
When An Action Fan Reincarnates As the Novel's Villain

When action movie junkie Philipe finds himself reincarnated as Ryujin, the designated punching bag for the hero's experience points in a web novel he's never read, the story quickly morphs into a rollicking ride of unforeseen twists. Ryujin inadvertently spins the narrative on its head, oblivious to the original plot. The heroine, who was scripted to double-cross and slay him, now owes him a life debt. The adoptive sister, originally penned to loathe him, is head over heels in love with his character and has morphed into a hilarious, over-the-top Yandere. Meanwhile, Pedro faces repeated disappointment on a mission to steer Ryujin back to his villainous path. Ryujin, after all, is more interested in doing push-ups than causing mayhem. Welcome to the most absurdly delightful misinterpretation of a villain's life. #Yandere #Harem #Villain

Carrara2 · Historia
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34 Chs

Shattered Fears and Broken Plots

Ryujin, now an S-rank student, was on a mission to find his newfound friend, who had a unique artistic talent. 


"We should head back to the dorm, Ryujin-sama," Lexia suggested, trailing behind him.


"No, I need to find him. I've got to ask how he manages those incredible drawings." 


Despite his prowess in nearly every other area, drawing was his Achilles' heel. His attempts at art were laughably childlike, a blemish on his otherwise impressive skill sets.


"But, Ryujin-sama..." 


"Just come along, Lexia. It'll be fun." 


They wandered the school grounds until Ryujin spotted the boy he was looking for, engrossed in conversation with a girl sporting black hair – she had the air of a commoner. Nearby stood a blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy radiating nobility. The boy, Leo, was addressing the pair rather haughtily while the girl, Leticia, listened quietly.


"That's him, my new friend," Ryujin announced, quickening his pace.


As Ryujin approached, Leo turned to him with a sneer on his face.


"Ryujin Wan, surely you, as the eldest son of the Wan family, do you think the presence of commoners in our esteemed institution is quite distasteful?"


"I don't mind at all," he said, focusing on the artist boy who appeared stunned into silence.


"We're friends, right?" Ryujin tried to break the ice.


The boy, in turn, was paralyzed and said nothing.


Leo scoffed, "Ryujin, friends with a commoner? How ludicrous."


"Why do you ask?"

"These two, these D-rankers, they're sullying the view." 


Ryujin couldn't help but roll his eyes. 


"What a cliché and ridiculous thing to say. You sound like a bad movie villain – unoriginal and uninspiring."


His blunt words struck a nerve, and Leo's face reddened with anger, his pride wounded by Ryujin's dismissive attitude. Meanwhile, Ryujin turned back to the boy with a friendly smile, undeterred by the brewing confrontation.


Leo's face contorted with rage as he activated his unique ability. "Even a Wan like you will not escape my wrath for this insult."


His ability, known in Japanese as "Mana Kosei," allowed him to render any form of mana around him inert. It was a formidable power, especially in a world where mana was the cornerstone of strength and ability.


Lexia, standing confidently beside Ryujin, smirked. "You clearly haven't seen what Ryujin-sama can do without relying on mana."


"I've watched him, but even his physical feats are enhanced by mana. My ability negates that, making everyone truly equal."


Leo's ability was a central plot point in Regressor Survival, often used to dominate other mana users. However, the catch was that it nullified his mana, forcing him to rely solely on his physical prowess.


"Interesting technique."


Before finishing his thought, Leo lunged forward with a swift punch aimed at Ryujin. However, Ryujin's reflexes were quicker. He sidestepped the attack with ease, his movement fluid and precise. He delivered a counterpunch in the same fluid motion that sent Leo staggering backward.


Leo recovered quickly and charged again, but it was clear that Ryujin held the upper hand. Each of Leo's strikes was expertly dodged or parried by Ryujin, who moved with a grace and efficiency that betrayed his deep understanding of hand-to-hand combat. Ryujin's counterattacks were measured yet powerful, each strike pushing Leo closer to defeat.


