
when our stars align we will meet again

i can't wait for coming towards you with that red thread of ours is something visible to us and not to everyone. someday somewhere and somehow we will eat again. TO LEARN ABOUT THEM PLEASE READ ABOU THE NOVEL FULL.

Abigail_Sinclair · Historia
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You know there's always a lingering feeling like you are somehow getting attracted to something you don't even know what is it or where is it even coming from is just this beautiful thing , just unknown mysterious vibe. Two people from different worlds having a feeling like as if there is someone whom they know by getting unknown blurry memories and having a feeling that they will meet someday, somewhere , somehow even if the world is against because they have a invisible red thread which only they can see .


" Its very weird because I see a two unfamiliar people I don't know why does it keep coming to me in my dreams it feels like it wants to say something but I don't know what it is but I have a feeling like I know someone , I have this strong feeling Its so strange But it feels good to walk here on the beach I can feel these beautiful waves on my feet and fresh air breezing on my face". As the young woman kept going deep into thoughts and near the beach there were people keeping fireworks as it was new year and few fireworks failed to properly work due to which the sand on the ground caught a huge fire the young woman saw it and immediately started to shiver heavily and tears are flowing down her cheeks and she started to get horrified and her head was showing some unknown flashy memories which she doesn't know what are those memories and she started to get a sharp pain in near her abdominal area as if she was stabbed very badly and she started to become weak and she fainted and feeling scared like hell because of fire , luckily her friend Anna saw her and ran near hear one screamed in fear " MINJI OMG ARE YOU OKAY?" The girl fainted .


" Ok so according to this report these hospitals which you made were only half developed but if you see so this is not enough so I am thinking of giving this a different strategy method ok" The way how this young man was explain he is smart and knows what he is doing , he had his smart round spectacles lying on his perfect nose and he is very sharp " ok so this was one way, Alex will you show the rest" the other man smiled in confidence and lead the meeting and the young man sat on his chair and as he sat he all of a sudden he felt like the world went blur and he heard people screaming and was getting huge headache and felt sharp pain in his heart due to which he fell down and he was weaker and he attracted attention from everyone and the confident man named alex ran near him and checked his heart rate and cursed " Aishh OMG DONG HYEON YOU WILL BE OKAY MAN JUST HANG IN THERE, SOME ONE CALL THE GODDAMN AMBULANCE" And as ambulance arrived alex lifted him in his arms and took him to the ambulance and then the ambulance nurses took him and kept him on the stretcher and Alex got in and as they were moving to the hospital Alex made a call to one of their other client " hello yes Mr. Evans today dong Hyeon can't hold the meeting due to a health issue, yes yes Mr Evans I am sorry you will have to co-operate dong hyeon will call you when everything is sorted out yes Mr Evans thankyou yeah" and as he let out a heavy sign and said to himself what is happening to the young man and why is it happening to him. Not knowing why is it happening to him became a restless doubt for alex to figure out why does this keep happening to him alex keeps taking dong hyeon to different hospitals after he keeps getting these kind of things but he still doesn't understand a solid reason and one thing is for sure alex thinks that dong hyeon should go for therapy it would be good for him and know why is this happening to him like if anyone who loves you cares for you would definetly want to know what is happening to you right? .This thought has always kept worrying his mate his best friend Dong Hyeon and alex told to him " what's happening to you man? Don't worry we'll find something , still looking handsome while lying unconscious in a emergency dangerous situation tch!" and as they kept going in a few minutes they reached hospital and took him to the emergency room.


As the young woman drifted off to sleep she was dreaming and in that dream she saw a girl dressed in a hanbok { South Korea's traditional dress} and dressed like a royal and walking through a corridor and all of a sudden seen the girl is on the ground will full of blood wounded and by the sight of that the Minji immediately woke up with heavy sweating and with fear and heavy breathing and her head was aching so badly and those glimpses those unknown memories were flashing again due to which her head is aching so bad that she caught her head so bad that she could get a concussion and so she shaking her head so bad thinking that it would get off her mind but as minji was shaking her head her eyes fell on the mirror and she got down from bed and she went to the mirror and lifted her shirt and saw the birthmark which looks like as if she were stabbed , she was getting even more unknown memories while looking at that birthmark of hers minji's head was aching even more that she started screaming "AHHH" Listening to her screaming in pain , Anna her best friend came running and asked her " MINJI WHAT HAPPENED PLEASE calm down" and minji fell down and started crying and speaking in frustration her friend anna comforted her saying "Minji you will be fine" and Minji immediately broke down and said " WHAT WILL BE OKAY? IAM GETTING THESE WEIRD FLASHY UNKNOWN MEMORIES WHICH I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS AND IT GIVES ME HEADACHE ALL THE FRICKIN TIME AND …. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY DOES THE BIRTH MARK NEAR THE ABDOMEN PAIN SO MUCH HUH? IT'S JUST A BIRTH MARK , WHY IS IT PAINING LIKE AS IF I WERE STABBED AND ON TOP OF THAT I HAVE PHOBIA OF FIRE WHY? YOU know what anna this kept happening to me since I was 13 and I don't know why" and anna had to cut in between when minji was talking because minji was literally shaking " MINJI ! first calm down ok everything will be ok?" and minji sat on the bed and smiled sarcastically and said " this happened again and again how will I be ok how tell me" and anna hugged her and she thought to herself ' i don't know why and what is happening to you minji but I will make sure you will be recovered and I'll try asap minji I promise'


Aigoo![a Korean term meaning omg] Both are facing same problems and both of them are getting glimpses of their past but can't remember hmn sad" another one chimed in and said " then what is going to happen with them will they meet or not ?" the old woman said " they will of course if they the price they will meet" "but when?" "very soon they'll meet at the first fall that's when the connection ignites" the old lady and the other one smiled and went away.



and minji got up from the bed and said " let's go anna , let's go back to korea hmn{ sarcastic laugh] I thought by coming here some change would happen but nothing happened let's just go come." And then anna said" okay I'll go to talk about this to the doc papers ok? You are gonna be alright trust me ok wait here". I'll go sign papers for your discharge ok.


' As I was about to leave away it was snowing , the first snowfall my heart started to beat very oddly not knowing why then I saw her and snow my heart beat so fast is this how love feels like'

Dong hyeon immediately woke up " what was that another unknown blur memory but it was a memory right but why was my heart beating in my dreams" he was awoken by that unvivid memories " agh my head is aching so bad" he couldn't open his eyes completely and he heard alex and the doctor conversing " Doctor how is dong hyeon is he alright ?" The doctor replied with a heavy there's no that much of a serious but we have to put in observatory room for like 2 days or so oh by the way did he get heart pain again because of those problems again?" alex nodded yes in disappointment " what can we do for him to forget all those glimpses which he don't even know those memories are" the doctor replied " look until unless he is in peace with those unknown memories we can't do anything but if you don't do anything it can deteriorate his heart problem even more so find some solution okay but he is okay afterall but you can't risk anything right? Take care and of him as well ok say him not to work to much that he doesn't care about his health and he is a heart patient too so" after saying this the doctor went away and alex came inside to see dong hyeon and alex asked how are you man?" Donghyeon was again in depressed and said " this…. This happened again didn't it ? alex….." his face formed a smile not a happy smile but a saddened smile realizing something sad and unhappy " ofcourse this happened again and again you know what alex we can't find any solution medical wise otherwise something would've happened by now, you know at the very least a clue but no" alex was very sad for him he couldn't do anything to his mate, his best friend " you know what lets go home man we have to prepare the tomorrow's meeting lets go" he removed all the things off him and alex stopped him saying hey hey wait man you have been kept in observatory for 2 days because you right?"

Dong hyeon smiled in a depressed way and said "yes I know my heart rate increased and it's cause of these AGH!!! IAM SICK OF THIS ALEX WHEN CAN I EVER BE HAPPY WITHOUT HEART PROBLEM AND THESE UNKNOWN MEMORIES BLURRY AND THOSE HEADACHES AND THOSE SCREAMING NOISES huh! I don't know anymore man you know what this keeps happening man and nothing happened let's just go tell gracie to prepare the jet in two days." Alex nodded and went to make a phone call and then dong hyeon forgot something then he widened his eyes as he remembers that due to his fainting alex had to cancel the meeting then alex came back after making a brief phone call then dong hyeon asked alex " hey man what happened to Mr. Evan's meeting?" and alex said "oh yeah I told him that after you will get better you will give him a call so he won't feel that you've cancelled it for no reason." And dong hyeon nodded and said " thanks man" and alex widened his eyes and said " oh my god what is my ears perceiving did dong hyeon the great said thanks" he said in a dramatic way and Dong hyeon shaked his head in disgust and said " and I should never said that" then dong hyeon took his laptop about to do something then alex saw him and snatched it and said " yooo what are you doing man" as dong hyeon was about to say something alex cut his words with a wild guess and said " I know you want to prepare for the meeting but you are in observatory time which also means you have to rest and I will do it , come on Mr. ceo you have to trust me I will do it I'll prepare the meeting ok trust me" dong hyeon nodded and cringed by how dramatic alex is and he went to drift off to sleep and alex saw him sleeping and told himself " I have to act like this so you will not feel at least a bit depressed I can't see you like this man" alex smiled by seeing him sleep and went away to prepare the meeting .


