
Wheel of chaos

World has been changed ever since a wheel had appeared in the sky .As the first time wheel rotates human gain mana while weapons became useless and animals became beasts , plant was the first to adapt to mana and evolve into plants that produce mana fruit or absorb nearby beasts as nourishment to produce mana fruit.The second time it opens portal into other worlds and many species such as Demi human,dwarves,elfs,and monsters into earth.The third time wheel rotates to produce dungeon inside earth or outside gate From another planet. The novel starts from 3250 which is after 1200 years where human adapted to changes and evolve after wheel of chaos had appeared meanwhile reasearch had predicted that next time Wheel of Chaos rotates in 18 years and it was confirmed by Demi human, dwarves, elfs that it will be arrival of vampire and demons The elf dwarves Demi human ran away from their own planet to earth because of vampire and demons so races United in protecting the planet but they realised it was too late since many spies and forces came into earth via gates .Our protagonist is a young boy who saw his own father dies in the hands of a vampire . Desiring revenge he wants to get stronger by joining the academy where human and other races train for the upcoming war in 18 years but they have no idea that vampire and demons are the last enemies are someone even stronger are waiting behind them NOTE: MC is a kid in novel so don't expect the kid to be powerful and smart from the start

Gamer_Reader · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Chapter 1: Wheel descents and a boy's revenge

In 2050 where human technology where at its peak became completely immobile due to wheel appeared in the sky then a energy was released into entire world which was later termed as "mana". Causing the earth to expand in size by 3 times .Many changes after the wheel descents planet evolve and produce mana fruit on the own or capture animals within their area to produce Mana fruit.Animal evolve into monsters by consuming mana in the air or by consuming mana fruit from plants . Meanwhile satellite fall due to lack of maintenance by human causing Chaos and unrest between people.When human understood how to use mana wheel started to rotate and then new species such as Demi human, dwarves ,elfs arrived on earth.At first human where caution that each race took a territory. When human attempt to communicate with dwarves, the dwarves declared that we stay in this planet in peace and few trade was done between dwarves and human. Then human learned dwarf technology that worked used using mana . Demi human took forest as their territory and lived on earth. Humans who lost almost 65% of its population lived in hiding most of the time before the other races arrived.

👉 with dwarves technology,

👉elf mana training,

👉Demi human combat arts,

👉human survival adaptability

humans came out for survival against the beasts.

Then 5 years later human learned that their own combat arts such as swordman,spearman , unarmed combat arts and be integrated into mana developing their own combat arts.

Then the wheel of chaos rotates again giving birth to dungeon and formation of gates . After a few years In the year 2550 human researchers predicted that next time Wheel of chaos will rotates in 18 years but they were late because vampire and demons minion armies have entered the earth through gates causing casualties to all races in which were 12 year old boy who was waiting for his father outside the gate saw his father dies right in front of him as he was oppressed by demon mana pressure and fainted.

when he woke up he saw his mother sleeping besides him in the hospital .He enquired the nearby nurse to how what happens then he learnt that he was with the dead bodies luckily he was not awakened so the demon did not notice him . After an while his mother woke up saying that he was unconscious for 30 hours .When he remembered his father death he got enraged and then his mother calmed him down . But in his heart he took a vow that he will eradicate all the vampires and demons .