
The Game Begins

1,000 years ago there were two beings...

Serenity the celestial goddess, her beauty was something to behold. Her pure radiant wings. Long silky white hair. Her crystalizing silvery eyes. Her skin like a delicate flower blooming in harsh winters.

Ezryn the demonic god, wings pitch black. Eyes like beautiful ocean ripples in a stormy night. Skin like the gentle moon. Dark black, curly, hair, as dark as the midnight sky.

The two of them were beautiful beings none the less, but also very powerful. What had made them strong was their love for each other. Their forbidden love.

Ezryn's father, Erebus the god of corruption and darkness declared war against the celestial realm to gain control over the demonic, celestial, and mortal realm. Ezryn was the greatest warrior ever known to the dark kingdom, besides his father, the king. Little did Ezryn know soon he would fall in love with the enemy, the celestial goddess, Serenity. She was the daughter of the god of light and purity, Eros. Serenity was the most powerful deity, seeing as she had inherited her mother's power. Yet, she still was kind and gentle, trying to end the war for peace. Serenity's heart soon too fell in love with Ezyrn, a forbidden love. However their secret was not safe for long. The two lovers were ordered to kill each other, but instead they decided to try and kill their fathers instead. The power of the great kings were too great for them to handle and Erebus ended up killing Serenity. Ezryn couldn't handle the pain of her loss and couldn't hold in his demonic power anymore. He had destroyed the entire country that the battle had been taken, killing all the celestial and demonic warriors along with the country. The two lovers were then-

As I listen to the story I start to get even more bored then usual, "Edmund, this fairytale is so boring. It hurts to listen to."

"This is no fairytale this is history! Liam you must understand where your power comes from."

I think to myself, "There is no way I'm some sort of god."

I look at Edmund as if he is excited or something, "Just because I have some dumb markings on my back doesn't mean anything."

"You are wrong! Those are the markings of the fallen angel, Ezryn."

As I ignore Edmund's speech about the markings of dark wings, I think to myself, "If I were really some god then how come I was born again? Things just aren't adding up."

"Your majesty, are you even listening to me?"

I realize now that he had been rambling on for over ten minutes and I didn't even notice, guess I was just that deep in thought.

"You still aren't listening!" As I finally get out of my own head I find out it was already too late for me. Edmund raises his staff and starts hitting me with it, again.

"Would you stop attacking me!" As a try to defend myself over a crazy old man trying to beat me with a stick, he suddenly stops.

"Alright, that's enough for today Liam, you will come back here in two days, same time. Now get out of here before I change my mind."

The thought of him letting me out of training this early was strange, but I wasn't going to wait around. I have the perfect plan to make my escape from the gates tonight and what makes it even more perfect is now that I get out early the guards will still suspect that I am here.

I get up from my chair and dash for the door. I couldn't waste any more time so might as well run for it. I open the door, running through it. I hadn't noticed that I gotten teleported to my room before it was too late.

"What? Oh come on I had a really good strategy this time." As I walk around, I try to open my bedroom door. Not to my surprise, it was locked. I head over to my bed and lay down with my arms crossed over my head. As I look up at the ceiling I drift off to sleep.

As I dreamed I saw a woman, but couldn't make out her face. Then I see a smile from her. She holds out her hand and calls out my name, "Liam, I'll be waiting for you." I keep hearing my name being called out, but not being able to answer back.

"Liam. Liam. Liam. Liam wake up!"

I wake up in a panic as I hear my name being called, "What happened!?! Oh it's just you Ethan. Don't scare me like that I thought you were dying or something."

Ethan is my younger step brother, the prince of the palace, the true prince you could say. Even though we are not related by blood he is the best little brother anyone could ask for.

I chuckle, "Ethan I'm glad to see you, but how did you get in my room, aren't the guards there?" As I said those words four guards come rushing in. I stand up out of bed and demand that they leave my room at once. Me being the idiot that I am realizes that I was only half dressed while trying to demand such orders.

"Uhhhh....just give us a minute." As my face turns bright red I turn my back toward the door. As I hear the door shut I have a huge sigh of embarrassment.

"Haha! Liam your naked and all those guards saw it!"

"I'm not naked I'm- oh whatever it's to late now." As Ethan laughs I laugh along with him. After a good crack up I go to the dresser and dress myself with more uhmm... coverage.

"Ethan, I noticed something in your pocket, what are those?"

He replies back with excitement, "There paper swords! Mother says I can't play with real ones, so I decided to make one for you and me to use."

I grin as he hands me one of the swords, "Thank you, I love it! But I think you are ready with a real sword I've seen you practice. You would make a great sword's man."

His eyes widen with joy, "You really think so!?"

I laugh, "I know so. Now great sword's man, I challenge you to a duel!"

As we raise our paper swords one of the guards walks in, "Alright that's enough, time to go."

Ethan's eyes of joy become filled with sadness and hopelessness. I knew he would be like that all day and I wouldn't want him to be upset. He is the only one that brings life into the palace, so I couldn't just let him feel this way.

I smile nice and big for Ethan to say, "Hey bud, we can do our duel tomorrow."

He tries to smile back, but he knew I couldn't keep that promise since I would be busy all day tomorrow, "Ok I will wait for you then."

I lose my smile as I see him being escorted away by the guards. I knew he would be in trouble for what happened, but how was that fair, he is just a little kid who wants to play. This place really is like a prison. I'm sure his life wouldn't be so restricted if I hadn't come into the picture. I can't help but blame myself for the loss of that child's freedom.

Many hours later...

