
12: Kylie’s POV

"Oh my god Kylie  slow down!" Aria yelled from behind me as she ran to catch up with me

I turned looking at her "Hey sorry, I was just trying to get to gym on time."

"Why didn't you tell me about you and Skylar?" She questioned giving me a weird look

My heart stopped as I processed what she'd just said to me.

"W-What?" I stuttered out

"You and Skylar, it's all over Twitter, why didn't you fucking tell me?" She asked seeming angry

I paused unsure of what to say "Why do you care?"

She scoffed at me "Clearly you don't know so I'm just gonna tell you, we hooked up a few times over the past few weeks."

It felt like my heart had shattered into shards that were cutting straight through me.

"You what?" I mumbled out unable to focus as the room started spinning around me

"Guess you aren't as close as you thought." She grumbled rolling her eyes

I pulled my phone out going straight to twitter and reading Amanda's tweet.

I'll be interested to see how long it takes Kylie to realize that Skylar is just using her considering that she's had sex with half of the school in only the month she's been here.

A picture of us holding hands was attached and I could hear my heart beating in my ears. I knew Amanda was cruel but I never thought she'd stoop quite this low. Did Skylar actually fuck half of the school? Was she actually just playing me? It would make sense considering that she insistently tried to get me to have sex with her until I caved. I had wanted to at the time but now I was starting to regret it as thoughts filled my head.

"Dyke." Josh laughed pointing at me as him and his pack of idiots walked by

They all laughed at me as I felt myself losing control of even just walking. I needed to get out of here and think alone where no one would be able to see me. I couldn't face everyone all day considering that the first people I'd seen since that tweet was posted had been assholes. Part of me just wanted to believe that Skylar wouldn't hurt me and run to find her but I couldn't face her right now. My head wasn't in a good place to even think let alone talk.

"You okay?" A low voice asked from behind me

I spun around and nearly fell until two arms caught me just in time.

I looked up meeting Max's concerned gaze "Are you okay Kylie."

I shook my head "No I need to get out of this building."

"Why?" He questioned letting me go once I was steady

I shook my head trying to clear it "You don't know?"

"Know what?" He asked seeming even more confused

I looked to my right seeing the doors I knew were always unlocked to get to the sports fields and booked it outside without another word.

~2 Hours Later~

Skylar has texted me more times than I could count but I couldn't bring myself to answer her.

Skylar: Where are you?

Skylar: Are you okay?

Skylar: Oh my god I just saw what Amanda tweeted, please don't believe what she's saying I promise it's not true.

Skylar: Kylie please at least let me explain.

Skylar: Kylie come on please answer me.

I threw my phone into my pocket and sighed looking up at the cracked ceiling. Since everyone was still at school I couldn't go anywhere but to my foster home. Luckily my foster parents were out, not that I'm surprised. I felt my phone ringing so I pulled it out of my pocket looking down at the caller ID, Skylar.

I clicked the green button and then shakily brought it to my ear "Hello."

"Kylie oh my god are you okay?" Her concerned voice questioned

I sat up "Not really."

"Can I please pick you up so we can talk?" She asked seeming nervous

I shook my head even though she couldn't see "No."

"Why not?" She asked, her tone sounding defeated

I wrapped my free arm around my legs resting my head on my knees "I can't do this right now."

I hung up and threw my phone onto my bed as I cried for the hundredth time today.

"Why are you crying?" Spencer questioned from the doorway

I looked up at him "Just some drama at school."

Spencer was my foster brother and had always been extremely protective of me since I moved in. He was a year younger than me and had moved in here only six months before I did.

"Sounded more like a fight with your girlfriend." He shrugged with a smirk

I glared at him "How in the hell fid you know that?"

"I could hear y'all fighting on the phone." He laughed before coming in and sitting on the edge of my bed "So what happened?"

"First off were not dating." I grumbled "Secondly it's a long story I don't want to talk about."

"Awe cmon." He whined giving me puppy dog eyes

"Someone told the whole school." I stated looking down at my black bed spread

His eyes went wide "Well damn, who?"

"If I tell you I feel like you'll end up in prison." I laughed slightly as I wiped the tears from my eyes

He shrugged smirking at me "I mean I think it would be worth it."

"You're too sweet." I smiled at him

He glared at me "How am I sweet for offering to beat the shit out of someone and go to jail over it?"

"You're sweet because you look after me even though you're younger than me." I replied rolling my eyes

He let out a chuckle "Well someone has to, and Mellissa and Tom sure ain't cutting it."

"They are shit at parenting." I laughed

"Exactly, so we look out for each other instead." He smiled pulling me into a hug "I love you Ky."

"I love you too Spens." I smiled hugging him back