
when she smiles

i thought i saw the real her whenever she smiled

TyaaOnTen · Adolescente
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7 Chs

She Smelled Like Flowers Today

Mi 'Jay

I stared at the back of her head. admittedly this sounded a little creepy. Granted I'd never say any of this out loud she might think I'm some psycho murderer or something. her long black hair fell to her waist, her deep chocolate skin shined under the light. She was in a deep concentration as she listened intently to what the teacher had to say while I silently fell in love with her. who is she? and why did she smell like flowers today. I didn't mean to sniff her but when she breezed past my desk I caught a whiff and couldn't get enough which provoked me to move 3 rows closer to where she sat. a safe distance plus now and then a small breeze would blow in from the window and waft her scent throughout the classroom.

I watched carefully as she scribbled notes down into her notebook. My surroundings became a blur as I stared at her complete and utter perfection. how could someone be so beautiful yet so...sad. I saw it, her smile never reached her eyes. her laughs were forced. her smiles were hiding something much deeper than she would ever let on. and I wanted to know what it was. I unconsciously leaned forward in my seat hoping to get a better view, I felt myself leaning too far until *Crash* my desk tipped over and took me down with it. the professor held The bridge of his nose in irritation. If I was any lighter I would be a bright red right about now. Just as I was opening my mouth to apologize the bell rang and everyone started leaving. I stood up in embarrassment and sighed " she probably thinks I'm some type of idiot by now" I frowned at my thoughts as I picked up my desk and put it back where it was. As I was crouching down to pick up the papers that had scattered across the floor I didn't know anyone was still here till I heard a throat clear, I looked up and froze " holy fuc-" "are you okay" she interrupted my thoughts.

I wanted to say something but all I could do is stare in awe. how could someone be so perfectly created and exist in a world full of terrible people? why is it starting to feel like I am obsessed with her? "umm..hello" she spoke again I blinked twice before I realized I had not yet responded. I jumped to my feet with a nervous laugh " oh uh hi... yeah um... I'm fine thank you for asking" She smiled at me and I swear my heart skipped a beat. how could something be so dim yet so bright? what started as a mere glance turned into her being the center of my attention it's like for whatever reason she's all I see and all I've been seeing for the past 30 minutes. Why was she suddenly so important to me, I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone. I watched everything. The way her overlapping gold chains bounced lightly as she waved her hands around as she spoke, she does that a lot. The heart-shaped curve of her mocha-colored lips. How her high cheekbones favored the rest of her facial features. I even noticed that she smelled like Night Orchids. At that moment she noticed I wasn't listening. She sighed and handed me the papers she had picked up and grabbed her book bag out of a nearby chair I stood frozen for a moment before I found the courage to speak before she could fully walk away " I didn't hear a name?"

I stuffed all the papers into my book bag as she turned around " I'm Navia Bishop" she said with a soft laugh. I smiled " nice to meet you Navia I'm Mi 'Jay". We shook hands and I almost didn't let go but my fear of being pegged as a weirdo by her took over and I did let go. She nodded and walked away, I listened to her tiny steps all the way until she left the room taking her scent with her. I sighed and put my backpack on exiting the room as well. I decided to go get some food since that was my last class. I chuckled realizing that I wasn't paying attention that entire time.

I walked it PepperHeads Pizza and order 2 slices of pepperoni with a soda and a bag of crisps. "Your total is $10.75" The worker mumbled behind his mask. I paid in cash and sat down at a table. I was scrolling through Instagram when I heard a group of girls laughing loudly as they piled in through the door and amongst those people I saw Navia but she wasn't laughing in fact she was towards the back of her " friends" she wasn't talking and even when she did she got drowned out by the noise of the other girls. "are those her..friends?" I thought to myself. They don't look like friends. in fact, she looks as if she doesn't want to be near them... so why is she?" 211" the cashier yelled out my order number and I got up to get it. she glanced at me and lifted her hand to wave. I hesitated for a moment before I waved back and almost immediately as I did she excused herself from her friends and walked towards me.

" I hope you don't mind, there was a lot going on over there" She shook her head as to get rid of the thoughts clouding her mind " No you're fine" I smiled and offered her a seat across from me "Thank you" she sat. I offered her a slice of pizza and she took it with a smile, that still didn't reach her eyes. as she ate I got a closer look she had bags under her eyes, her hair was frizzy and she had on a hoodie with sweatpants paired with a pair of deep purple low top vans. she looked tired. I thought about starting a conversation but I opted for silence. and so we sat in silence and ate.