Someone once said "Sometimes, when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place." Remember that everything that happens to you is meant to lead you to something better, and you should always be open to what life has to offer. Someone out there is waiting to change your life and let you change theirs. Don't turn your back on them. And take a deep breath and say to yourself " everything is going to be ok and I love myself I don't need anyone to teach me how to love myself"

Some people believe there is one special channel within your system that connects one of your heart's veins directly to your pinky finger. According to a story, this link never ends and goes on to create a red string. This is why it is so meaningful to cross your pinkies when you swear or make a truce.

People are linked by this red string of fate for all their lives, no matter how far they are from each other. They are destined to meet each other and be profoundly affected by this encounter. It's not only about love, but anyone who could change your life. Threads can stretch or become tangled, but this link can't be broken. Life guides us in a direction that brings us towards the day when we'll meet someone as important as our soulmates. This is how a beautiful connection , union is formed and red string is tied to their pinky fingers. Love can sweep us off our feet in an instant, and our vibration can attract that of another without speaking a single word. Eyes can make a connection across the room The red string might get tangled, contracted or stretched, as surely often happens, Japanese legend says that everyone is tied to their soulmate via a red string on their pinky finger. It doesn't matter where we are born or what our circumstances are, people tied to each other with this string will find each other. Destiny as in the universe has everything planned out for everyone it's just that one has to Belive in themselves. everything is predetermined and predestined right from our birth. There are times when coincidences are so powerful that they don't really seem coincidences anymore. Times when you come across events that seem too strange or too strong to be mere coincidence. One cannot brush them off as accidents. We meet every living being in our daily life due to a reason.


' Everyone in my relatives side thinks that iam making up hallucinations by myself like who makes up that they are getting serious headache when they are actually getting I mean what do you benefit in lying about things which you are already suffering from . when I look in the mirror I don't know why I get a vision like as if iam a different person and suddenly those unknown memories come which I don't even know what are those and that birthmark I have this birth mark like as if someone stabbed me. I got this birth mark since my birth so I mean it's a birth mark it doesn't pain but whenever I encounter fire and get faintness signal that's when those unknown memories come and headache triggers and I get a heavy sharp pain in that birthmark. I actually got this unknown memories triggering me when I was like 13 I went to a ancient place but at the last night of the trip in that ancient all of a sudden I got those scary unknown strange memories I saw fire in my dreams since I was a kid but that day was so bad like at the last day of that trip as I slept I got fire so bad and at that time I woke up with full sweat and I was so paranoid and I even got blood from my nose and at that time I got those weird unknown memories and that time too the birthmark started to pain so much that at that time I had to go home immediately like literally it was very embarrassing that when we were going home in the bus it was so embarrassing as kids were surrounded around me as if there was a pregnant woman if I had called my parents they would get a chopper wherever I am it would be embarrassing and it pained so badly like so much more worser than hell as first I got those unknown memories my head was aching so bad like when those memories were triggering and the birth mark was paining so much worser than hell and my nose was non stop bleeding and we reached to hospital and then my parents informed to the doctor that I have a fire phobia and yeah it was very painful than how it is hell and it was a bit funny.'

" Hey minji the doctor you can get discharged after two days as you fainted very hard and you even bleeded and you got major shock so yeah" Then minji signed heavily and said "hmn it's ok cause there is no use of what I thought would become" And anna said " hey cheer up ok" Minji smiled saying " thank you anna" and anna dramatically said " omg what did I just listen and witness you kim minji the great is saying thank you oh no Is any disaster going to happen" Minji was cringing so bad the way how dramatically she was saying " omg it's good you didn't take acting major you cringe so much anyways iam going to wash room" And anna smiled sadly and said " atleast if iam like this you will be happy I promise you minji that everything will be ok one day I promise" and minji came and drifted off to sleep cause having all those miseries is not ok it's so depressing that anyone could commit suicide so anna feel very sad she couldn't do anything for her she was trying to send her to a physiatrist but nothing worked but she will do anything for her best friend .



"Hey Ahjumma [ Elderly woman or old lady] but why is their relationship important ?" asked a lady to the old lady to that the old woman signed heavily and said by looking at them " can't you see are you blind what are you paying attention huh? They are alike look at them even though how depressed they are how they feel alike not think alike" the lady asked again " but they say right like – like don't attract like see north and north don't attract right so why?" the old woman lightly hit her and said " Aigoo [ oh my god] I don't understand you oh my god my head is aching , see they are not two different souls they are one soul who was split into two different bodies that's it agh" the lady was shaking her head as if she was still processing whatever the old women said and she asked again " hey ahjumma but why were they split ?" the old woman signed heavily and looked at those two minji and dong hyeon and said " right I don't know

too" the lady thought another question and bombarded " ahjumma but how do anyone know who is their red thread partner thing?" then the old woman smiled by looking at them and said "it's a Japanese saying that an old man who lives in the moon and comes out every night to search among kin spirits to reunite them on earth, who have something to learn from each other , and when he finds them he ties a red thread to them so they find their paths by correct time they will meet when they have to with correct course of time . The red string might get tangled , contracted or stretched , as surely often happens , but it can never break." Then the lady asked one more which made the old lady irritated for asking for too many questions " but why are they so loved ones like just know I also witnessed that at the mention of this couple the wish tree glowed and some say they saw the goddess and dragon spirit when there are many too so why only them"

then the old lady said with a smile " I don't know they are just loved ones but…" the old lady kept that sad face and said " but they have to pay the price that too heavy one" and as the lady was about to ask something the old lady said " ah! Let's just go come cupid come" and they left from the spot in front of minji's and dong hyeon's as their rooms are side by side" see a connection it's so beautifull that you don't even know it could be anyone beside you , away from you or you don't know who could they be, its just this beautiful .

For the ontological imagination, the myth of the red string is a way to understand our itinerary of encounters as a predetermined plot where couples' relationships, the intimate brushes against someone, and all the little stories we crisscross with others are neither random triumphs nor accidents, but part of a scarlet tapestry whose threads were given to us when we were born but which we knit oursel stubborn as they may sometimes seem — knew the route and geography of our multiple amorous destinations, and therefore there were no "slips" or poor decisions. Yes


Dong hyun was tossing and turning around continuously as he was getting again this unknown memory


"AH man we should head back towards palace it's time for sword fighting practice" and the other young handsome hot man nodded as they were taking a walk and all of a sudden they witnessed some one was shooting arrows at them then the handsome type young man said to his friend " LOWER , LOWER DOWN NOW" AS he said that they were confused who is aiming the arrows and from where is it, then the young man was not only handsome but has an eagle eye he spotted the attacker , the attacker was positioned at the back side of where the two men were hiding suddenly the young man took turn backwards very fast that the attacker didn't even realise it so the young made a intelligent yet risky move throwing pebbles simultaneously that the attacker started to attack then he stopped throwing pebbles and the attacker got confused and came down and the young man slowly went front and caught the attacker and the young man took of the mask and by the time the other man called the palace guards as the palace escorted them but while these two young men were taking walk the PALACE guards stood at a distance as these two men were discussing some thing and then this incident happened before anything could happen dong hyeon woke up in pain headache as usual this time it pained but he still didn't complain as it keeps happening to him so he paid no heed to it but one thing bothered him as usual and that is again it was blurr he couldn't see who were they , that bothered him for so long and at that time alex came in saying

" yo I almost finished it , you know the meeting I have done preparing it but you just have to look at it" as he was about to complete his sentence the doctor came in and said " you can go today you are alright but one thing don't over work or over stress on those unknown memories just try to peace with them I know it's hard but try ok" and the doctor patted his shoulder with a comforting smile and went away and alex looked at dong hyeon like as if something happened then he said "what iam fine come on let's discuss I have to rest also" alex was like " uhuh dong hyeon not bad" listening to that dong hyeon was smiling and alex said to himself ' please keep smiling like that man I feel very happy.'



" I Hate it really hate it so much when people pity on you or fake pity you know like fake crying fake sympathy when I was small all relatives and outsiders used to come all the time to belittle me they act as if they're genuine but they aren't sad they fake cry and give fake sympathy but behind my back they say their children " don't play with dong hyeon ok he has a heart problem he is sick if you play with him or even touch him you will get germs and get sick and I don't want that to happen to you my dear" it was so painfull to hear that and I was only 8 years old what was so painful was not that they are fake most painfull was when they thought and said that heart problem is a disease huh! Since then I stopped anyone talk to me and no one talked to me I was so alone I always wanted to play with someone and I hate my parents even morer than anyone because I did pranks on those people who make fun of my feelings , make fun of a 8 yr old instead of loving them and they made fun of my heart problem the most painful part was they scolded me for that and they didn't pity on 8 year old kid and my parents always emotionally abuse me and once when I was 12 years old I lost someone and met someone new when I was 12 my mom had a affair and left me and dad alone and she married someone else and my dad takes out all of that frustration on me on that daywhen everything scattered I found someone new whom I know I met alex when I got transferred to new school and alex was our class captain and when I came the administrative told alex about me and my condition and he made me feel comfortable for the first time I felt all those foreign feelings and once during P.E class I fainted so without hesitating alex carried me in his arms till the nurse station and he stayed with me all the time no matter what he didn't spoke bad behind my back nor he said to me or others that my heart problem is a disease if I did a mistake he scolds me and when I do something awesome he appreciates me this is what I wanted a person who truly cares for me he doesn't think iam a burden to him and when my mom left us for another guy and married to him and my dad just drinks and abuse me even though he knows I have heart condition yet but that day was so painful I wanted to disappear atleast getting double pain all at a time and I went to the bridge and I stood at that time alex came running and and took me down and he slapped me and said in huge anger

