
Chapter 276 My Mommy Has A Higher Demand

However, Shirley still chose to refuse.

"Next time. I am very tired today. I just want to have a good rest."

Although Shirley believed that the Devin in front of her was a genuine first-level psychologist, she still chose to seal herself.

There were some things that Shirley would rather rot in her heart than face them...

Braden didn't force her, but his heart ached.

Braden wasn't sure if Shirley was upset and depressed because of his death, but Braden was sure that Shirley wasn't as carefree and happy as she seemed on the surface.

Shirley was like an onion, wrapping herself up layer by layer, pretending to be what everyone wanted to see.

"You must have had a hard time these years, right?"

Braden asked in a hoarse and heavy voice.

Shirley smiled bitterly. Shirley said, "Yes, it has been very hard."