
What Lies Beyond the glass

"Welcome to Neo City, a dazzling metropolis where progress and decadence share the same neon-lit streets. Amongst its opulence lies Elysium, an exclusive haunt for the city's wealthiest, where entertainment transcends traditional boundaries, offering experiences of unimaginable thrill and wonder. Our story's beacon in the dark is Hikari Nakamoto, a Japanese ex-gangbanger, lost in the city's underbelly, a puppet in the wealthy's grand theatre. Haunted by his past, and tormented by his present, Hikari's life takes a dramatic turn, pulling him deeper into Neo City's shadows. This cyberpunk odyssey leads us through the city's gleaming towers and grimy alleyways, following Hikari's desperate struggle for freedom and justice. In a world that blurs the line between reality and the surreal, he must uncover a chilling truth hidden in plain sight. This tale of one man's fight against exploitation explores dark themes of ethics, humanity, and the disturbing price of pleasure. As Hikari ventures into the heart of the darkness, one question lingers - How far would you go for the sake of entertainment?"

Ryodante · Ciudad
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9 Chs


In the austere silence of her opulent penthouse suite, Mrs. Jude looked over the midnight spectrum of Neo City, her eyes reflecting the vibrant dance of neon lights. Within the crystal confines of her whiskey glass, the city's chaos was distilled to a hypnotic waltz.

A holographic slate rested on the table, dormant but alert, ready to serve. As a notification pierced the quietude, "Hideo Takahashi" glowed on the display in sharp, silvery characters. A moment passed before she allowed the intrusion, and a hologram of a seasoned Japanese man flickered to life. His eyes bore the marks of a man seared by life in the underworld, a seasoned Yakuza operative.

"お手数をおかけしますが,よろしくお願いします," she began, her English accent painting the Japanese words in a unique hue, a courteous - "Sorry for the inconvenience, but thank you in advance."

Hideo responded with a curt nod, the rigid discipline of his upbringing dictating his poise. "Mrs. Jude," his voice rumbled, the gravelly syllables forming in Japanese and appearing in English on the holographic slate.

"We are proceeding as planned, Hideo?" she inquired, her tone layered with the certainty of a woman unaccustomed to disappointment.

"はい, 進行中です," Hideo confirmed, his eyes hinting a spark of curiosity. The words translated on her slate - "Yes, it is in progress."

"Excellent. We have a remarkable opportunity, Hideo," she stated, her eyes revealing an icy determination.

"彼の選択は何ですか?" he ventured - "What is his choice?"

"The Rising Sun," she revealed, a predatory satisfaction creeping into her voice. "Our guest wishes to delve into the murky depths of the Yakuza world. He seeks a complex dilemma of loyalty versus friendship."

Hideo's smirk was like a sliver of a crescent moon against the night sky, his eyes reflecting a newfound interest. "彼は誠実さを試されるでしょう," he mused - "His sincerity will be put to the test."

As they conversed, the undercurrent of their words danced a dangerous tango. The unspoken implications wove a web that was about to ensnare a willing prey.

"The test will not be confined to sincerity alone," Mrs. Jude hinted, her words leaving a trail of foreboding.

Hideo's sharp eyes narrowed slightly, sensing that the stakes had been heightened. This was more than a simple business transaction; it was a high-stakes gamble on a grand stage.

They proceeded to discuss the intricate logistics, dissecting every detail, and analyzing every possible scenario. With each passing moment, the smoldering tension beneath the surface roared to life.

Hideo's slate flickered, revealing the face of a young man - handsome, charismatic, and seemingly unsuspecting. "This is Hikaru Nakamoto," he introduced, the predatory gleam in his eyes hinting at the lamb being led to slaughter.

"Hikaru fucked up," he stated, his voice dropping an octave. "他は大きな間違いをしました. A big mistake. But he doesn't know that yet." The implications hung in the air like an executioner's axe.

Mrs. Jude considered the image of Hikaru, a faint smile playing on her lips. She was a grandmaster presiding over her chessboard, and the pieces were finally aligning. "面白い," she concluded, her satisfaction evident - "Interesting." The call ended, and the room was once again reclaimed by silence, save for the soft clink of ice in her glass.