" ARE YOU MAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING AND WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS HUH? JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE HEART PROBLEM YOU WANT TO GIVE UP EVEN THOUGH THERE ARE CHANCES OF YOU NOT SURVIVNG BUT YOU HAVE TO STILL CONTINUE TO LIVE , YOU WILL DIE BUT NATURALLY WHEN GODS WANT IT BUT NOT BY KILLING YOURSELF AND YOU ARE OKAY NOW RIGHT SO WHY?!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS DID YOU EVER THINK OF ME ARE YOU THE ONLY ONE IN PAIN HUH? THINK FROM YOUR HEART ." And I broke down immediately and feel down and was crying so bad alex was in tears seeing me suffering so much " shush everything will be alright I promise you I will always be there for you and he hugged me and I hugged him so bad crying so much pain out and he said " no matter how many times you faint I will carry you and take you to the hospital ok?" and from then on he was always there for me we had nice memories that friends should have and we made our own business and it became huge now the billionaire iam now it's us two buddies and when I was in late teens the problem of listening , listening as if random people screaming in pain and and I get these unknown memories haunting me so badly that I get heavy headache and I got high fever and my nose was bleeding and because of all this my heart rate increased so bad and alex rushed to mr carried me and ran to hospital and from then on my life became worse so yeah more than those fake people I pity my own life ." " dong hyeon earth to dong hyeon ! what are you thinking man?" then dong hyeon shaked his head and said to alex " yo what happened to you stop over thinking dude everything will be alright don't overthink just try to make peace with those unknown memories ok? Oh by the way when you were in hospital….." dong hyeon cut his sentence by saying " I know I have to call mr evans yeah I'll talk to him now. " Hello yes Mr. evans , yeah iam feeling better thank you mr evans Umn if you don't mind shall we keep our rearrangement meeting in Korea , yes we are actually returning to Korea so….oh yeah sure thank you mr evans yeah good day." Alex gave him a answer seeking eyes and dong hyeon smiled and nodded yes and gave was like "whew I thought he wouldn't accept you know he was a bit upset when you fainted so he accepting the offer and coming to korea and having meeting wow oh by the way driver are we near the airport yet?" the driver replied "yes sir we are about or reach" but one thing bothered dong hyeon in those unknown memories he could hear two male voices but it's blur so he said to himself " enough of this long last pain I am

Going to find the reason iam getting these unknown memories and try to make peace with it"



Minji decided to sleep as she was so tired and she drifted off sleeping and she got those unknown memories again:-

"Miss there are no palace guards anywhere near your room, miss but what if you will get caught?" the young girl shaked her head in confidence and said " who am I an expert at running did you forgot?" " that's not it what will you do If you will get caught?" the young girl thought what would she do then she came up with an idea and said " I will call you in a bird tone voice ok then you will help me escape okay then we run ok" the eunuch mi- seo agreed and the young girl said " okay mi-seo I should go I will go fast and come fast ok bye be careful" and the young girl went out since it was first snowing she wore something huge to cover herself and sneakily jumped of the wall the reason she went sneakily out side because she want to witness first snow because her late mother had a dream that she wanted to see the first snow with her daughter so she went and she ran near the mountain side and she reached and she saw the first snow she was so happy when she saw the first snow it was so pretty is what she felt and suddenly she felt someone watching her she turned back she saw a young man very tall had prominent black hair so handsome she then thought he was a palace guard and she was about to run but because of the ice she slipped and as she was about to fall he caught her waist and he stared right into her soul and she pushed him and ran for her life by seeing her run so funnily he smiled and said " cute" someone was trying to wake her up and it was anna minji's friend woke her up and said " minji we reached the airport come on let's go" and minji nodded her head and they paid the taxi fare and went in the airport with their luggages and before they enter the check in point there was a huge line it's gonna take a lot time and minji said " hey anna I will go to washroom and come back fast ok?" anna nodded and said to come fast.

Male lead P.O.V:-

As alex and dong hyeon reached airport the guard took their luggage as they are billionaires and vip's and alex and dong hyeon were discussing at that time gracie came and said " welcome sir the jet is about to get ready to prepare sir" and alex and gracie were discussing about the preparation

Of the meeting dong hyeon said " alex I'll go to washroom and come back ok?" he nooded his head and as dong hyeon went in and saw his face in the mirror and said to himself everything will be ok and he washed his face and went out little does he know that he'll meet his soulmate in this busy airport .


AS they both minji and dong hyeon came out of wash room as they were going they were walking on the same pace and same block and as they were walking their shoulders touched each other and as minji wen further to the boarding line suddenly dong hyeon felt his heart beating and he turned back and saw minji's backing facing him and walking towards her friend he felt his heart beat very fast and he felt like so safe when he saw her but I wonder whether he saw her face then alex interrupted dong hyeon by saying " yo dong hyeon-ah what happened where are you lost man let's go come on jet is ready to go" dong hyeon nodded and he one last time peeked at minji as her back was facing towards him he smiled by seeing her , just smiled by seeing her back facing him even thought he didn't see her face he just smiled for no reason.


Ahjumma love is strange right ?" and the old lady smiled and said "yes you are right their souls met the moment their shoulders brushed each other their red string started to appear in their heart and actually the red thread has already appeared before even they met in past life because there's a saying love is not only just you know physical attraction or emotional attraction it's also about learning something equal from your partner like learning what your partner has to offer like some nice values and many more to learn mutually tht's why red thread is tied not only because a couple is good looking or the world says how they look perfect without even not learning about each other or you don't need to buy expensive stuff to offer a couple just have to learn something value -able from each other that's it geez kids these days think true love as a fling or something" hearing the word fling shocked the lady she laughed and said " Ahjumma wow it's so shocking to hear you a 500 years old spirit to tell about the word fling hahaha sorry" the old lady said with a smile

" they have a nice love story in the past life it was so funny and cute at the same time but it was also worst at the same time that's why they have these headaches while getting their previous life's


memories and that's why cause the girl had heart problem In the past life and he got the heart problem from her in this life and in past life the guy was stabbed that's why she got it as a birth mark" the lady was still confused about one thing

" but Ahjumma why does the girl have fire phobia?" the old lady was confused too " I too don't know but I want to know about that hmn let's hope that person doesn't come and history shouldn't repeat again or else hell will brake worse."

Remember that feeling you have when you meet someone for the first time, that special connection you feel. Like the universe conspired in helping you find that one person. These are the rare moments that make you believe in destiny, right?. The red thread of fate is a belief that is popular in Japan and in China, and it is similar to the idea of the soulmate or twin flame we have. The legend has it that there exists an intangible string of fate that binds the two souls that are destined to be together. It says that "an invisible red string connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstances.

The yarn can stretch or contract but it could never break." No matter what path we take in our lives we will always be destined to meet a certain someone. According to the Chinese legends, the thread is tied around the ankle of the people who are destined to meet. And in the Japanese version, it switches place, here the red thread is tied to our pinkie. The pinkie is connected to the heart by the ulnar artery, and it extends to the person who you are destined to meet. A

As dong hyeon was reading this article and he felt strange as he saw a girl in the airport it felt unreal cause after reading the article it's strange to meet your other half or your partner in a strange place like airport but he couldn't see her face he only saw her back facing him and he couldn't stop thinking about that unknown girl but when their shoulders brushed he felt like as if something ignited in him like something was shut down and it re opened again he never felt that way and he all of a sudden remember a girl's face and she was smiling and again he suddenly saw the same girl covered with blood lying dead he got chills remembering those glimpses he fell down from the seat in the jet then alex got scared and he rushed to dong hyeon and asked " what happened to you man? What world are you lost in are you seriously ok please stop overthinking oh my god dong hyeon go take rest go sleep you are overthinking go" and dong hyeon went to the bed and tried to sleep it off .


" Ahjumma who are were talking about when you said if he comes hell will break worse what do you mean by that who are you talking about?"

The old woman got angry and said " Aigoo you don't pay attention to anything god should help you ok it's like he originally came for something but when he heard the news that there's a beauty and the lover of the beauty, this guy dong hyeon had a enemy and it is this villain he wanted to exert revenge too and came for different reasons too so it's a rumor that he wents nuts when he saw her beauty which is minji and he made a master mind plan to separate dong hyeon and minji and I heard he made a bet with the Satan just for getting the girl and he wanted unlimited power but the wish tree didn't agree and ended by putting him a curse and he stabbed dong hyeon out of jealousy and revenge that's why minji got dong hyeon's death reason stab as a birthmark and minji in previous life her parents and great grandmom side had heart problem and that has happened and again if at all history repeats it will be dangerous for the three of them they might not even exist if that happens so" yeah so "he sounded like a true villain where do you think he is right now" the old lady said " I don't know but he did something he shouldn't have done something he shouldn't have done."

"But ahjumma what tree are you talking about and why does a tree has too agree for a human relation hahaha so funny... sorry." The old lady replied " that tree isn't a normal tree it's a magical powerful tree it has got the red thread couples together it heals all kinds of pain and it's very holy tree there's a saying that it has a goddess spirit in the tree and it symbolizes dragon so people often want to misuse it for having powers or anything bad so the tree is a sacred one and if anyone tries to mess with it they will die."


