
In the Begining

Today's the most momentous, joyous and most wonderful day in Nancy Craigs life the bride wife-to-be of Danny Sheridan who is the best man in the whole wide world as far as Nancy's concern.

'Missy your' curl are drooping' Nancy asked the mischievous doll faced, straw-berry blond haired girl wearing the Queen bride's maid gown who came bursting into the brides changing room of St.Peters church wielding the bearers pillow and not her bouquet of flower.

Melissa Craigs a pretty pale skinned girl of five with long strawberry blond hair, long and thick blond lashes and sparkling violet eyes is the Queen bride's maid and the only Niece and living blood relation of Nancy has and Missy's mom Nicole who was widowed two years ago when Missy's dad Steve died in a ghastly accident.

'Mickey pulled my hair aunt Nan'

Missy's referring to young hellhound Michele Corbit, the ring bearer and the son of Nancy's best friend Eleanor's eight year old son who has made an habit of pulling Missy's full waist length hair and teasing her as Vio-fire-Eye. Whenever he comes visiting the craigs.

"Mickey why did you pull Missy's curls don't u know we have to get ready for the Bridal match" Eleanor Mickey's mom who had gripped a styling brush with the skill of a professional, asked turning to the blond boy who came stumbling through the room in his gray tuxedo wielding a bouquet of flower, thinking of how strangely kids tends to be, imagine easy going and gentle Michelle gets all taunting and teasing once he sets his eyes on pretty Missy who's surely going to turn out to be breath taking if not a heart –breaking beauty someday.

"she gripped my pillow"

"coz you yanked on my hair"

"coz you eyed me"

"coz you threw a tissue at me"

"coz you called me Mickey mouse"

"coz you called me Vio-fire-eye"

"did not"

"did too"

"did not"

"Mickey, Missy enough lets have peace and quiet no more Mickey mouse and Vio-fire-eye apologize to each other and missy have back your bouquet and return the pillow to its bearer" Nichole ordered.

"Ladies the photographer is set, coz I hope you jewels will step out for the snaps before the Bridal March" called Allan the groom from the doorway hoping to catch a glimpse of his beloved.

"In a jiffy honey"

Nancy whose through with her touch-ups, made a fuss with her bodice and brush Mickey windblown hair and ushered everyone out.

At last after the pics snapping, bridal march, exchange of the vows, kissing the bride and at last the announcement of the couple as Mr. & Mrs. Allan Sheridan, and wedding party has arrived at the Craig's lakeside Victorian style mansion.

After the guests are refreshed and almost everyone has made a toast to the couple, someone clinked a champagne glass with a spoon the party of guests caught the cue and filled the hall with a rhythm clinking sound.

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sheridan rose to their feet and tucked into the ritual with gusto, they treated their guest to the show casing of a long French kiss.

But alas! In the silence that filled the hall after applauding the couple was a muffled incoherent giggling kissing sound that filled the hall, it took the guest but a moment to realize the source of the distraction and as if mesmerized they all bend to peer under the banquet table to find the recent most couple Mickey Corbit the Ring bearer and Missy Craig the Queen bride's maid stealing away a kiss in imitation of the newly legal bonded couple.

Little did all that are present including the culprits themselves

know that this is the foundation of a wonderful, stormy story yet to neither launch nor sail the rocky path of hatred,trial and love to be unveiled to the world on a later morrow.