

Despite her 'No dating' rule,Angela falls in love with a guy,Andy.She decides to give a relationship with him a try.But there is something about him she is yet to find out.

Angie_Lavine · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter five

It was the guy from the previous night.He was sitting at a table with three other guys.I found myself smiling at him and he smiled back.I broke eye contact as it was my time to order.

"Can I have a bottle of champagne sent to table 9 please"

"Anything else?"

"We are not yet decided on what to have we'll be ready by the time our drink is brought and for the champagne just bring the best you have."I started rethinking why I had said what I had just said.I just hoped it wouldn't be that expensive.

"OK ma'am"

I walked back to our table.Eva and Trish were busy gossiping about a guy that was seated on a table next to ours.It was easy to figure that out because they kept glancing at him from time to time.

"You know you two are very bad at this.When gossiping about someone you do not look at them like that."

"We are not gossiping.Eva thinks the guy is cute.I'm just trying to see if he's cute."

"Then try not to be creepy while doing it.But I'll have to agree he's good looking."I said sitting down."Too bad he has a girlfriend."I said referring to the girl next to him.

"Yeah,too bad."Eva sighed.

Just then our drink was brought.

"Would you ladies care for appetizers?"

"No,lets just get straight to the point.I'm starving.Any suggestions?"Trish said.

"We have a special that is not on the menu tonight.Would you like to try it?"

"As long as it's not that expensive we would like to try it."I said."Hopefully we like it."

"You will not be dissapointed.I promise."The waiter said walking away.

"Just know if we don't like it you will be paying for the food.Alone!"Trish said getting up to go to the washroom.

Eva and I poured ourselves a glass of champagne each.

"Expensive shit sure does taste better than the regular stuff.I like it.""Eva said clearing the drink in two mouthfuls.

"Angie,can I ask you something?Not to be offensive but just out of curiosity."

"You know you can ask me anything Eva."I said this knowing very well I didn't like being put on the spot.

"Don't you ever just miss being with someone?Like in a relationship.I know you made up your mind to stay single and I respect your decision but don't you think it's time to reconsider your decision."

I stopped to think about what Eva had just said to me.Part of me wanted to reconsider it but part of me didn't want to take chances.

"Having my heart broken made me rethink life.It might have been a stupid decision but I don't think I can date again just yet "

What I liked about Eva is that she was a good listener and not judgemental.She also gave the best advise.She was the mature one in the group.

"I best know what a heartbreak can do to someone because I've been through it,but I don't think you should live by a rule you made as a teenager in college.Just try to rethink it and if you come to the same conclusion it's fine."She said smiling at me.

"I will."

"Oh shit,the cute guy just waved at me.I think he caught me staring at him."Eva said blushing.

"What'd I miss?"Trish asked after returning from the bathroom.

"Nothing much just Eva falling in love with some stranger."

"I'm not in love.I'm interested."

"Same difference."I said.

"Give the girl a break Angie.It's the first time she's interested in a guy in months.And then there's you who hasn't shown any since college.No offense."

"None taken and I'm very proud of you Eva."I said sarcasm evident in my voice.Eva just rolled her eyes at me.

The waiter came back with our food.We didn't know what it was and we didn't care.We just ate.It tasted like something I knew but I couldn't put a finger on it.Luckily everyone enjoyed the meal.After eating we continued with the drinks.I had had a little too much but I didn't want to stop.

By now almost half the people were on the dancefloor.I didn't feel like dancing.All I wanted to do was to get drunk and go to bed.Just then Mr Cute guy approached our table and asked to dance with Eva.She obviously jumped at the opportunity.Trish got a call from Adam and went outside to get it.I was left all alone but that didn't bother me.

I sat alone for a few more minutes before the guy from the previous night approached me.

"Hey there?"

"Hey."I replied totally uninterested.I just wanted to be left alone.But I decided to give it a try because it wouldn't hurt to try.I looked at him up close and noticed how good looking he was.He was much taller than I was and he had a really nice face.His voice was pretty good too.He was dressed simply in jeans and a T-shirt which made him standout from the rest of the people.

"May I have this dance?"He asked his arm stretched towards me.I don't know how but the next thing I knew I was on the dancefloor.The alcohol had gone to my head and I couldn't help it to dance like I had never before.I just hoped I wouldn't have to regret it the next morning.I was very sure I had surprised the guy.

After grinding on him and doing all kinds of crazy stuff,it was now time for the slow songs.I had embarrassed myself enough.I wanted to go back to my seat.The guy stopped me before I could take one more step.

"Not so fast.Just one more dance."he said slipping his hand behind my waist.

"I didn't know you could dance that much."

"Neither did I."I muttered under my breath.He just laughed not knowing how serious I was.

"What's your name by the way?"

"It's Angie."

"Angie,you are very beautiful I must say."He said looking down at me.His compliment caught me off guard.

"Thank you." I said not knowing what else to say."And what's your name?"I asked in an effort to change the subject.

"I'm Andy.Andy Evans."

Having nothing else to say to him I decided to ask him about his visit to where I stayed.

"So, did your friend decide t whether to move in or not?"

"He changed his mind and decided not to move out.So by the look of things I figured you stay alone."

"Yes.Is it that obvious though?"I asked.

"Not really.Are you in any relationship as of now?"He asked not taking his eyes off me.I figured he must have been a really straightforward person.

"Not really.And you?"

"I've not had a serious one in a long time.I only do flings mostly."He said without batting an eyelid.Just then the song came to an end and people started going back to their seats.

He let go of my waist and I turned to leave.

"Just hit me up if you are interested."he said winking at me.I was impresses by his courage and straightforwardness.He then handed me a card with his number.I took it and walked to my seat.I told no one about it.

We went on for a few more hours before we decided to go to bed.Trish was completely drunk and was oblivious of everything that was going on.We had to carry her to her room.It was not an easy task I must say.I went straight to bed the moment I got into my room.