As soon as their both's flight landed alex asked dong- hyeon " dude you okay right? you were shivering and getting chills and you literally fell down? Are you sure that you are okay do you want to go to Dr.kim?" then dong hyeon saw his watch and said " no not now we don't have time for that because we have a meeting with mr evans and his boss remember? So we have to leave immediately" and they left the airport as they had promised their clients to have a meeting in korea with their boss .

"minji we have to get back to the hospital Dr. kim is calling us." Minji grinned so hard and said " why we have afternoon classes does he want us to miss our classes or something?" then anna faced slapped her self and said " no you idiot you know how Dr. kim is he won't let any of his students miss his classes you know that right and especially us he won't spare us" as they were talking and taking their luggage someone called in minji's phone and anna gave a look and as minji took it out from her pocket she gave a poker face and said " speak of the devil" and anna smiled and she lifted the call and said "hi dad yeah we are fine and we returned back WHAT?? HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT" while talking to her dad who is dr. kim , minji looked at anna with a questionable look and she continued " dad , dad one minute we are taking our luggage wait for one minute" and she kept in on mute and she asked anna " anna did you told my dad about the incident ?" anna shook her head no " then how does he know?" and anna remembered " minji remember when you were admitted the receptionist and the nurse asked for your guardian's number and it became a habit and I gave your dad's number hahaha I can't be your guardian I don't look that old ." Then minji started to fake cry and said " you know my dad right? Mr. kim omg he does thousands of test if I only got a hurt and how strict he is" and her dad on the phone was literally waiting for ages and said " kim minji can you hear me hello?" and anna mouthed her sorry with a smile like as if you've stole something and you get caught and minji shook her head in disgust and said " yeah hey dad iam okay totally dad yeah? Ugh dad please come on what? Oh ok ok ok we are coming" and anna asked what did he tell her and minji said " I thought dad called for something else like you said but he called us because he said that we have got the result of our internship can you belive it?" then anna was having a doubt as how her father can be so casual with minji and her getting internship even though they're in college and that too in a different company as this seemed suspicious to anna she remembered a similar memory where when they were small there was a competition in the school where all kids will get mixed up with not their parents but other's parents and play treasure hunt and who ever wins they will get trophy so minji and anna were in a team and they had too team up with they're classmate's parents but while anna was drinking water she saw minji's father asked the principal to team him up with minji and me our team by remembering this memory anna was smiling and minji was like " hey why are you laughing we're late come" and she smiled remembering that cute memory .

Meanwhile the old lady got scared as her fear came true he set foot in this world again, HE came back again, her fear was true and she is even more scared about what will happen. Will the bad unlucky history repeat again or will it end in this life time at least and the old lady murmered to herself "will they remember their previous life and end him or will they disappear huh what a shame why can't I do anything ,tree goddess please pity them ."


As the meeting was about to start alex and a woman in her mid 20's escorted few foreign clients and alex said " good afternoon ladies and gentle men iam alex and she is gracie my secretary and thank you for coming all the way here to korea for this meeting actually this meeting was to be held in the states but as you see our ceo Mr. oh dong hyeon was in a critical condition before our this meeting was to be held so we had to come back to korea for the meeting to be held over here and sorry for the delay okay coming back to the meeting proposal as you can see there is a file in front of you , you can use the file as a reference during the meeting" as alex was briefing to all the clients a tall young handsome man who has a beauty of a divine greek god and he was well suited up with his specs rimmed on the bridge of his nose and his walk was like as if he can end a model's life with his beautiful walking grace and as he was walking he said " thank you all once again for coming here and co-operating with us thanks a lot so like alex said this file is filled with references during the meeting as it can get you confused so yeah shall we start the meeting … gracie can you dim the lights and on the home theatre tv thank you" and dong hyeon started the meeting in between every body's focus couldn't be still as dong hyeon looks handsome and as he kept going he handed half of the meeting to alex as he is the vice president and so as meeting was about to complete and as meeting finished everyone started to clap as the duo friends were very sharp minded and intelligent and one client said " impressive mr. dong hyeon that was very unique proposal as soon as our boss comes here to korea you see our boss is going to come to korea here to visit his parents as right now our boss is in a business trip he will be coming after 2 weeks if you don't mind" dong hyeon smiled and said "it's ok mr evans we can wait but thank you" then gracie saw those clients out of the building and alex and dong hyeon high fived each other as they never fail in any of their meeting proposal and alex asked in confusion " who is their ceo" and dong hyeon gave alex tablet and said he is Andrew park born in a Korean family but his both parents were born and brought up in America and his father is the ceo and he is vice president Andrew always wanted to become the ceo but his dad understood how his true colours are so yeah so let's see." And alex continuing " hey man as winter season is arrived and the first snow is


about to come so let's celebrate what say?" and dong hyeon said " alex not now it's almost winter you know last time when I drank what happened to me in winter season and iam tired too man and so are you even you should rest by the way once their boss comes and signs the deal that time we can celebrate ok like you said it's winter and the first snow might come anything come anytime so let's go home shall we? And yeah say gracie to take care of the interviewers who came today ok let's go" and alex went to inform gracie and alex and dong hyeon left their office and as they sat in car dong hyeon started to think about something.

"Anna come on let's go fast come on I don't want to miss it" minji was talking in hurry and anna was smiling and seeing how small minji looked like a kid and anna said " yo what's the hurry and


shouldn't we go meet Mr. kim" and minji said "anna please come it's the first snow in korea right aren't you tired of seeing the sunny side of Hawaii come on minji there is also a saying that if you witness first snow your wishes may come true" minji shook her hand " what what happened come on let's go to the park to witness first snow please it is very rare come on" and anna smiled and said " omg what am I witnessing the girl crush concept minji is acting girly girl omg what have I seen" minji said " come if you want or else iam going by myself" anna was laughing so hard she loves teasing anna atleast minji won't be depressed about her situation" " okay iam coming wait up for me minji, minji".

'God my head hurts like hell why is it paining so much ugh!!! Thank god I didn't drink anything or else I will get more headache and as I was getting headache alex was talking to someone over phone . Huh? Is it snowing hmn so beautiful it looks pretty as I roll down the window of my car I feel immeditaly relived as snow fell on my face but how? I had headache just now how come snow falling on my face reduced the headache as I was starring at the snow outside I heard a girl laughing and another girl screaming I heard the girl screaming a nother girl like her name " as I saw her my heart started to beat very fast so fast that It won't stop anytime she is so pretty god I don't know why is my heart beating so fast as there was a red traffic light I don't know why my hands immediately opened the car door and my legs started to walk in her direction Goshh! What's happening to me I can hear alex screaming

" DUDE YO DONG HYEON WHERE ARE YOU GOING MAN FOR GOD SAKE MAN WHERE ARE YOU GOING GEEZ WAIT" I didn't even responded when he was calling me why is it , she is so close to me I feel like that why do I feel like she is close to my heart ? why, do I know her the picture of her and the snow falling on her hair and her beautiful smile it feels like two souls became one and I don't know I feel this thing like we are special wait why am I thinking like this what is wrong with me I never thought this kind of thought UGH!! Dong hyeon straight up man but I feel happy seeing her feels like all my worries all my concerns all my depression and even my heart feels light and I forgot all those pain I had for years feels like all the pain I had for 19 years just went away like as if a burden went away from my shoulder I should go , yes dong hyeon you should go she probably doesn't even know you but why do I feel like I known her for so damn long leave it it's just my thinking I feel sad WHAT why am I getting tears why what type of tears are these forget it' As dong hyeon was in lost with in the sight of her his long lost one does he remember her as he was thinking about some things alex came running " dong hyeon what happened to you man- ARE YOU CRYING WHY ARE YOU CRYING DUDE WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU why is tears there on your face did some of your painfull childhood memory trigger you man you will die by freezing you didn't even wear a coat come let's go" as alex was talking I was shocked that there were tears on my face and in my eyes I was "HUH? UH YEAH"{ he was in tears and surprised}

' It's so beautiful I love first snow I don't know why I feel sad when I see the first snow but actually everyone or anyone feels happy while seeing snow but me I feel sad for some reason when I was small my mom said that she said that witnessing first snow is like two souls connecting and becoming one I don't know what she meant by that but it was so deep whenever she talks about these kinds of things . as I turned my head I saw HIM. Who is he , handsome what??? Brain what are you making me think a stranger is handsome?? I mean… he is handsome NOOOO![she face slaps herself] why am I seeing him he'll think that iam pervert no no no no no no I am not pervert but what can I do {fake cries} why are my eyes deceiving me my heart is saying me to look at him though I saw him right now but why do I feel like he is crying he is in tears huh? My eyes are truly deceiving me or am I hallucinating why am I seeing he is crying I feel a strong pinch in my heart when he saw me {blushing} hmn I saw another guy walking towards him with a coat OMG DID HE COME OUT WITHOUT WEARING COAT DAMMMNN HE IS A STRONG ONE I wonder what are they talking about and I saw him leaving and he just glanced me oh noo he thought that I was a pervert that's why he probably was staring at me geez , eyes please don't betray me again WAIT WHY WAS I BEHAVING LIKE THAT WHY WAS I BEHAVING LIKE A GIRLY TOMBOYISH WHICH ANNA TEASES ME WITH WHY WAS I BEHAVING LIKE THAT UGH! Leave it or else it'll stress me out again but I feel like I want to meet him again my heart wants to see him again again next time for sure. As I was thinking anna was shrugging me and said " minji what happened what are you so lost in" I nodded my head saying nothing it's just a thought nothing else with this thought in my head I shrugged the thought off the mind it's beautiful enough for anyone to witness the first snow as it's a beautiful sight one can make all their wishes come true or not it's upto your belief.


