

From a naive and ignorant celestial maiden, she embarked on her journey with hope and optimism, observing all things in this world and comprehending its myriad facets. Gradually, influenced by the complex emotions of the mortal realm, her laughter lost its purity, and a faint sorrow began to veil her face. She became as cold and unfeeling as a member of the demonic sects, unmoved by anything in the world, her heart seemingly dead and devoid of passion. However, when she encountered the "immortal" she had first met again, it felt as if she had gained everything and yet lost everything. A deity is emotionless; emotionlessness defines divinity, while emotions define humanity.

DaoistRvJsRY · Fantasía
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41 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Four: Truth and Illusion

After Yi'er left, I sat on the ground in a daze for a long time, staring at the three bodies. My heart felt numb as I carried the corpses out for burial.

Human lives, demon lives, they're all equally fragile.

As I gazed at the emptiness of the cave, I suddenly realized how cruel this world could be. People wear masks to disguise themselves, and those who switch masks effortlessly are always so calm and adept. In this world, hearts can be false, things can be false, and truths are always shrouded in mist. People grow indifferent and bloodthirsty, caring less and less about what's true and what's false.

Because the truth always hurts, it wounds both oneself and others, and it's unforgettable.

In an instant, it felt like I could see no colors, yet I saw everything more clearly than ever before.

Gray and white, waiting to be filled in.

"Qingyue, I brought some pastries." Da Xian's voice suddenly sounded in my ear. Seeing me sitting there blankly, he handed me the package of pastries, his expression showing concern. "Is something troubling you? Did something happen just now?"

I suddenly felt like crying.

"Da Xian, in this world, how can one distinguish between what is true and what is false?"

"What does it mean to see clearly and to see unclearly?" he asked in return.

Looking up, I propped my hands on the stone, feeling the cool touch that relaxed me enough to open my heart. "Seeing clearly means understanding the true nature of people's hearts and the reality of things. Seeing unclearly means pretending not to know anything, treating everything as vague, even believing in the opposite of what is true."

"It depends on your choice."

"Choice?" I didn't quite understand what he meant.

He nodded and said, "If you choose to believe in something or someone, it can be true or false. The answer is already in your heart; it's just a matter of whether you want to accept it."

Yes, the answer was already in my heart.

Perhaps whether Yi'er appeared kind or cruel was just my perception, influenced by my changing mindset. If I chose to believe from the start, I shouldn't have doubted.

The human heart is most vulnerable to suspicion.

"Thank you, Da Xian. I understand now." I stood up, brushed the dust off my clothes, took the pastries from Da Xian, and put one in my mouth, speaking indistinctly, "By the way, Da Xian, what were the important things you needed to fetch?"

His eyes curved in a smile as he glanced at the pastries in my hand.

Wait, could the important things Da Xian mentioned be these pastries? No, these pastries taste just like... those from Wan Fang Lou?

I was stunned, my hand frozen in mid-air, holding a pastry.

Seeing me stop eating, he raised an eyebrow and looked at me intently. "What's wrong? Don't you like them?"

I nearly choked.

He reached out to pat my back, but I coughed a few times, managing to swallow the food down.

Once I caught my breath, I spoke, "Da Xian, you went all the way back to Luoyang just to bring me these pastries from Wan Fang Lou?"

Da Xian looked at me gently, his eyes sparkling with interest as he spoke, "I noticed you liked them that day, so I brought some for you. Once you've had your fill, we'll head back to Qiong Yun. Otherwise, you might keep craving them daily."

This sudden display of kindness from Da Xian was truly surprising.

He had always hidden his gentleness, outwardly appearing indifferent and cold as ice, never revealing his inner thoughts. Now that he was being so kind to me, my heart was naturally filled with gratitude and joy. But then a tinge of melancholy crept in; once we returned to Qiong Yun, he might revert to his reserved, unsmiling self.

But one should savor the wine while it's available, for waking from the dream brings nothing but more illusions and emptiness.

Before absolute clarity, some things need to be faced, some matters resolved.

"Da Xian, I want to stay in Luoyang a little longer," I suddenly said, breaking the pleasant moment.


I explained, "I've been thinking about some things that happened in Luoyang. For instance, the recent spate of murders in the city must be linked to those demons. Although Sister Linglu has been dispatched with some disciples to investigate, since we encountered this matter, as disciples of Qiong Yun, it's a good opportunity for us to gain some experience."

Da Xian's face tightened. "Qingyue, you already know about this?"

I nodded.

"Then I'll stay with you. If you encounter any danger, I can help you." He took my hand and wiped the dirt off the back of it with a cloth, smiling, "When you can take care of yourself, you can go wherever you want, and I won't have to follow."

"No way, as long as Da Xian takes care of me, I don't need to learn to take care of myself." I jumped up and moved a few steps away, holding the bag of pastries. Turning back, I added, "Even if I have to learn, I'll try to learn as slowly as possible."

By the time we returned to Luoyang, night had fallen.

Da Xian took me to a place called "Drunken Forest Tavern." He ordered some delicious dishes that were just to my liking, so I ate quite a bit. After I finished, Da Xian mentioned there were still pastries to be served, insisting I save my appetite for them and have them as a late-night snack.

Too much had happened today, and as soon as I lay down on the soft and comfortable bed, I fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until I heard the waiter calling for lunch outside the door that I opened my eyes, realizing it was already noon the next day.

I had slept for so long, why didn't Da Xian wake me?

I patted my face to wake myself up, quickly got dressed, washed up, and hurried downstairs.

Looking around, I saw Linglu waving at me from a table in the southeast corner. Da Xian and Senior Brother Luoxi were also sitting there.

Great, here we go again.

But it was inevitable. Linglu was the one sent by Qiong Yun to investigate the situation in Luoyang, so it was only a matter of time before I ran into her.

Dragging my feet, I reluctantly walked over.

I asked Da Xian, "Have you explained everything to Sister Linglu and Senior Brother Luoxi? Does that mean I can stay in Luoyang now?"

Just as Da Xian was about to speak, Linglu suddenly interrupted, "Senior Brother has already told me everything. Qingyue, you don't need to worry about this. With Senior Brother and me here, there's no need to send more disciples. Besides, you've fought with Xinghuo Hall and gotten injured. It's better for you to return to Qiong Yun." Her words were firm, implying she was taking charge, and her tone was subtly condescending.

I smiled politely at her. "No need to trouble yourself, Sister Linglu. My injuries are fully healed."

She suddenly looked as if she had remembered something terrifying, covering her heart with her hand and feigning a frightened expression, as if she had been the one trapped by Xinghuo Hall. "Oh? Really? I heard that Xinghuo Hall's methods are dreadful. Physical wounds may heal, but if you have emotional scars, that's a different matter." When she mentioned emotional scars, she deliberately glanced at Senior Brother Luoxi.

She clearly knew something and was trying to remind me.

I picked up a piece of dried plum, finding it tasteless, and pouted, "Not sour enough. Da Xian, I'm going to buy some candied hawthorns to whet my appetite. Don't wait for me." I swallowed back my original words and turned to leave.