
What It Means To Live Like You

MiHea · Ciudad
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Na-ri stood at the entrance of the amusement park, her breath catching at the sight before her. The vivid lights of the park against the dark canvas of the night sky created a mesmerizing, almost magical scene. This sight was to die for. Her fateful encounter with Eun-seo on her way here added a layer of serendipity to the evening, making her feel that coming to the amusement park might not be such a bad idea after all.

Earlier, Eun-seo had been speeding down the road on his motorcycle, fueled by anger. He nearly collided with Na-ri as she crossed the street, the near-miss leaving them both shaken. In a desperate attempt to make amends for the life-threatening incident, he offered her money. But Na-ri, with her characteristic spontaneity, had a different idea.

"Join me at the amusement park," she proposed, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of mischief and excitement.

Eun-seo, still holding out the money, was taken aback by her request. He had expected anger or a demand for compensation, not an invitation. He looked at her, puzzled, as she stared intently at the Ferris wheel, captivated by the pretty lights it emitted.

"Let's go in," she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the entrance.

' First , a fight with dad. Now a random woman I don't even know comes here and starts bossing me around. Arghh! Let's just get this done and over with. I can't bear this anymore. I need to calm down', Eun-seo said gripping unto the hems of his shirt.

The evening unfolded like a whirlwind. From the merry-go-round to the haunted house, from the claw machine to the roller coaster, and from ice cream to cotton candy, Na-ri threw herself into each activity with unrestrained joy. She dragged Eun-seo from stall to stall, her enthusiasm infectious. To his surprise, he found himself enjoying it as much as she did. He never looked annoyed; instead, he seemed genuinely delighted by her company.

"And now, the best for last," Na-ri exclaimed, pointing at the Ferris wheel with a triumphant grin. She took his hand again and led him to the ride.

"Sir, we'd like to have five rounds. How much is that?" Na-ri asked the attendant, her face brimming with excitement. She was like a firework about to burst, her energy boundless.

The Ferris wheel began its slow, majestic ascent, and Na-ri gazed at the city below, her eyes wide with wonder. "Hey, look! Isn't it pretty?" she asked, her smile stretching from ear to ear.

" Today isn't as bad as I painted it", he murmured smiling at Na-ri that began to smile at the night view.

The view was indeed breathtaking, but Eun-seo found the sight of Na-ri's curious and excited expression even more satisfying. "Hey, I never caught your name," he said, pulling out his phone.

"Oh, that's true. I'm Na-ri. You?" she replied, taking his phone and entering her number. She called her own phone to make sure she hadn't made a mistake.

"Eun-seo," he said, smiling.

' hmm Eun-seo, I'm so glad I met someone like you today. J don't know when next I'll get to see such a person like you. I'll feel more worthless than I already am', Na-ri thought to herself as she gave Eun-seo her brightest smile.

By their third ascent to the top, her expression had shifted from sheer excitement to a more reflective, serene look. The city below sparkled like a thousand stars, but Eun-seo couldn't take his eyes off Na-ri.

"I'm glad I spent the day with you, really," Eun-seo said, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Me too," she replied warmly.

As they reached the top for the fifth and final time, Eun-seo glanced at Na-ri and noticed her eyes fluttering closed. At first, he thought she was merely tired, but then her head slumped against the side of the cabin, and her body went limp.

"Na-ri?" he called out, panic rising in his voice.

" Na-ri! Wake up "


His calls went unanswered. By the time the Ferris wheel reached the ground, Eun-seo had already unbuckled her seatbelt and lifted her into his arms. He ran through the amusement park, shouting for help, his heart pounding with fear.

He flagged down a cab and, with urgency in his voice, instructed the driver to take them to the nearest hospital. The journey felt interminable, and Eun-seo's anxiety only grew as he watched Na-ri's still form.

At the hospital, doctors quickly took Na-ri from his arms and wheeled her into an examination room. Eun-seo paced the waiting area, his mind racing with worry and guilt. He hadn't known her long, but the thought of losing her was unbearable.

When a nurse finally emerged, she approached Eun-seo with a calm, professional demeanor. "She's of poor health," the nurse explained. "She needs plenty of rest."

Relief washed over him, but it was short-lived. As Na-ri regained consciousness, she looked around the room, her eyes wide with confusion and fear.

"Where am I?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Na-ri, are you alright?" Eun-seo asked, his face still clouded with concern.

"No, I'm not. I don't know where I am!" she yelled, her panic escalating.

"It's the hospital," a nurse interjected gently.

"What the hell is a hospital? Is this kidnapping? Let go of me! Who are you people?" she continued, her voice rising in hysteria.

"I'll inform the Royal Knights about this atrocity you are committing by holding a member of the Royal Family of Goryeo!" she shouted, standing up and ripping out her IV with alarming determination.

"Unhand me!" she demanded, her voice unwavering.

"The Goryeo Kingdom ended 1,000 years ago, miss," the doctor said, trying to calm her down.

" Ehh", she yelled, her shock at hearing such a news.

"Are you mad?" she yelled, grabbing the doctor's collar, her eyes blazing with fury and confusion.

"The sedative, now," the doctor ordered, his voice steady.

Na-ri struggled as the nurse approached with a syringe, her movements frantic and desperate. "When I wake…" she began, her voice trailing off as the sedative took effect.