AS they both saw each other the first time they both had the same feeling as it is two soul connected into one whole person and they even felt similar like as if they knew each other for ages and they both had a feeling of sadness rushing through them but as they were about to go away they turned and saw each other and said I want to meet some day somewhere and somehow no matter what happens.


" What was that man you could have got cold of freezing and you didn't even wear coat geez what's wrong with you dude and why were you in tears? What happened man are you seriously tell me why were you in tears is something bothering you or did some of your childhood memory trigger you" and he replied " I don't know man I just don't know why I felt weird watching the first snow thing you know I remembered something painfull you know" as alex saw pain in his eyes he didn't wanna ask anymore and as the car ride was quiet dong hyeon was remembering that painfull memory he had was when he was small his mother hated him so much and his dad wouldn't care that much but he cared only a bit as dong hyeon had heart problem by birth so yeah he was in complete sadness since a small 6 year old it was a joke a small kid whom should be showered with love and affection is being hated as with these painful days he ran to the park while it was winter season before first snow an old lady appeared and asked smaller version dong hyeon " why are you crying my child what's upsetting a small kid instead of being happy?" he cried so bad the old lady could feel his pain and smaller dong hyeon said " nobody loves me ahjumma { old lady in Korean} everyone hates me even my mom my dad hates me so much and I even get bad comments like my heart problem is a disease, why me?" the old lady felt bad and saw a young woman in him and said " don't worry kid in the first snow you will find your happiness after 19 years I promise you will your happiness after 19 years in the first snow" by remembering this memory he kept living but he was still sad as the pain kept growing but then when he was 11 years he found alex so he thought maybe he was the happiness the old woman was talking about but she said 19 years but it took 5 years anyways he didn't care and kept on being with his mate alex as he was remembering this painful memory alex called him " hey we've reached your home go take rest okay ? you've had a pretty much rough day okay and tomorrow we are hanging out ,see our work is finished and so let's go tomorrow outside okay what say?" and dong hyeon nodded yes and alex was shocked " oh my god breaking news oh dong hyeon our buddy agreed to everything today what's the deal huh man?" then dong hyeon was in war serious mode and said him " before I kick you get lost." Then alexsaid bye from afar and said " I will pick you up tomorrow morning okay sleep well bye man" dong hyeon waved bye and went to his mansion to rest and he changed into his night time dress and slept as he had a really tough day and as he drifted to sleep little did he know that he was again gonna get a glimpse of that unknown past life memory that to blurred and glimpses and it's gonna pain him this time .

" My daughter minji and her friend anna hi girls how are you and how's the trip how'd it go girls" "huh thank god dad got distracted and didn't go for the obvious….." as she was about to continue her dad Dr. kim completed her sentence and said

" tell me what happened" as minji was saying that she is okay she's just didn't eat at all that's why she fainted and her father said " lies, these are all lies tell me what happened" as anna and minji were giving each other some signals and anna cleared her throat and said the whole thing what happened by that Dr. kim was very upset and angry about her lies to her own father and said " you lied to me do you know if anything would've happened you know right all those had very bad reactions whenever you get those situation you become weakest so why?" then minji sat down with her dramatic dad and said "oh my dear dad I didn't tell you because you know whenever this scary situations happened you become more depressed and weaker and I can't see you in that pain that's why I didn't wanted to say you hmn you remember what happened to me when I was 12 right what happened that time everyone was worries about you for what happened to me you even weren't eating for a week after what happened to me if you are not strong then who will help me be strong dad? That's the reason I didn't tell you cause if I am not well you become the patient instead of me that's why I haven't told you dad and moreover iam totally fine I mean look at me I recovered so dad please calm downiam worried more about you when I have health issues so dad , I know I should tell you see when we were going to come home we were about to tell you dad. So sorry dad please will you forgive us or we'll be sad" then the father was looking at his daughter and her friend and said " I don't know what to say to you minji I didn't wanted to let you go to that trip and whatever you wanted to do because you are ill I get scared if something happens to you and first your mother left us and now you are the only one left for me... fine I forgive you both." And minji was happy and she hugged her dad and anna was sulking and her dad said "oh? What happened to anna" she got hurt and said " I know nobody loves me or misses me hmph" and Dr. kim said " drama queen you are also my precious drama queen and thankyou for being careful and taking care of minji thank you." And minji asked " dad our internship results came so where is the papers?" and her dad was freaking out and said " it's in your bedroom" and minji and anna went to her bedroom and saw the papers on minji's bed and took to read it they both were so shocked and they heavily wnt downstairs and said " DAD! WHY WHY AGAIN YOU DID THE SAME THING WHY." Actually minji"s father Dr. kim he has a huge influences on about hospitals and minj are studying pyschology and even mythology so their college was starting internships from now so minji's dad the whole hospital industry knows him as he is the world's best psychologist so in that internship time he said to those interviewers to say that she and anna would be doing internship at his hospital by this anna smiled and said " I knew this would happen minji that's why I was not in a hurry" and minji was angry and said " dad why dad I know iam not well doesn't mean you'll keep me as an intern here in your hospital , I want to be in other hospital cause you'll fall more become patient more than me and you've would make fun of me and anna" and minji's dad said " I took you and anna because I want to you atleast stay in my radar as you can fall ill anytime very easily so yeah that's why I did that" minji was still angry and said " it's more like threatning hmph" but she had to take the truth in . and anna was smiling.


" KIM MINJI behave yourself is this how you behave with the king that too your father?" I could see she is getting angry by seeing madam calling miss like that and she was getting angry I never saw her so much anger and she replied " who are you to tell me whom should I talk too and how should I talk with them who are you? You're not my mom!" and madam was furiating in anger and scoffed sarcastically and said " of course you're mother was such a slut and leech and such a annoying woman I've seen in my seen my life" oh no miss is getting so angry and said " hmn you are saying like as if you really love the king you don't even love him talking as if you are not." Yes madam got infuriated and she said " oo…..bivously…. i….. do like ….the king" and Imiss had this confidence in her and scoffed looking at the fact what madam said and everyone got scared cause nobody got dare to speak to a royal's mistress like that and miss said " if you really love him why would you stammer and why would you sweat like that and why would there be fear in your eyes hmph the truth is that you are just a mistress who leeched onto the king and I saw how you were getting naked in front of the king just to see your beauty? Huh it's bullshit and you are just for money and you ran behind the king like a fucking leech and was glue – ing yourself to him a slut like you don't know what a pure thing like love is or don't know how pure my mom is nobody likes you except you deceived the king like a slut and nobody likes you and every body loves my mom you know why? Cause she loves people for how kind they are and help and care for them but you only money and nobody wants to open their mouth so that a unholy slut like your name won't come out and I know you slept with many men who are very rich and noble and stole their precious things close to their heart so a unholy leech like your mouth shouldn't take my mom's name you get that don't think just because you are a king's mistress doesn't mean you will be a queen you get that, that throne is worthy for someone like my mom who is kind" OH MY GOD the way how miss spoke so many ministers and eunuchs were shocked and the king was getting angry and the madam got so angry she was literally shivering in anger and she said " YOU ! HOW DARE YOU TALK LIKE THAT TO ME" and that's it she went berserk and madam slapped miss so hard that she fell and the king was quiet but had shame in his eyes and I was going near miss and I went near hear her and picked her up and she had a lot of pain and hatred in her eyes and she saw me and shooked my hands off her shoulder and madam was smiling like the palace says that she has a lot of ego and miss saw the king and tears were falling her eyes and went away and madam said to me " control her do you get that you are her armor what are you doing ? knock some sense into her brain and teach her manners hmph talking to me as if" and king went away and the madam was like " oh my dear king wait for me" and she said to me " okay? Do you get that" and she ran away to king I think what miss said about madam was right maybe as I realised I ran to see where miss is and as I ran towards miss's room I saw her eunuch I asked her eunuch " have you seen miss" and her eunuch was crying and said " I don't know where miss went" SHE WAS CRYING EVEN MORE as we were trying to look for miss and miss's another eunuch came running towards us and and said " I..SAW HER RUNNING NEAR TOWARDS THE WATERFALL NEAR THR TREE" And I said " wait you two of you prepare water for miss to take bath okay I will go get miss okay?" and I don't kno what's the deal with miss why is she running this far if her another eunuch wouldn't have seen her it would've been difficult and I saw her and I ran towards miss and as she saw me she was screaming "GO AWAY GO AWAY FROM ME I SAID DON'T COME NEAR ME" now I understand why she is rebellious she needs love, pure love like what she said before she said I never understood her before but as I got to know her I understood her and she was in so much pain and she was having poker face and there were tears flowing on her face but she kept poker face and I went to her and hugged her and she said " GET LOST WHAT ARE YOU DOING ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING" And I hugged her and said to her " it's ok when you are in pain you can cry don't worry other than me and your eunuch's nobody knows you are here you can cry when you are in pain and she gave up her stiffness and started quietly crying and hugged me back and she was crying" as I was having this unknown memory triggering me why is it I can't see her face who is she but I feel like as if I know her NO iwant to wake up I don't want to see this blurry unknown memory I tried very hard to get out of this pain but I couldn't.


