't be that bad. I just have to control myself when I am around him seeing that he seems the trigger, a kind of allergy.

Feline stands there enjoying all of this. She takes to her seat staring at me in dilemma. She's smiling, at the least, showing an expression.

"But how am I to...what in the world...for how many years will I...."

I faint. All of this is happening too fast. What is wrong with me?