

A suspicious person entered the house silently with knife and saw a young man sleeping on the couch. Suddenly there were all blood on the couch. That suspicious person gave the young man a hard stroke of knife against his throat and then went upstairs , opened another door . A mid aged couple and a ten year old boy were sleeping peacefully. Another three slashes of knife and room's walls got painted bloody red. That suspicious figure removed overcoat and turned towards the mirror.

Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phila screamed loudly. A moment later she realized that she's still in her bed. She got up and saw her reflection in the mirror.

Phila : Me. It was me. I was the killer.

Phila Leroy, a twenty year old, ambitious and confused girl. Phila was seeing these nightmares from past few days. According to her, it was the result of her unhealed childhood trauma that she inherited from her family.

Next morning, Phila left for college. Few new students have joined her class this year. One among them was Raphaël. Raphaël was a self motivated and joyous person. He had that personality that attracted Phila very much. Raphaël was friend to Phila since the day they met. Reason was their compatibility to each other.

Phila was not sure whether Raphaël liked her or not. But his intentional look which he gives her during the class was kind of a hint. There was a desire and an appeal Phila saw in his eyes. But Phila had " I've been through this and I know how it ends" issues. So she never confronted him.

Stay tuned to know about Phila and Raphaël's story.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Priyanka_Dafda_0537creators' thoughts