AS I was about to reach to dong hyeon's home to pick him up so we can hangout he's been in pain from such a small age till now don't know what crime has he done that god gave him this much pain as I reached his home as I was going inside his home I went to his room and I heard some noises like as if someone was crying for help as I went further I saw him moving here and there in sleep on his bed and he was sweating and he was even bleeding what is happening to him god what are you trying to prove by giving him this much hell lot of pain. " dong hyeon, dong hyeon wake up man comeon wake up" as I kept waking him up he suddenly woke up with a huge gasp like as if he was out of breath and he started saying something " ALEX , ALEX they're gonna kill her alex we have to save her we have to save her I really love her" The last one which he said I really love her he said like as if he was crying what's going on what's happening " DONG HYEON WAKE UP" I screamed and he was a bit calm then he caught his head and he was groaning in pain and I saw him and said him " let's go outside ok you have never freed your time to go outside belive me once you go out in fresh air you will feel less painful okaycome get ready"

Those both had the same dream this time and same reactions but minji didn't tell her dad as it can cause something that wouldn't be pleasant .

Both had same thought " I want to get rid of this pain if those unwanted memories don't be clear with me."


"come on man alex where are you taking me?" alex replied " first let's eat a nice proper home meal not exactly home but kind of home like meal which you never eat in your life aigoo what would happen to you if I wasn't therein your life" dong hyeon was smiling and said "next ?" "then let's take a walk in nature trust me you'll feel good" "whatever man the steering wheel's in your hand" and they left to go to a old restaurant where alex knows a old woman who makes special home cooked meals and as they were going dong hyeon was looking outside the window he thought something " it's so peace full it's snowing so beautiful but what can I do I feel sad whenever I look at snow" as he kept thinking he suddenly saw minji he suddenly straightened his back and kept his head outside the window alex started to notice " yo yo what are you doing man WHY ARE HANGING YOUR HEAD OUT??? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? IF a police officer saw it would've been very bad do you know that?" and dong hyeon said " I saw someone I guess I know her" he was confused whether was it her or not then alex was very perplexed by seeing dong hyeon like that and he restarted the car and he said to himself ' I have to make him eat soooo much he won't have the thought of doing this weird stuff aigooo…..!


THE old lady was smiling looking the way how dong hyeon was just now the lady said " but ahjumma why are you smiling he could've got into trouble" the old lady let out a huge sign and said "aigoo I am saying just now dong hyeon was sticking his head out of the window to see whether was it minji or not and he has never done that isn't it funny too cute I know it's dangerous and it's snow fall still and you know the best part when minji was walking with her friend she saw him and same thing happened with her too same things are happening to them that's why I was laughing now come on let's go I have to shape shift and you are coming too come on"

"hey minji I know this place it's very very popular for food to taste like home food an ahjumma cooks so tasty that you'll be addicted let's go comeon let's go" I was like "okay okay" as we were walking there was a signal as I turned my head I saw him , my heart don't beat fast please or else I'll fall in love NO NO NO NO BRAIN WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU HOW CAN YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH A PERSON WHOM YOU'VE SEEN ONLY SEEEN FOR LIKE TWO DAYS I don't even know whether he has girlfriend obviously he will have..... UGH!!! What's wrong with you please brain and heart don't betray me and there's a saying if your heart beats nervously around some guy especially it's not love and it's not good but if you feel calm composed and good around a person you like it's love but my heart is beating in a beautiful way and I feel good when I see him that's why I stared at him and even my saliva was coming from my mouth AISHH! WHY AMI THINKING ABOUT A STRANGER LIKE THAT WHOM I JUST SAW TWO TIMES but what can I do he is so cutee AH NO NO ! " HEY did you loose your mind why are you acting like a dumb one" she was baffled by seeing how minji was acting lol that's why she never let's minji zone out lol. " nothing iam fine let's go woohoo iam so hungry" anna nodded in digust and said to herself " she lost her mind yes for sure"

Author p.o.v:-

As the pair planned to go to the same restaurant little do they know that it's not any coincidence it's the red string pulling them to meet again. AS the pair reached the restaurant at the same time .

As we reached the restaurant I got this vibe it gave me shivers like a feeling passed through me like as if a person passed through me as we walked in I said to anna " iam going to washroom okay? You go check the seats okay iam going"

"Ahjumma how are you" the owner of this restaurant seemed old so she replied " aigoo iam very good oh by the way who is this handsome young man is he your friend" and alex said " yeah he is my bestfriend this is the first time he came out the first time to eat some homemade food"

" oh is it so then I will make it more tasty and more okay" the owner seemed very polite I guess I don't know I don't have knowledge on this and as I turned to my side to see time cause tomorrow there is a meeting I need to prepare as I turned to see time I SAW HER I is she for real why is she here I saw her coming out from the washroom I turned my head ahh if she sees me staring at her she'll think iam a pervet god I don't know I can't take my eyes of her she looks pretty I smiled."

As the ahjumma saw dong hyeon saw minji she smiled and went to the girls and said " you both young girls if you don't mind can you sit near those young kids as my back is paining and I should mop it down and there are no more workers so" and the girls nodded and got up to sit over there and as we went so the owner won't have back pain and as we went I SAW HIM OMG OMG the owner said " sit down I'll serve" and as she went we saw two of them looking at us and they smiled and bowed we bowed too and the one guy said " hi iam alex and he is dong hyeon he is the ceo of d&m company" and my mouth was so wide to know he is a ceo??? That too a most richest company omo omo what is this ?" and the guy named alex I think said " and will you not introduce yourselves to us ?" and anna said " oh iam mi-seo but iam called by anna and she is minji kim minji and we are college senior graduates and we are doing internship on psychology and mythology so yeah".

' Minji what a beautiful name like her OMG dong hyeon stop starring at her iam not a pervert .

And those pair started to talk and had fun eating home made food and talking about each other and in between they kept starring each other dong hyeon and minji were starring each into their eyes it was so beautiful he said to himself her eyes are so pretty and they were shy too.


AS we kept talking oh god anna got drunk again geez how can she drink and leave me alone sober with him omg then alex asked " how will you take her home she's drunk right I'll leave her to her home" I had doubts why would a stranger insist on leaving another stranger home and alex said " trust me I am a good man and dong hyeon hasn't gone out at all so why don't you both hangout" internally booth cursed alex in their minds for that extra info and advice and as I saw dong hyeon he saw me and gave me a reassuring nod and I said "okay but be care full" and at the sight those two disappeared and dong hyeon and minji were together and minji said " so as alex said you never came out once also why is it like that? If you don't mind?" dong hyeon smiled omgosh his smile I can't take it and said " umn I actually have heart problem and it's a bit weird so yeah I never eat outside or something" heart problem, how sad it must've pained him a lot I know what pain is because even I face a pain , it's just different than his pain.we reached the main spot where snow fall comes as we walked through the night lights of Seoul it's so pretty and as we walked the snowfall was so pretty that I could fall in the snow like a child " I feel upset for no reason when I see snow" he said hmn? How can anyone be upset by the sight of snowfall " it gave bad memories since I was a kid" he replied back and we were starring in the snowfall and as he turned towards me and saw me in the eye like he so deep into my eyes oh no heart stop blushing I mean stop beating gosh what's wrong with my heart and he raised his hand to brush off the snow from my head my heart is not listening to me these days ugh!!!. " there was snow on your hair so I removed it if you didn't mind?" and of course we kept talking to hours and if a stranger opened up to me even I should tell openly " i have fire phobia and also have a scar which seems liked a birth mark" and we kept walking I wasn't even aware of time and as I saw time and all of a sudden we both said something at same time " I have to go iam late tomorrow is very important" as we both said at him we akwardly laughed and said " okay then? I will go drive safe thankyou bye" and I said bye". And we went to our own paths own ways on top of snowfall.


When they met each other their red thread ignited which means they are already destined to meet atleast they found each other but the thing is there is a lot of pain in them the pain in their past lives has blocked to see that it's them in their those unknown memories that trigger them and why their head aches while remembering those unknown memories is cause they both equally suffered. When two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. This myth is similar to the Western concept of soul

who know so much and intuit more, human relations are predestined by a red string that the gods tie to the pinky fingers of those who find each other in life. Legend has it that the two people connected by this thread will have an important story, regardless of the time, place or circumstances.


This is the story of the most beloved couple. See in a story hero meets his heroine and fall in love with each other and live happily and maybe in between they might or might not have hardships because stories are too good to be true. But minji and dong hyeon had such a iconic story that it has a lot of humor and their past life story is loved by everyone maybe that's why god wants them to be together.

