
When I reached you

Song Yan loved flowers. She loved the world she was living in. From every sunrise to every sunset, she admired the beauty of the world and would think how lucky she was to live in a world like this. She fluttered around everyone like a butterfly, making them rejoice with her presence. Lu Han hated everything. He refused to see the light of the world. He found himself chained to the darkness engulfing him without being able to escape or move even a single finger. But he never thought, a girl with a smile as bright as sunshine and a heart that was tranquil like a calm ocean would save him. Her embrace and every touch brought joy to him. What happens when two souls of two different worlds having two different perspectives of life get tied by a knot....... love will bloom # update every Sunday, Monday and Wednesday #(bonus update will be there too at every milestone )

melonbread_C7 · Ciudad
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2 Chs

Meeting new friends

College. A place where you can find your true self. A place that would allow you to find and be your true self.

A place where many wished to go but couldn't as their fate didn't help.

Song Yan was thankful to everyone who helped her achieve this milestone. She wanted to help everyone around her and wipe their tears away. That was her dream. The dream of an innocent girl who hasn't seen the cruelty of the world she was living in.

She wanted to become a doctor. She decided on her aim before she entered the last grade of her school life. 'Maybe a cardiologist so I can cure their heart's pain' the little innocent girl thought as a smile lingered in her mind.

Purity is a blessing but it can also be a curse when the world sees you like a prey through its hawk eyes.

Song Yan stayed in the dormitory. She was surprised by how beautiful and clean the dorm was. Each dorm had four bunk beds.

the students slept on the bed on top and under each bed a table and chair were arranged for them to study. The beds also had curtains so when you sleep you can close the curtains and sleep like you're in your room.

She arrived at the hostel a day before college therefore she had a lot to prepare for. Song Yan was the last to arrive as the three other beds in the dorm she was assigned were occupied. She entered the room and met with three individuals who greeted her warmly.

" hello you must be Song Yan I'm Feng Yi "

A chubby but cute girl who smiled like a cat greeted her with excitement. She wore a floral dress with a pretty print and had a slight tint of blush on her cheeks. Feng Yi was slightly taller than Song Yan. She reminded Song Yan of the xiao long baos her granny used to make for her and the other kids at the orphanage. Another girl came forward. She had headphones over her head as she glanced at the curious Song Yan. " Fei Yun," She said while Song Yan replied by saying her name.

Fei Yun walked out as she got a phone call. Unlike Feng Yi, Fei Yun wore a Black outfit with a lot of heavy chains. She almost looked like the character from an American movie song Yan saw at the orphanage she thought.

Song Yan met with her two roommates who she would spend time with. She glanced at the empty bed opposite her and asked Feng Yi about the person who occupied that space.

"Oh that bed, belongs to Qiang Mei. She will come today. I heard she's quite famous in W**bo. " Song Yan nodded as she started to unpack. Feng Yi left the room as she got a package delivered. She arranged her clothes in a pretty manner while her books were assembled on the table. While she unpacked almost all her bags she found a letter and a candy. It was from Lin Yue, a little girl from the orphanage. She chuckled as she opened the candy to eat it. It tasted sweet mostly with a hint of sourness like her life. Though sourness was there she made it sweet with her smile. She glanced over at the unopened envelope and decided to read it. The letter was clumsily kept hence it had some folds. She straightened it out as she started to read. The handwriting was barely legible and the black ink was also smudged. She tried to read it.

"Dear Yan jie jie. We will miss you so much. You must have reached your school I hope it's big. Jie jie I'm feeling sad now. I'm happy for you but I'm scared. Jie jie you won't be there to help me with my nightmares at night. You won't be there to console me when I cry. You won't be there to help me with my homework or to play hide and seek. But I won't cry, Jie Jie. promises me that you'll come back before the first snow. I will miss you jie jie.

yours lovingly

Lin Yue"

Another teardrop fell as a new crystal formed in her eyes. The initially smudged paper was now even more smudged with more tears.

Though they are not related by blood their bond was stronger and thicker than blood. Song Yan loved Lin Yue like her own sister NO

she was her sister. Staying apart from each other was painful for both of them. When you plant a Jasmine flower from a beautiful garden to another pot it won't grow like before. similarly, when you pluck away yourself from your loved ones it would be a hard and painful thing to cope with but eventually, like the thriving Jasmine, you will also grow.

She closed the letter and wiped her tears.

She kept the letter in a safe place and was about to head out. Suddenly the door opened and there stood a lady in a pink dress and sunglasses. She chewed on her gum which now lost its flavour. She removed the glass while she talked on the phone. The pink lady glanced at surprised Song Yan and continued to talk with the person on the phone.

" I Know right I can't believe he asked me out.

who does he think he is I'm gonna tell daddy about that asshole" She spoke as she inches closer to her bed while holding her neon pink suitcase. Song Yan stared at the girl with the same curious eyes from the beginning. As the girl got closer a strong scent of perfume hit her nose.

" Bye, girl. I need to go live now" She hangs up the phone and proceeds to open her suitcase to take out her selfie stick and at that moment Song Yan interjected and introduced herself.

" Hi I'm Song Yan, the first-year med student"

the pink lady gave her a cold stare and replied

" Qiang Mei, first-year fashion designing"

Song Yan's eyes widened as she heard about designing. She had seen it on television where stunning models would walk through the runway while wearing gorgeous dresses. She admired the designs and appreciated the talents of the designers. seeing her widened eyes Qiang Mei thought it was because she recognised her as a social media personality and smirked slightly but it was quite the opposite. Song Yan's only mode of social media was television. Though She has a phone, she doesn't know how these "likes and shares" work. As she was about to ask something, Qiang Mei grabbed her assembled selfie stick along with her phone and started going live.

" Hello, girls and guys. So guess where I am now!!" She trailed off as she started to show everything around. uncomfortable by her actions and also not wanting to disturb Qiang Mei, Song Yan left the room silently.

The Wind was cold and the sun was about to say. The beautiful horizon was now tinted with a colour of Scarlet. The birds and squirrels were in their shelters as the night approached. Song Yan stared at the sky as it reminded her of her family back in the orphanage.




* At the same time a Man with a pair of almond eyes was staring at the ceiling above him as he lay on the hospital bed with a single tear falling from one of his eyes.

hello, It's my first time writing a soft romance novel so please feel free to correct me and tell me if you liked this chapter .

melonbread_C7creators' thoughts