"Let's see what you're made of, Leo," Ryujin taunted, his smile widening with each passing moment.

Leo, thrown off by Ryujin's evident enjoyment, launched a series of desperate attacks. In his world, his ability to nullify mana had always given him the upper hand, allowing him to toy with his opponents. But Ryujin wasn't just any opponent; he was a true warrior who found joy in battle, thriving under pressure where others would crumble.


Ryujin continued to dodge Leo's strikes effortlessly, his movements a blur of speed and precision. Each of Leo's punches and kicks were anticipated and countered as if Ryujin could read his mind. Frustrated and running out of options, Leo resorted to underhanded tactics.


With a swift kick, he sent a cloud of dirt and dust flying toward Ryujin, hoping to impair his vision. But Ryujin seemed to almost expect it. He closed his eyes for a split second, relying on his other senses. When he opened them again, he had already sidestepped the incoming debris.


As the fight progressed, Ryujin's dominance became more pronounced. He deftly avoided Leo's every attempt to land a hit, his smile never fading. Leo, on the other hand, grew increasingly agitated, his movements becoming sloppy and predictable. Ryujin capitalized on every mistake, landing precise, controlled blows that wore Leo down.


The contrast between the two fighters was stark. Leo, relying on dirty tricks and brute force, was no match for Ryujin's skill, honed through relentless training and a deep understanding of combat. 


"Stop... Please, stop," Leo's voice quivered, his bravado shattered.


The fight had turned into a one-sided display. Ryujin, with a grin still plastered on his face, reveled in the challenge. At the same time, Leo's confidence crumbled with each passing second. Leo's legs began to shake uncontrollably, the fear evident in his eyes. He stumbled backward, his previous arrogance replaced by sheer terror.

Observing Leo's breakdown, Ryujin halted his assault. 


"I thought you'd be more of a challenge. Anyway, time to chat with my friend." He turned his attention to the boy who had been watching the entire scene, frozen in shock.


Unknowingly, Ryujin had just derailed another central plot line of Regressor Survival. In the original story, this encounter was supposed to spark a cruel bullying campaign against the boy, led by Leo and the original Ryujin. The harassment would escalate to a tragic point where Leo would end up killing the boy, leading to a chain of vengeance and sorrow.

But here, in this altered narrative, not only had Ryujin prevented Leo from tormenting the boy, but he had also thoroughly intimidated Leo. The tables had turned. The bully was now haunted by his fear of Ryujin. In this unexpected turn of events, Ryujin unknowingly becomes a protector rather than an aggressor, altering the course of the story and the fates of those involved.



In the secluded corner of the school, Scarlet observed the unfolding drama with a mixture of frustration and intrigue. Though unusual, her role was clear: She ensured Ryujin reverted to his villainous ways as depicted in Regressor Survival. The job was odd, but the payment from her mysterious contractor was too lucrative to ignore.


Her original scheme had multiple layers. The first involved using Leo, known for his notorious escapades and manipulative charm, to ensnare Ryujin. The idea was to create a scenario where Ryujin, entangled in a passionate affair, would be driven by jealousy and possessiveness. Scarlet intended to play the role of the damsel in distress, a facade to awaken Ryujin's latent primal instincts of protection and dominance. The plan required meticulous coordination, with Leo enrolling in the same school and Scarlet positioning herself as the maiden to be rescued.


But as she witnessed Leo's utter defeat and his newfound fear of Ryujin, Scarlet realized her plan was crumbling. 


"Leo is too reckless, flirting with danger just as he does with every woman he meets." 


A message suddenly popped up on a screen before her. It was transparent and ethereal, visible only to her eyes, a high-tech means of communication from her employer. 


The text on the screen was clear: [The first plan failed.]


Feeling a twinge of unease, Scarlet replied, "Yes, my lord. I apologize for the oversight."


Her employer's response was swift: [Do not fret. I have a contingency – a replacement for Leo. It's time to summon individuals from another world.]