
Chapter 13

"Where am I?" The person thought, trying to remember what happened to them. They felt large objects all around their body. Turning to the right they came face to face with a dead body and let out a scream.

"Now you definitely heard that right? That came from the room with bodies," Richard said, panicking and stepping away from the room slightly. Was there a ghost of someone in there? He did not sign up for this. How was he supposed to fight a ghost? "I know I wasn't going crazy."

"I-I think someone is playing with us. Last week some maids did the same thing with the other guards who were here. I don't know why they don't stop playing those games. I know it's you guys trying to scare us. C-Come out!" Gerald yelled for the maids to come out but there was no reply. "Stop playing! We're going to report you to the head maid."

On the inside, the corpse who had woken up had calmed down but still wondered why they were surrounded by dead bodies. They weren't sure what had happened to them but they could assume they had died for someone to place them with all these corpses. They had heard the voice of someone yelling to come out. Maybe they could help. That person would have to know what happened to them.

The person sat up causing the bodies which were on top of them to roll off. There was a slight jab of pain in their body when they sat and it was then they noticed what looked to be a stab wound that was healing. Now they knew how they died at least.

They started to now feel a slight headache and pain around the areas of the eyes. Their teeth also felt as though they were being pulled out. They screamed out once again but this time in pain. They wanted to tear their eyes out and break their teeth to stop the pain. With trembling hands, they touched their mouth and felt a wet substance. Taking a look at their hands they noticed it was blood.

They screamed once more as it felt like some of their teeth were growing bigger. Had they awakened just to be a monster? Was this the price to pay for escaping the afterlife? Their teeth trembled now, having the urge to quench a sudden thirst.

With blood tears now falling from their eyes, they stood up crying wanting to escape the torture. They would rather be dead than have to go through this pain. "What's happening to me?" They wept afraid and unsure of what was wrong with them.

"Monster," a male voice whispered as they looked at the person amongst the dead bodies. Gerald had taken it upon himself to enter the room to see if the maids were indeed fooling them. What he didn't expect to see was someone standing in the pile of bodies with blood running from their eyes and strange teeth. There was a monster in the palace. "Monster!" He yelled only to be then silenced by the person moving with quick speed and tearing his neck out with their teeth.

Richard remained on the outside watching as his friend was attacked by something out of this world. He was too scared to move and help his friend. His feet trembled watching on as his friend perished before his eyes. "Gerald," he softly spoke, mourning the loss of his friend.

Licking the blood which ran from the body of the dead guard, the person spat it out not liking the horrible taste. They released the body letting it fall to the ground. Their thirst had not been satisfied and they did not know how to quench it. Hearing the whimpering sounds of another male on the outside they turned their attention there.

Richard's feet started to tremble even more after realizing the monster had turned its attention to him. He had not expected to stare death in the face tonight and even worse, for the death to be a monster. The palace had always been safe for as long as he remembered but tonight both he and Gerald had bad luck as they were stationed to guard a part of the prison when the monster decided to attack.

He did not want to die this way. He had teased his friend for being a coward moments ago but Richard couldn't even raise his sword and fight the monster to avenge his friend or protect himself. The only thing he knew how to do right now was scream.

"Monster!" He screamed as loud as he could to alert the others so they could back him up. "There's a monster in the palace!" With trembling hands, he raised his sword toward the monster who started to slowly approach him but Richard had no intention of fighting. "Please don't kill me. Please," He pleaded for his life. "I'm a good person."

"How did I die?"

Richard's eyes widened at the fact that the monster sounded like a young girl, maybe a young girl who was on the verge of entering her teen years. The more she approached him he could clearly see the monster was a she. He had mistaken her short hair cut which was common for men, as the monster being a man.

"How did I die? There was a stab wound but I don't remember what happened for me to be stabbed," she said, still approaching Richard. The need to drink something was still on her mind. Her now larger teeth tingled at the sight of the guard.

"I don't know. I was just stationed here today," he started to cry when he could now clearly see the blood dripping from her eyes and her sharp teeth when she stepped into the more lit area. How was he supposed to know what happened to her?

Richard couldn't believe there was a monster in the prison this whole time. Hearing the footsteps of the other guards approaching nearby he felt a sense of strength in his body to move his feet back to get away from the monster.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Violet_167creators' thoughts