I finally finished all my work! That was a nightmare. Edmund gives way too much. I should probably change into some real clothes, so that incident doesn't happen again with those guards. While I was changing I noticed something with my markings, they almost looked like they had grown bigger? I knew they grew in size, but I just assumed it was because I was growing taller, but I've stopped growing any taller for a few years now so why-

As I was about to make an explanation for myself I heard a knock at the door.

"Sire, it's me Reginald."

"Oh, come on in Regi."

Reginald opens the door looking quite disappointment, "Your majesty, may you please not call my that silly nickname."

I laugh, "I'll stop calling you Regi if you stop pestering me to get married, I am only 17 you know."

He sighs deeply, "Very well, but I still do insist you get married."

"Regi, you have failed to keep up the deal within two seconds."

He grins, "I can't help it Sire, the thought of you getting married makes me feel like a proud father."

"Don't worry about it Regi, I'm sure I'll find someone, someday… not."

He smiles brightly, "Well I'm glad to hear that, now as to why I am here, you have a visitor."

"Did you not hear the part where I said not." As I realize he said visitor I couldn't help to reply with, "If they are trying to marry me I'm not interested, and I'm not obliged to sign any more trading shipments across the eastern seas."

"Sire, it's not that, will you just please get dressed."

As I annoyingly agree to go I have a strange urge that I would really not like this person. At first I thought I was just tired, but I had a gut feeling this person would be a pain in the ass.

"Alright, I'm ready." I try to loosen my tie because it was getting way to itchy for anyone to bear at that point.

Reginald points out something that I wish he really wouldn't notice, "Not quite, you forgot the kingdom's crest."

I look at Regi with a "seriously" face and he knew I wasn't going to put that on.

"Oh alright, just this time, but next time you will wear it."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, but would you please stop calling me sire...I don't really deserve a title."

He chuckles. I got almost annoyed as I try to open up to him. My irritated face said it all.

He smiles, "I'm sorry I just didn't know you were capable of saying please."

"Ha, ha very funny." I roll my eyes. After that we headed down the halls. It always got me ticked off when every guard would watch me like a hawk. Looking at me as if I was some monster. It's not like I can outrun them all. I've tried that already. As I get lost in thought I didn't even realize we had made it to the room.

Reginald taps me on the shoulder trying to get my attention, "Sir Liam, we have arrived."

The guards open the door and to my surprise I was not excepting someone dressed in a Southern Empire uniform. He must have traveled very far to get here. Considering we are in the Eastern Empire. I wonder why he had come all this way. What surprised me is that he didn't look like he was from the Southern Empire, he was a tall, slim, but some how a muscular at the same time, yeah I don't know either. He had deep red hair with piercing fiery eyes. Not something that someone from the Southern Empire would look like. As I analyzed this man from head to toe he smirks.

"Hello, Prince Liam. I am Duke Alistair from the Southern Empire, but I can see you already knew that. I heard you are very bright, but also very dense."

I was shocked that this man walked in here thinking he owned the place.

Alistair chuckles, "My apologies, they were only rumors I'm sure they're false." He grins almost like he thought that he was some high and mighty guy.

I answer back in a snarky tone, "Am I supposed to know you or something."

He chuckles, "Haha they weren't kidding when they said you had quite the attitude."

At that point I was heated enough as it was, "Ha and I don't remember asking."

He laughs it off, but I could tell he was already pissed. I knew this guy was trouble, but now he is just being annoying.

He glances at me, " Well, I suppose I should tell you why I am here."

He looks at everyone else in the room telling them to leave. At that point I knew it would be bad, but I had not expected what he was going to say next. After everyone left the room he looked me dead in the eyes. His eyes were like piercing daggers looking deep into mine. My body was aching at the sight of his sinister smile. One that was not human

He walked his way all up in my face almost touching it. His cold breath breathing down my neck. He then stroked my hair away from my ear. He leaned in. My body stood still it was hysterical at that point.

He whispers in my ear, "I know your secret Prince Liam or would it make you feel more comfortable if I said fallen angel Ezryn? I'll let you choose, in the mean time my little prince, I need you to corroperate with me, if you don't do so I can have a way to arrange your answer."

He slips me a paper sword into my hand. My throat became dry. My heart raced faster than ever before. How did he know about the markings, only a select few know about it. Everyone else just assumed I was some monster from who knows where. What worried me most was why he had one of the swords Ethan and I played with.

I was more enraged than fearful anymore. If he was threatening Ethan to get to me I promise he will regret it. I clenched my fits then looked directly up at those wicked eyes, "I don't know what game you're playing, but I am not going to give in so easily just because of a threat."

He backs away from my face and frowns, "I was afraid you would say that, I really didn't want to have to do something like this."

Alistair could tell that I had no idea what he was going to do and took that as an advantage.

"Oh don't worry I'm not going to do anything now, I will give you time to think it over." He gives a big grin walking toward the door.

Before opening the door he turns back at me, "This is our little secret, so don't go telling anyone or else I might have to shorten you time to decide."

As he leaves the room my heart sinks. I had no idea who this man was, what kind of power he had. I don't even know how to use my power, but he must have known that. He has a bigger and more dangerous plan than he made out to be. Whatever it was I know I had to prepare for it.

It was like playing a big chess game and I was his pawn ready to be used anytime. With the right leverage he could get anything he wanted. All I have to do is play the game and win.

Hewo, Kat here! I really hoped you enjoyed that. This is my first novel, so I really hope you will all love it as much as I do making it. Thank you for reading! <3

Kat_the_Kitsunecreators' thoughts