
She'll Be Mine Again


Different executives were seated around the huge conference table with Cale standing at the front of the room where he was presenting a pitch for the new game idea that has been developed by his team.

The faces of the people sitted around the table were full of frowns and dissappointment. It was obvious Cale had not met up to their expectations. Distant whispers could be heard among the executives seated at

the table, confusion clearly written on their face on how poor Cale performed during the presentation.

It was so unlike the Cale Stuart the company had come to know as a brilliant and efficient man.

"Mr Stuart, I guess we are not gathered here just to simply hear the trash you had just soiled our ears with in the last twenty minutes. It's that what you call a presentation" The vice president, Mrs Tracy Lin, snapped. A deep scowl was plastered on her face, as she looked at Cale with both shock and surprise.