Minji's mother came from a very bad family environment where they wouldn't care about her and they wanted to get rid of her so one of her cousin had some weird dirty fetish on her and he made an excuse that he missed her and he made her drunk and he raped her in resulting to having few of his stuff in her but not pregnant. And at that time minji's mother was so beautiful that a kind king fell in love with her as she is also benefitted as she is very rich from society p.o.v and also very beautifull so the going to be king had came to her home for proposal of their daughter's hand in his kingdom and palace. But little does he know that what's actually happening

So by seeing the going to be king they sent their daughter i.e minji's mother . And they got married and she became the queen and as she started to be a queen people loved her and shared every problem with the queen like as if queen was a friend to them as time passes by it was monsoon time and monsoon is known to be as the depressing season and minji's mom was not feeling well mentally the king came to her and saw his queen was starring at the rain falling and he asked " What happened my dear queen is something bothering you , why do you look so depressed my love?" then she turned and shaked her head like nothing has happened an went back to their quarters and as monsoon had passed the kingdom had a great news the queen is pregnant and the king was rejoicing and so is all the ministers and the whole country it spread around but one person wasn't happy it's a woman who always lusted for the king and the name queen she used to try so many things to get his attention but he didn't and that woman was so jealous of minji's mom and she wanted to hatch a plan so the queen would get miscarriage . and so she decided to put poison in her meal by acting like as if she were to give blessings. BUT another trouble had arisen, one day minji's mother's cousin brother who raped her by making her drunk came to visited her and said " oho so you are pregnant huh? But with whom are you pregnant huh?" SHE WAS deeply annoyed as she knows her cousin brother is a flirt " why did you come here iam leaving" and she got up as she was about to leave he stalled her by saying " I came to warn you get rid of the baby do you get that YOU SHOULD GET RID OF THE BABY!!!!!" And he went away in anger and minji's mother took him light okaish as she didn't want to spoil her mood but little does she knows what happened with her she didn't know till now that her very cousin brother raped her

And as years passed by the queen was in the month to give birth but was sick as that woman who was lusting for the king she did some bad spells on the queen and the king was worries about his queen so the villagers gathered to the palace to tell the king that there is a wish tree it has all kinds of powers like healing powers so maybe it can help the queen and there's a saying that there's a goddess spirit it's like in more before like 1500's there used to be a woman who was very loyal and kind and fights against enemies so as she fought to save her region and she was killed so the villagers took her body and buried under wish tree so from then on it has magical powers only for those who are really worthy and kind hearted as a bean in a huge suitcase. And so the villagers help and gave the water containing wish tree's some religious flower which will felt good and the queen delivered in the baby safely and in a huge manner and after few years when the minji grew she was 4 years old and one day minji's mom cousin brother saw she was happy and he couldn't see her happy so he revealed the matter to the woman who lusted for the king she found out the truth and said it to the king and the king got furious and literally left the queen and that woman started to show some effects of herself on the king and he married her immediately , but the thing is she is mistress and even if the king marries a mistress it's common as this was across the globe and the queen had fight with that lady who is very evil and as she knew all the truth so the queen died after seeing that the king went in shock and so is the people and they belived that it was due to the king's mistress and people started to hate the king too and as the matter should'nt go out the palace the king and the palace people hid minji for 20 years as there will be an idiot in the palace who likes to reveal all of the royal news and so all the painfull things happened as the king's mistress tortured minji and that's how her 20 years went in a blurr.


"Miss there are no palace guards anywhere near your room, miss but what if you will get caught?" the young girl shaked her head in confidence and said " who am I ? , an expert at running did you forgot?" " that's not it what will you do If you will get caught?" the young girl thought what would she do then she came up with an idea and said " I will call you in a bird tone voice ok then you will help me escape okay then we run ok" the eunuch mi- seo agreed and the young girl said " okay mi-seo I should go I will go fast and come fast ok bye be careful" and the young girl went out since it was first snowing she wore something huge to cover herself and sneakily jumped of the wall the reason she went sneakily out side because she want to witness first snow because her late mother had a dream that she wanted to see the first snow with her daughter so she went and she ran near the mountain side and she reached and she saw the first snow she was so happy when she saw the first snow it was so pretty is what she felt and suddenly she felt someone watching her she turned back she saw a young man very tall had prominent black hair so handsome she then thought he was a palace guard and she was about to run but because of the ice she slipped and as she was about to fall he caught her waist and he stared right into her soul and she pushed him and ran for her life by seeing her run so funnily he smiled and said " cute"

Dong hyeon p.o.v:-

" she's so cute but why is she running away from me is something wrong" as I was thinking about her I could'nt see her completely but I saw her at the first snow it was so beautiful as I could think more my friend called me " hey dong hyeon come on what happened we need to reach the palace come on" I wish I can see her properly again full face hmn " yeah wait man let's go together" and they had been called to the palace as they had another assignment dong hyeon and his frieng myeong- seok are royal guards like , dong hyeon is the head of the guards so he and myeong- seok

So they are considered as not like top level royal but first layer royal so they have access to what 5th level royals like king and queen and their kids .

So as they actually took break from sword practice like they were learning sword learning so they came out to walk in forest " hey myeong -seok where are the palace guards?" "ahhh they are at the entrance of the forest come on now we have to resume our sword practice" as they were going someone all of a sudden started aiming arrows

they witnessed some one was shooting arrows at them then the handsome type young man said to his friend " LOWER , LOWER DOWN NOW" AS he said that they were confused who is aiming the arrows and from where is it, then the young man was not only handsome but has an eagle eye he spotted the attacker , the attacker was positioned at the back side of where the two men were hiding suddenly the young man took turn backwards very fast that the attacker didn't even realise it so the young made a intelligent yet risky move throwing pebbles simultaneously that the attacker started to attack then he stopped throwing pebbles and the attacker got confused and came down and the young man slowly went front and caught the attacker and the young man took of the mask and by the time the other man called the palace guards as the palace escorted them back to the palace and we were to report to the king and as we went " who were those people?" asked an elderly voice I hesitated to reply but I had to " king it was the thieves , we actually got to know that it was from other state they sent their men to attack on you so we captured them" the king was satisfied and said " good job dong hyeon I am very proud of you , you can go" the king seemed depressed and I couldn't let it go and I ask " your majesty if you don't mind may I ask you why are you sad?" the king saw dong hyeon and at the nature trees outside and said " my daughter came after so many years she isn't it listening to me and she keeps rebelling and she hates me so much the previous guard who were to take care of her ran away because of her rebelliousness ahh! I got a nice idea since you are the most intellectual and you are very tough so please can you be along with her?" I have to accept it " yes your majesty" the king was very happy and said " I knew you would thank you you may go" and with a quick bow I went to find the princess as I went further I asked " where is the princess?" the guard replied " I saw miss with her eumuch going towards the snow sir" and I bowed and went towards the snow and I saw that same girl whom I saw whom I wanted to see she and another girl were playing with snow " miss take it" the other girl threw snow on her and looking at the dress of the girl throwing snow at the girl I saw she may be a eunuch WAIT WAIT did she just said miss? Miss is we refer to the royals's daughter... oh shit so the girl I wanted to see was a princess king's daughter OH MY GOD NO NO calm down why am I freaking out and as I went to them I said " you're a eunuch you are supposed to help the miss be in poise huh?" the eunuch bowed to me and said " sorry miss I will make the water" " miss you can't do this don't you known that you are a royal member" and she replied in a way I never expected " so what huh? I don't care whether I am royal or not oh! I saw you earlier at the first snow" what she saw me how " whatever miss come on you have to go inside and then you have martial arts classes" she had anger in her eyes and said " aigooo!!! So irritating I wish you should vanish aigoooo !!!" huh I expected something else when I first saw her I though she'd be good I was so creeped up with her I felt an arm around me " so how is the princess?" I signed heavily in frustration and said "so damn arrogant gosh move man I will go prepare for martial arts"


Good ,no manners ,no timing discipline god why is she even a royal one " I came iam gonna show you how good iam so you can't mess with me"

" please do show miss" don't know for how more long shoul I bare her wow she does known how to fight tough one . as days passed by the way I have second thoughts she is such a spoilt brat so uncultured oh my god,,, once what happened is the other side of the country wanted to rule our side and take away the wish tree and rule ours so like that day too today those enemies spread across what she does she does until she really does she went out and rebelled and I got so angry I lterally scolded her " ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO HUH? IF THEY WOULD'VE CATCH YOU KILLED YOU HUH!!!! And she ran away and one of her eunuch's said "you have no right to speak about miss do you know I know her since she was a small " the eunuch told to me whatever happened to minji her mom and all the pain . hmnp I still feel sad and she was quiet for few days I wonder if she's okay as for today's martial class she did quietly she didn't even say like how she normally is I hope she'll be okay . Today was the day where she got more angrier I have never seen her as today was so much anger hatred and love and as soon today the king is deciding the mistress as queen at the site of this she minji has lost it she ran near the king and started screaming " ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR mind you are making a slut a queen ARE YOU NUTS?" I could feel her

