
When Ravens Sing

A wicked heir. A mad woman. The crown. And the bloodshed throne. Dress up in your finest suits and ball gowns, as you are invited in witnessing the event taken upon the holy matrimony of two people. Watch as they dance their way in the bloody imperial court as they try their very best to save the holy crown blessed upon the empire of Balfour.

amihanism · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: The guy in my dreams

Balfour Empire remains the strongest empire all over the continent in ages. The Delacroix family has always been the rightful people who stood upon the crown ever since they were highly blessed by the goddess. They are the only people who has the distinguishable platinum white hair and glimmering blue eyes that resembled their royalty and superiority. It was also the same shades of color with the goddess herself, according to the books I've read before.

My head was a bit fuzzy after waking up to such dream. It felt like my whole future was shown right in front of me. At times like this, I would always go for a ride along the forest my late mother gifted me when I was still in her womb.

"Penny," I called. "Prepare Illeo."

"Are you going for a ride today, my lady?" Penny asked, stopping whatever she was doing in front of my closet.


I stared at myself in the mirror placed before me. I was indeed very different from the version I saw in the dream. I never really had the will to go out and socialize so I was never fond of the trends girls at my age would most likely go with. My father has always been uptight and busy. He was very strict towards me. He probably felt traumatized after mother died.

It was like a curse drawn upon the Pavin bloodline. That every woman who marries the heir dies shortly after years of marriage. My two older brothers, Silas and Samuel, was also very protective of me. It was a surprise that I grew up knowing how to wield a sword and firing a bow, since it was the only hobby I was capable of developing aside from feeding my knowledge since I wasn't able to meet anyone aside from my family growing up.

"But..." Penny hesitated. "Today is a bit..."

"What is it?" I asked, looking at her with a straight face.

"You have a scheduled audience with the Emperor today, my lady. Have you forgotten?" she asked. "You're going with the Duke as well."

I was confused. How can I forgot such important matter? Sudden memories of getting ready last night flew in my head. This is also the reason why I was woken up a bit earlier than usual. A meeting with the emperor himself. My father has yet to reveal the reason why we would meet such important person. I haven't been able to debut in society yet, which will happen 2 weeks from now.

I dropped the idea of riding with my horse Illeo today and followed Penny's endless nagging about my appearance at the imperial court. I let her pick the dress I'll wear. It was a lilac chiffon dress that puff sleeves that fell on the sides of my shoulders gracefully. At age seventeen, I was able to wear such dresses after father approved of it.

The other maid in charge of my hair styled it in one braid that fell over my left shoulder, leaving out my fringe covering my forehead and some curtain bangs that hanged at the sides of my face, one tucked in behind my ear.

"You're all done, my lady! The Duke's already waiting for you in the carriage." Penny joyed.

It wasn't a long walk from my room to the carriage. Upon entering, I saw father quietly sitting inside. His eyes laid upon me with shock.

"Father, do tell me. Do I look weird?" I asked. I noticed that he was throwing short glances from time to time.

"It's the other way around," he answered. "For a second, I thought you were Eloise with that dress and eyes of yours."

I looked at him. He was staring outside the carriage as if he was longing for something. I was aware how much good the Pavin duchy's genes are. There was literally no person born within the bloodline that looked ugly. Everyone was indeed beautiful. Father's eyes were in the lightest shade of brown, which resembled the family so much. It is the same with my oldest brother Samuel's eyes.

The ride was quiet and short. It was nearly quarter of an hour when we arrived at the imperial palace. Father went out first and offered a hand when it was my turn to get off of the carriage. I was immediately mesmerized on the palace's architecture. And just when I thought the Pavin duchy was already big, the imperial palace was humongous.

We arrived at a place with bricked pathway, with several bushes of roses at the side and a huge fountain at the center. There were several people walking around the area, all eyes on us. A man with copper hair and wrinkled forehead approached father.

"Duke Pavin," the man said. "It's been awhile."

The girl beside him was staring at me. Her wavy hair was in the nicest shade of copper. I noticed her piercing red eyes and gorgeous pink lips and rosy cheeks. She looked like glamorous serpent who can trick her predators well. I diverted my gaze and looked at the roses instead. It was my first time seeing white roses.

"This is my daughter," Father said. "Sera, greet them."

I bowed a little. "I greet the duke of Harrison and her daughter, Lady Isabelle."

"Ah!" Duke Harrison exclaimed. "Perhaps this is your youngest child and only daughter?"

"Yes, Duke. She has yet to debut in society two weeks from now." Father answered for me.

It was hard to keep up with their conversation. When they were already done, me and father proceeded walking towards the outdoor hallways. A guard guided us towards the place where we were heading when we suddenly stopped in front of greenhouse. The door before us has white painting and golden curvatures which matched the overall design of the palace.

"Entering Duke Radleigh Pavin and Lady Seraquelle Firene Pavin!" The guard announced before opening the doors for us.

I kept my head low. From what I learned in my etiquette class, it was rude to keep your gaze high when meeting anyone from the royal family. The godforsaken rule can make you bow down until the royalties say so.

"You can raise your head." A baritone voice said.

I stood up straight, with both of my hands placed in front of me. My eyes immediately saw the Emperor himself, Emperor Uriel Oliver Delacroix, history's greatest leader. However, the guy beside him caught my attention more. Platinum white hair, glimmering blue eyes that screamed terror and malice, tall figure, and one hell of an intimidating aura.

The guy in my dreams.

The wicked prince everyone was talking about.

His highness Cohen Alastair Delacroix the Crown Prince.