
I am Going To Kill Both of You

When Fei Yan had left the country last time, she had decided to completely give up on Wu Zhang. The humiliation that she had felt had made her angry and upset at the same time. She did not want to see him again and thus made the decision to move to America.

There, she tried dating other men, focusing on work, drinking, smoking, and whatnot that she thought could help her forget him. But even after all the efforts and staying far away from him for so long, she had failed to let him go or forget him, instead, ending up getting more and more obsessed with him. The love and hatred due to that incident had combined inside her, creating a very deadly combination of emotions that had now turned into an obsession. She loved and hated the same person and she had lost herself so deeply into it that she even failed to think about the repercussions that her action would bring on to herself and that is only why she dared to do what she did.