" KIM MINJI behave yourself is this how you behave with the king that too your father?" I could see she is getting angry by seeing madam calling miss like that and she was getting angry I never saw her so much anger and she replied " who are you to tell me whom should I talk too and how should I talk with them who are you? You're not my mom!" and madam was furiating in anger and scoffed sarcastically and said " of course you're mother was such a slut and leech and such a annoying woman I've seen in my seen my life" oh no miss is getting so angry and said " hmn you are saying like as if you really love the king you don't even love him talking as if you are not." Yes madam got infuriated and she said " oo…..bivously…. i….. do like ….the king" and Imiss had this confidence in her and scoffed looking at the fact what madam said and everyone got scared cause nobody got dare to speak to a royal's mistress like that and miss said " if you really love him why would you stammer and why would you sweat like that and why would there be fear in your eyes hmph the truth is that you are just a mistress who leeched onto the king and I saw how you were getting naked in front of the king just to see your beauty? Huh it's bullshit and you are just for money and you ran behind the king like a fucking leech and was glue – ing yourself to him a slut like you don't know what a pure thing like love is or don't know how pure my mom is nobody likes you except you deceived the king like a slut and nobody likes you and every body loves my mom you know why? Cause she loves people for how kind they are and help and care for them but you only money and nobody wants to open their mouth so that a unholy slut like your name won't come out and I know you slept with many men who are very rich and noble and stole their precious things close to their heart so a unholy leech like your mouth shouldn't take my mom's name you get that don't think just because you are a king's mistress doesn't mean you will be a queen you get that, that throne is worthy for someone like my mom who is kind" OH MY GOD the way how miss spoke so many ministers and eunuchs were shocked and the king was getting angry and the madam got so angry she was literally shivering in anger and she said " YOU ! HOW DARE YOU TALK LIKE THAT TO ME" and that's it she went berserk and madam slapped miss so hard that she fell and the king was quiet but had shame in his eyes and I was going near miss and I went near hear her and picked her up and she had a lot of pain and hatred in her eyes and she saw me and shooked my hands off her shoulder and madam was smiling like the palace says that she has a lot of ego and miss saw the king and tears were falling her eyes and went away and madam said to me " control her do you get that you are her armor what are you doing ? knock some sense into her brain and teach her manners hmph talking to me as if" and king went away and the madam was like " oh my dear king wait for me" and she said to me " okay? Do you get that" and she ran away to king I think what miss said about madam was right maybe as I realised I ran to see where miss is and as I ran towards miss's room I saw her eunuch I asked her eunuch " have you seen miss" and her eunuch was crying and said " I don't know where miss went" SHE WAS CRYING EVEN MORE as we were trying to look for miss and miss's another eunuch came running towards us and and said " I..SAW HER RUNNING NEAR TOWARDS THE WATERFALL NEAR THR TREE" And I said " wait you two of you prepare water for miss to take bath okay I will go get miss okay?" and I don't kno what's the deal with miss why is she running this far if her another eunuch wouldn't have seen her it would've been difficult and I saw her and I ran towards miss and as she saw me she was screaming "GO AWAY GO AWAY FROM ME I SAID DON'T COME NEAR ME" now I understand why she is rebellious she needs love, pure love like what she said before she said I never understood her before but as I got to know her I understood her and she was in so much pain and she was having poker face and there were tears flowing on her face but she kept poker face and I went to her and hugged her and she said " GET LOST WHAT ARE YOU DOING ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT ARE YOU DOING" And I hugged her and said to her " it's ok when you are in pain you can cry don't worry other than me and your eunuch's nobody knows you are here you can cry when you are in pain and she gave up her stiffness and started quietly crying and hugged me back and she was crying so bad I never saw her like this before she really is in a huge pain I wish her mom the ex- queen should've been there for her after sometime she dettached herself from me and wiped her tears but I had a doubt how does she know it was the king's mistress who killed her mother our queen " miss how did you know it was the king's mistress who killed your mom?" she saw me with a shocked face maybe she didn't expect that I would ask her this question " when I was small I saw how that slut was running behind the king as a dog and roaming around him and I saw her carrying some bottle and it said poison and after the king got to know that me mom's cousin brother raped her he misunderstood her he could've have asked her properly and asked for what is happening but no he didn't if he really loved my mom he should've understood mom never shows tears but when you look in her eyes you can say she was crying he should've have known that my mom's cousin is a bad person and made my mom drunk and raped her when she was not at all in a conscious state but NO HE IS SO STONED HEART HE JUST MARRIED THAT SLUT AND ABANDONED US AND KEPT ME HIDDEN FOR YEARS AS I WAS A SHAME AND DURING THE TIME THEY HIDE US THAT SLUT KILLED MY MOM I clearly saw it" she had more tears in her eyes and a poker face I hugged her so so tight and said her " I promise you your mother will get justice and I will never stop beliving in you okay?" there were snow on her hair as I came near to her face and removed it from her hair and we had eye contact my heart is beating so fast she is so pretty so her arrogant is wirthy for her beautiful face she immediately blushed and she ran away I laughed she was so cute she ran the same way when I first saw her. After few days we were doing sword fighting and I got injured as I was thinking about her " yo yo dong hyeon – ah what happened you never lose in sword fighting" I just smiled and I saw her joking with her eunuchs I never seen any royal person joking with her eunuch of course she's special " miss OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING MISS ?" she answered in the most funniest way " "ah this I called doing splits for martial arts don't you know s-p-l-i-t-s for martial arts" as I went to her " really you know how to do splits but I think it's wrong" she fell down and she screamed in pain " ahhh you you you again omg it's paining you why are you every where don't you have business to do" and she ran away and was blushing " miss why are you running hey why is miss running again whenever she see you why did you guys fight again?" I nodded no and I saw her running towards the back garden there were stars and she looked like a fairy and she sat down and she signalled for me to sit down and I said " whatever you have say fast I must go too" and she saw me first time right in my eyes it was warm and she said " why are you lying if you are not a pro at it huh? Just sit" I sat down she said " you know my mom said that she wanted to see first snow with me so we could be together so we could be together because the king left us for a slut so when I saw the first snow after 20 years I saw you that time and I wish what mom said will come true" she looked at me with love NO NO THIS CAN'T HAPPEN NO FALSE HOPES " no miss stop whatever you are thinking that is wrong" she asked " why isit crime to ask for affection warmth that I couldn't get from anyone why!!!" " no no this not right go to your room miss iam just a royal guard" I made a mistake huge one I should've never crossed line or stopped from making it

She was stabbed by the king's mistress she stabbed her in front of my eyes I tried really very hard to save her but she killed my first snow my love she was on the ground filled with blood she had tears in her eyes " AHHHH!!! NO NO WAIT" I couldn't move because I was stabbed very much and blood coming out of me I tried going near her it was very painfull I knew we just couldn't be together that's why I drew line minji not because I don't love you , I love you so much , I went closer to her hold her body in my blooded body and cried as tears fell on her cheeks and her tears were coming nonstop and I wish she would take it " iam sorry I really love you" she smiled and her smile disappeared she died I screamed " NO NO NO"[CRYING HEAVILY] before I could process anything I was stabbed five times and I fell on her body that's the last time I felt her in my heart , I saw her.


When someone can't be reunited in their past lives they're tied to a red string so they can be together in their next lives




I woke up with huge fear what was that dream it was very weird beause for the first time it was very clear and who is it about and he remembered everything whatever happened in our past life and for the first time my head doen't ache I didn't get nose bleed and my heart didn't pain but I regained my past life , I knew it was her minji it was her for so long { he immediately got up and got dressed} I don't know where would she be but I know where she'll be no this time iam not gonna lose her we have many lives that we have to spend together I started to run as I heard slex screaming from back asking what is he doing.


THE OLD LADY became emotional and said " finally they remembered their past lives look they don't even know where would they be no contact number but their heart knows where will they be look at the way the way they're running it's two soul coming to unite soon"

They both were running thinking "where are you"

They kept running thinking about their previous life moments and the ran and FINALLY …..




"BUT Ahjumma why did dong hyeon had a painful childhood?" ahjumma smiled and said " like I said their death reason as their health problems in this life because they had such a painful fate in their previous life that became the trigger point so they could remember and as for why he had painful childhood is because minji had a terrible father in her past so he paid the price by dying and the king's mistress she also was hell so her burden got shifted to him in this life and his to hers . oh oh one more ahjumma why does she have fire phobia and he has heart problem?"

" it's because in their past life when minji's mother was cursed at her birth that time she drank a bit of flower of that wish tree and that wish tree had a goddess and she saved and later died in fire so yeah like I said that tree choses people very wisely and as for heart attack some one in his family tree has heart problem in this current life so yeah"



They we're watching sunset hand in hand and he was back hugging her and was so happy after so looong time felt like a decade but minji had doubt

" hey dong hyeon – ah how did you remember our past life ?" and he replied " when I first saw you in the first snow I remembered a bits of peaces but yesterday when I went with alex I saw that 600 years old wish tree I just touched it I felt comfortable then I was getting some series of thoughts then when I saw a red thread out of nowhere an I got headache as soon as I saw it and I slept that night and when I woke up I remember everything I was getting these memories from so long but they were blurry but when I saw you first it stopped being blurry and now you tell me how did you remember" " actually even I had the same condition like what you had about unknown memories blurry and nose bleed headache stopped my head din't pain anymore since the moment I saw you and yesterday when we had mythology classes I partly remembered it but when we went to see movie after the classes were finished an the movie was kind of this tipic so yeah I remembered it" dong hyeon had a sad face and he said " minji I drew line not because I don't love you but I though we could never be together so.." " I know I know now if you say that again you will have to eat my beatings do you get that" dong hyeon pulled her closer and looked in her eye and said "I really love you" and she said " "hmnn… but I don't love you" in a funny way and he was chasing her . to hold her alive in his firm hands"


BY this short novel I could say one thing no matter how much time it takes you will meet your soulmate through red thread which is invisible to everyone but visible only to them they might have a huge past but have a first few meets and find their other half through red thread .

Two people from different worlds having a feeling like as if there is someone whom they know by getting unknown blurry memories and having a feeling that they will meet someday, somewhere , somehow even if the world is against because they have a invisible red thread which only they can see .



Abigail_Sinclaircreators' thoughts