
When I First met you

Every body has a first love or first crush which forever remains in any corner of our heart but Imagine meeting your first love for first time but in your dreams. Lisa Dalton is a young, hardworking, talented, kind-hearted but a little clumsy girl in her early 20s working hard to earn money and achieve her goals. From last two years she is suffering from recurring dreams. She often dreams about a young man running towards her. She doesn't know who is he and what's her relation with him but somehow she feels attached to him, feels comfortable whenever she dreams about him, she feels safe. Somehow she started liking him. Imagine falling for someone whom you've never met, knows nothing about him not even his name, don't even know that he exists or not. Isn't it fascinating and weird at the same time? One day she accidentally meets Darsh Miller (CEO of Miller group of companies) a young, handsome, rich man who has achieved many things in life at a very young age. Someone who's literally good at everything but at the same time, he's arrogant, rude, cold, someone who wants everything to be perfect just like him but except all these the most disturbing part is that in the whole world there's one thing he hates the most which is fire. He never talked about why he hate fire so much but Saying this word in front of him can make that day the worst day of your life. What will happen when the two opposite souls will work together. Will it be a complete mess or something that one has never thought about? Who's that man who appears in Lisa's dreams? Why does she dreams about him? Why does Darsh Hates fire so much? Is there any unknown past of him? Read " When I first met you" to know more. status: ongoing Give this novel a try. I promise you, you won't regret it. It's a mixture of love, affection, past life, comedy and family drama. It's worth of your time and It's my first work so ,feel free to tell me anything in comments if you have any feedback. It will be really helpful to me as I can improve myself and my future works.

Vivi_seventeen · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Find a girl!

Chapter 2

You're fired. Get out of my sight!

Phew.. One more employee got fired. I guess it's 3rd time in the month when a employee got fired. If this will continue for some more time then I'm sure that this company will definitely collapse someday due to the shortage of employees.

Are you kidding me Mina [employee at MGC (Miller group of companies) ]. It's one of the top and fastest growing company of London and people are dying to work here. If one gets fired then four can be hired. It's not a big deal for him.

Whenever a new employee comes, we see that he/she is better than the previous one. So shortage of employees is not a problem.

You're right Zane (employee at MGC) but I really don't understand how this company came this far in such short period of time with his anger issues. Though he's a smart, intelligent and skilled man but how can someone be so cold towards others.

Sometimes it's really suffocating to work under such man who wants everything to be perfect. I know it's good for a boss to be tough but this he's too much.

Mina slams her feet on the ground in anger.

Zane giggles and says; stop punishing the ground for your anger. We all know that we'll never leave this job by our own because of its high salary. So just do your best and pray that you don't make any mistake even by mistake. By the way did you pick a planner for Mrs Miller's birthday?

Yeah I did. I don't have a death wish that I'll forget such an important task. I thought that I'll give the contract to the same company and planner who did it last year but unfortunately they are busy this year so I talked to another company they told me that they'll send a planner today to discuss the details. Boss has to meet the planner today. I just hope that everything goes well.

I hope too. All the best to you.

A man whispers in someone's ears; he did it again.

An Elegant, classy, well dressed middle-aged woman speaks; call Mike right now.

That man nods and leaves.

20 minutes later a man arrives and asks; you called me?

Yes, did you hear the news?

Yes I heard.

So, what about that work I asked you to do? Is there any update?

I tried but.....

He couldn't even finish his sentence and in this that woman twists one of his ears hardly with her hand and says " but you failed. Didn't you?"

A...Aa...aaa...ple.. Please.... Stop... Aaa.. Ma...momm...

Mom Stop it please!

That lady stops twisting his ears and says; you can't even do one work properly.

Mom I tried but he never cooperates, what can I do?

Is it that tough to find a girl for your brother?

I introduced so many girls to him but he rejected every single of them. I don't even have any idea that what's his ideal type. Then also I tried my best. He never show any interest in any girl. What can I do?

Tell me that I don't know. I know that he never talks about any girl and never show interest in stuffs like dating but I want a daughter-in-law. I too want to play with my grandchildren. All my friends have daughter-in-law or their sons have a girlfriend or are going to get married, only my son is single. Do you have any idea that people have started thinking that the eldest heir of MCG is a gay.

Hahahaha Mike bursts out of laughter and says "what! that's hilarious" and continues laughing.

Aish.. You useless brat. Mrs Miller hits

Mike on his hand in a dissapointed and frustrated manner and says; stop laughing and find a girl for your brother and a daughter-in-law for me or I'll not give you a penny and cut your name from family will.

Mom this is so unfair, why will I get punishment for brother's deeds. You can't do this everytime.

Mrs Miller with a savage smile on her face replies; I can that's why I'm doing.

Mom he's my elder brother he should find a girl for his younger brother but everything is working opposite.

Seriously are you kidding me, you're telling me that your brother should find a girl for a playboy who changes his girlfriend every week. Idiot! Now go and start searching or you know what I'll do. She again gives that same smile.

Yes, yes I know you'll cut my name from family will. This is really unfair. I won't talk to you guys. Bye....

Mike leaves from there beating the ground with his legs in frustration.

Mrs Miller breaths deeply and thinks in her mind; when will this unbordered playboy and that cold hearted brat will become humans. She breaths deeply again.
